Commit bd2d1550 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent 448efbb8
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......@@ -56,41 +56,46 @@ EdgeQQ(e) == LET x == CHOOSE x \in e : TRUE
--algorithm Route {
variables depth \* node -> depth
variables ZZdepth \* node -> depth
= [[n \in Nodes |-> Inf] EXCEPT ![root] = 0],
parent \* node -> parent node
ZZparent \* node -> parent node
= [[n \in Nodes |-> NoRoute] EXCEPT ![root] = root],
\* msgs[<<n,m>>] is message queue for n->m
msgs = [UNION {EdgeQQ(e) : e \in Edges} |-> << >>];
msgs = [q \in (UNION {EdgeQQ(e) : e \in Edges}) |-> << >>];
fair process (RT \in Nodes) {
fair process (RT \in Nodes)
variables depth = IF self = root THEN 0 ELSE Inf,
parent = IF self = root THEN root ELSE NoRoute;
loop: while (TRUE) {
\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "b5e3ebb1" /\ chksum(tla) = "59198579")
VARIABLES depth, parent, msg
\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "65933661" /\ chksum(tla) = "ff5ab133")
VARIABLES ZZdepth, ZZparent, msgs, depth, parent
vars == << depth, parent, msg >>
vars == << ZZdepth, ZZparent, msgs, depth, parent >>
ProcSet == (Nodes)
Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ depth = [[n \in Nodes |-> Inf] EXCEPT ![root] = 0]
/\ parent = [[n \in Nodes |-> NoRoute] EXCEPT ![root] = root]
/\ msg = [n,m \in Nodes |-> <<>>]
/\ ZZdepth = [[n \in Nodes |-> Inf] EXCEPT ![root] = 0]
/\ ZZparent = [[n \in Nodes |-> NoRoute] EXCEPT ![root] = root]
/\ msgs = [q \in (UNION {EdgeQQ(e) : e \in Edges}) |-> << >>]
(* Process RT *)
/\ depth = [self \in Nodes |-> IF self = root THEN 0 ELSE Inf]
/\ parent = [self \in Nodes |-> IF self = root THEN root ELSE NoRoute]
RT(self) == /\ TRUE
/\ UNCHANGED << depth, parent, msg >>
/\ UNCHANGED << ZZdepth, ZZparent, msgs, depth, parent >>
Next == (\E self \in Nodes: RT(self))
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ \A self \in Nodes : WF_vars(RT(self))
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