Commit 6e124005 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 17fbf801
------------------------------ MODULE KBackery ------------------------------
CONSTANT N \* number of processes
--algorithm KBackery
\* > *[i] is located on memory unit of proc[i]
ticket = [i \in 1..N |-> 0] \* ticket=0 means "inactive" XXX or `^\infty^' ?
inentry = [i \in 1..N |-> FALSE] \* T while in entry. To avoid ~ME(cs) on wait/entry race
process(i \in 1..N)
variable j \in Nat
while (TRUE) {
\* > get a ticket
inentry[i] := TRUE
ticket[i] := 1 + max(ticket[j] \A j \in 1..N) \* NOTE race wrt reading ticket[j]
inentry[i] := FALSE
\* > wait till when got ticket is < all other tickets
for j \in 1..N {
\* wait while proc[j] completes its entry, if it was in there, to make
\* sure that ticket[j] becomes settled if it was wait[i]/entry[j] race.
\* NOTE wait[i]/entry[j] race is only possible if entry[i]/entry[j] race precedes it.
while (inentry[j])
goto Lwait_entry;
\* wait for proc[i] is ahead of proc[j].
while (~(ticket[j]=0 \/ (ticket[i],i) < (ticket[j],j)))
goto Lwait_mytick;
\* > service
cs: skip
\* > end - recycle the ticket
ticket[i] := 0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
ticket[i] := 0
получить талончик
ticket[i] := 1 + max(ticket[j]
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