Commit 8726da25 authored by!shemminger's avatar!shemminger

make prototypes align with functions.

(Logical change 1.16)
parent 5dfe5561
#ifndef RT_NAMES_H_
#define RT_NAMES_H_ 1
const char* rtnl_rtprot_n2a(int id, char *buf, int len);
const char* rtnl_rtscope_n2a(int id, char *buf, int len);
const char* rtnl_rttable_n2a(int id, char *buf, int len);
const char* rtnl_rtrealm_n2a(int id, char *buf, int len);
const char* rtnl_dsfield_n2a(int id, char *buf, int len);
int rtnl_rtprot_a2n(int *id, char *arg);
int rtnl_rtscope_a2n(int *id, char *arg);
int rtnl_rttable_a2n(int *id, char *arg);
#include <asm/types.h>
char* rtnl_rtprot_n2a(int id, char *buf, int len);
char* rtnl_rtscope_n2a(int id, char *buf, int len);
char* rtnl_rttable_n2a(int id, char *buf, int len);
char* rtnl_rtrealm_n2a(int id, char *buf, int len);
char* rtnl_dsfield_n2a(int id, char *buf, int len);
int rtnl_rtprot_a2n(__u32 *id, char *arg);
int rtnl_rtscope_a2n(__u32 *id, char *arg);
int rtnl_rttable_a2n(__u32 *id, char *arg);
int rtnl_rtrealm_a2n(__u32 *id, char *arg);
int rtnl_dsfield_a2n(__u32 *id, char *arg);
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