Commit 7942bdd4 authored by Fabio Aiuto's avatar Fabio Aiuto Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: rtl8723bs: remove unneeded loop

remove unneeded loop over multiple spatial streams
as phy only works on 1 spatial stream.

Removed commented code, removed condition
always satisfied, beautified comments.
Signed-off-by: default avatarFabio Aiuto <>
Link: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 0d6dc437
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(
struct odm_packet_info *pPktinfo
u8 i, Max_spatial_stream;
u8 i;
s8 rx_pwr[4], rx_pwr_all = 0;
u8 RSSI, total_rssi = 0;
......@@ -182,30 +182,27 @@ static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(
pPhyInfo->rx_power = rx_pwr_all;
pPhyInfo->recv_signal_power = rx_pwr_all;
{/* pMgntInfo->CustomerID != RT_CID_819x_Lenovo */
/* */
/* (3)EVM of HT rate */
/* */
Max_spatial_stream = 1; /* only spatial stream 1 makes sense */
for (i = 0; i < Max_spatial_stream; i++) {
/* Do not use shift operation like "rx_evmX >>= 1" because the compilor of free build environment */
/* fill most significant bit to "zero" when doing shifting operation which may change a negative */
/* value to positive one, then the dbm value (which is supposed to be negative) is not correct anymore. */
EVM = odm_EVMdbToPercentage((pPhyStaRpt->stream_rxevm[i])); /* dbm */
/* if (pPktinfo->bPacketMatchBSSID) */
if (i == ODM_RF_PATH_A) /* Fill value in RFD, Get the first spatial stream only */
* (3)EVM of HT rate
* Only spatial stream 1 makes sense
* Do not use shift operation like "rx_evmX >>= 1"
* because the compiler of free build environment
* fill most significant bit to "zero" when doing
* shifting operation which may change a negative
* value to positive one, then the dbm value (which
* is supposed to be negative) is not correct
* anymore.
EVM = odm_EVMdbToPercentage(pPhyStaRpt->stream_rxevm[0]); /* dbm */
/* Fill value in RFD, Get the first spatial stream only */
pPhyInfo->signal_quality = (u8)(EVM & 0xff);
pPhyInfo->rx_mimo_signal_quality[i] = (u8)(EVM & 0xff);
pPhyInfo->rx_mimo_signal_quality[ODM_RF_PATH_A] = (u8)(EVM & 0xff);
ODM_ParsingCFO(pDM_Odm, pPktinfo, pPhyStaRpt->path_cfotail);
/* UI BSS List signal strength(in percentage), make it good looking, from 0~100. */
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