Commit a1d2fcfd authored by Rafael J. Wysocki's avatar Rafael J. Wysocki

Merge branch 'pm-tools'

* pm-tools:
  tools: power: pm-graph: Package makefile and man pages
  tools: power: pm-graph: AnalyzeBoot v2.0
  tools: power: pm-graph: AnalyzeSuspend v4.6
  tools/power/x86/intel_pstate_tracer: Adjust directory ownership
parents 060d0fbb 22440373
PREFIX ?= /usr
@echo "Nothing to build"
install :
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pm-graph
install $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pm-graph
install $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pm-graph
ln -s $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pm-graph/ $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/bootgraph
ln -s $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pm-graph/ $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/sleepgraph
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man8
install bootgraph.8 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man8
install sleepgraph.8 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man8
uninstall :
rm $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man8/bootgraph.8
rm $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man8/sleepgraph.8
rm $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/bootgraph
rm $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/sleepgraph
rm $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pm-graph/
rm $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pm-graph/
rmdir $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/pm-graph
# Tool for analyzing boot timing
# Copyright (c) 2013, Intel Corporation.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# Authors:
# Todd Brandt <>
# Description:
# This tool is designed to assist kernel and OS developers in optimizing
# their linux stack's boot time. It creates an html representation of
# the kernel boot timeline up to the start of the init process.
# ----------------- LIBRARIES --------------------
import sys
import time
import os
import string
import re
import platform
import shutil
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE
import analyze_suspend as aslib
# ----------------- CLASSES --------------------
# Class: SystemValues
# Description:
# A global, single-instance container used to
# store system values and test parameters
class SystemValues(aslib.SystemValues):
title = 'BootGraph'
version = 2.0
hostname = 'localhost'
testtime = ''
kernel = ''
dmesgfile = ''
ftracefile = ''
htmlfile = 'bootgraph.html'
outfile = ''
phoronix = False
addlogs = False
useftrace = False
usedevsrc = True
suspendmode = 'boot'
max_graph_depth = 2
graph_filter = 'do_one_initcall'
reboot = False
manual = False
iscronjob = False
timeformat = '%.6f'
def __init__(self):
if('LOG_FILE' in os.environ and 'TEST_RESULTS_IDENTIFIER' in os.environ):
self.phoronix = True
self.addlogs = True
self.outfile = os.environ['LOG_FILE']
self.htmlfile = os.environ['LOG_FILE']
self.hostname = platform.node()
self.testtime ='%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
if os.path.exists('/proc/version'):
fp = open('/proc/version', 'r')
val =
self.kernel = self.kernelVersion(val)
self.kernel = 'unknown'
def kernelVersion(self, msg):
return msg.split()[2]
def kernelParams(self):
cmdline = 'initcall_debug log_buf_len=32M'
if self.useftrace:
cmdline += ' trace_buf_size=128M trace_clock=global '\
'nofuncgraph-overhead,context-info,graph-time '\
'ftrace=function_graph '\
'ftrace_graph_max_depth=%d '\
'ftrace_graph_filter=%s' % \
(self.max_graph_depth, self.graph_filter)
return cmdline
def setGraphFilter(self, val):
fp = open(self.tpath+'available_filter_functions')
master ='\n')
for i in val.split(','):
func = i.strip()
if func not in master:
doError('function "%s" not available for ftrace' % func)
self.graph_filter = val
def cronjobCmdString(self):
cmdline = '%s -cronjob' % os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
args = iter(sys.argv[1:])
for arg in args:
if arg in ['-h', '-v', '-cronjob', '-reboot']:
elif arg in ['-o', '-dmesg', '-ftrace', '-filter']:
cmdline += ' '+arg
if self.graph_filter != 'do_one_initcall':
cmdline += ' -filter "%s"' % self.graph_filter
cmdline += ' -o "%s"' % os.path.abspath(self.htmlfile)
return cmdline
def manualRebootRequired(self):
cmdline = self.kernelParams()
print 'To generate a new timeline manually, follow these steps:\n'
print '1. Add the CMDLINE string to your kernel command line.'
print '2. Reboot the system.'
print '3. After reboot, re-run this tool with the same arguments but no command (w/o -reboot or -manual).\n'
print 'CMDLINE="%s"' % cmdline
sysvals = SystemValues()
# Class: Data
# Description:
# The primary container for test data.
class Data(aslib.Data):
dmesg = {} # root data structure
start = 0.0 # test start
end = 0.0 # test end
dmesgtext = [] # dmesg text file in memory
testnumber = 0
idstr = ''
html_device_id = 0
valid = False
initstart = 0.0
boottime = ''
phases = ['boot']
do_one_initcall = False
def __init__(self, num):
self.testnumber = num
self.idstr = 'a'
self.dmesgtext = []
self.dmesg = {
'boot': {'list': dict(), 'start': -1.0, 'end': -1.0, 'row': 0, 'color': '#dddddd'}
def deviceTopology(self):
return ''
def newAction(self, phase, name, start, end, ret, ulen):
# new device callback for a specific phase
self.html_device_id += 1
devid = '%s%d' % (self.idstr, self.html_device_id)
list = self.dmesg[phase]['list']
length = -1.0
if(start >= 0 and end >= 0):
length = end - start
i = 2
origname = name
while(name in list):
name = '%s[%d]' % (origname, i)
i += 1
list[name] = {'name': name, 'start': start, 'end': end,
'pid': 0, 'length': length, 'row': 0, 'id': devid,
'ret': ret, 'ulen': ulen }
return name
def deviceMatch(self, cg):
if cg.end - cg.start == 0:
return True
list = self.dmesg['boot']['list']
for devname in list:
dev = list[devname]
if == 'do_one_initcall':
if(cg.start <= dev['start'] and cg.end >= dev['end'] and dev['length'] > 0):
dev['ftrace'] = cg
self.do_one_initcall = True
return True
if(cg.start > dev['start'] and cg.end < dev['end']):
if 'ftraces' not in dev:
dev['ftraces'] = []
return True
return False
# ----------------- FUNCTIONS --------------------
# Function: loadKernelLog
# Description:
# Load a raw kernel log from dmesg
def loadKernelLog():
data = Data(0)
data.dmesg['boot']['start'] = data.start = ktime = 0.0
sysvals.stamp = {
'time':'%B %d %Y, %I:%M:%S %p'),
'host': sysvals.hostname,
'mode': 'boot', 'kernel': ''}
devtemp = dict()
lf = open(sysvals.dmesgfile, 'r')
lf = Popen('dmesg', stdout=PIPE).stdout
for line in lf:
line = line.replace('\r\n', '')
idx = line.find('[')
if idx > 1:
line = line[idx:]
m = re.match('[ \t]*(\[ *)(?P<ktime>[0-9\.]*)(\]) (?P<msg>.*)', line)
if(not m):
ktime = float('ktime'))
if(ktime > 120):
msg ='msg')
data.end = data.initstart = ktime
if(ktime == 0.0 and re.match('^Linux version .*', msg)):
if(not sysvals.stamp['kernel']):
sysvals.stamp['kernel'] = sysvals.kernelVersion(msg)
m = re.match('.* setting system clock to (?P<t>.*) UTC.*', msg)
bt = datetime.strptime('t'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
bt = bt - timedelta(seconds=int(ktime))
data.boottime = bt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
sysvals.stamp['time'] = bt.strftime('%B %d %Y, %I:%M:%S %p')
m = re.match('^calling *(?P<f>.*)\+.*', msg)
devtemp['f')] = ktime
m = re.match('^initcall *(?P<f>.*)\+.* returned (?P<r>.*) after (?P<t>.*) usecs', msg)
data.valid = True
f, r, t ='f', 'r', 't')
if(f in devtemp):
data.newAction('boot', f, devtemp[f], ktime, int(r), int(t))
data.end = ktime
del devtemp[f]
if(re.match('^Freeing unused kernel memory.*', msg)):
data.dmesg['boot']['end'] = data.end
return data
# Function: loadTraceLog
# Description:
# Check if trace is available and copy to a temp file
def loadTraceLog(data):
# load the data to a temp file if none given
if not sysvals.ftracefile:
lib = aslib.sysvals
if not lib.verifyFtrace():
doError('ftrace not available')
if lib.fgetVal('current_tracer').strip() != 'function_graph':
doError('ftrace not configured for a boot callgraph')
sysvals.ftracefile = '/tmp/boot_ftrace.%s.txt' % os.getpid()
call('cat '+lib.tpath+'trace > '+sysvals.ftracefile, shell=True)
if not sysvals.ftracefile:
doError('No trace data available')
# parse the trace log
ftemp = dict()
tp = aslib.TestProps()
tf = open(sysvals.ftracefile, 'r')
for line in tf:
if line[0] == '#':
m = re.match(tp.ftrace_line_fmt, line.strip())
if(not m):
m_time, m_proc, m_pid, m_msg, m_dur = \'time', 'proc', 'pid', 'msg', 'dur')
if float(m_time) > data.end:
if(m_time and m_pid and m_msg):
t = aslib.FTraceLine(m_time, m_msg, m_dur)
pid = int(m_pid)
if t.fevent or t.fkprobe:
key = (m_proc, pid)
if(key not in ftemp):
ftemp[key] = []
cg = ftemp[key][-1]
# add the callgraph data to the device hierarchy
for key in ftemp:
proc, pid = key
for cg in ftemp[key]:
if len(cg.list) < 1 or cg.invalid:
if(not cg.postProcess()):
print('Sanity check failed for %s-%d' % (proc, pid))
# match cg data to devices
if not data.deviceMatch(cg):
print ' BAD: %s %s-%d [%f - %f]' % (, proc, pid, cg.start, cg.end)
# Function: colorForName
# Description:
# Generate a repeatable color from a list for a given name
def colorForName(name):
list = [
('c1', '#ec9999'),
('c2', '#ffc1a6'),
('c3', '#fff0a6'),
('c4', '#adf199'),
('c5', '#9fadea'),
('c6', '#a699c1'),
('c7', '#ad99b4'),
('c8', '#eaffea'),
('c9', '#dcecfb'),
('c10', '#ffffea')
i = 0
total = 0
count = len(list)
while i < len(name):
total += ord(name[i])
i += 1
return list[total % count]
def cgOverview(cg, minlen):
stats = dict()
large = []
for l in cg.list:
if l.fcall and l.depth == 1:
if l.length >= minlen:
if not in stats:
stats[] = [0, 0.0]
stats[][0] += (l.length * 1000.0)
stats[][1] += 1
return (large, stats)
# Function: createBootGraph
# Description:
# Create the output html file from the resident test data
# Arguments:
# testruns: array of Data objects from parseKernelLog or parseTraceLog
# Output:
# True if the html file was created, false if it failed
def createBootGraph(data, embedded):
# html function templates
html_srccall = '<div id={6} title="{5}" class="srccall" style="left:{1}%;top:{2}px;height:{3}px;width:{4}%;line-height:{3}px;">{0}</div>\n'
html_timetotal = '<table class="time1">\n<tr>'\
'<td class="blue">Time from Kernel Boot to start of User Mode: <b>{0} ms</b></td>'\
# device timeline
devtl = aslib.Timeline(100, 20)
# write the test title and general info header
devtl.createHeader(sysvals, 'noftrace')
# Generate the header for this timeline
t0 = data.start
tMax = data.end
tTotal = tMax - t0
if(tTotal == 0):
print('ERROR: No timeline data')
return False
boot_time = '%.0f'%(tTotal*1000)
devtl.html += html_timetotal.format(boot_time)
# determine the maximum number of rows we need to draw
phase = 'boot'
list = data.dmesg[phase]['list']
devlist = []
for devname in list:
d = aslib.DevItem(0, phase, list[devname])
# draw the timeline background
boot = data.dmesg[phase]
length = boot['end']-boot['start']
left = '%.3f' % (((boot['start']-t0)*100.0)/tTotal)
width = '%.3f' % ((length*100.0)/tTotal)
devtl.html += devtl.html_tblock.format(phase, left, width, devtl.scaleH)
devtl.html += devtl.html_phase.format('0', '100', \
'%.3f'%devtl.scaleH, '%.3f'%devtl.bodyH, \
'white', '')
# draw the device timeline
num = 0
devstats = dict()
for devname in sorted(list):
cls, color = colorForName(devname)
dev = list[devname]
info = '@|%.3f|%.3f|%.3f|%d' % (dev['start']*1000.0, dev['end']*1000.0,
dev['ulen']/1000.0, dev['ret'])
devstats[dev['id']] = {'info':info}
dev['color'] = color
height = devtl.phaseRowHeight(0, phase, dev['row'])
top = '%.6f' % ((dev['row']*height) + devtl.scaleH)
left = '%.6f' % (((dev['start']-t0)*100)/tTotal)
width = '%.6f' % (((dev['end']-dev['start'])*100)/tTotal)
length = ' (%0.3f ms) ' % ((dev['end']-dev['start'])*1000)
devtl.html += devtl.html_device.format(dev['id'],
devname+length+'kernel_mode', left, top, '%.3f'%height,
width, devname, ' '+cls, '')
rowtop = devtl.phaseRowTop(0, phase, dev['row'])
height = '%.6f' % (devtl.rowH / 2)
top = '%.6f' % (rowtop + devtl.scaleH + (devtl.rowH / 2))
if data.do_one_initcall:
if('ftrace' not in dev):
cg = dev['ftrace']
large, stats = cgOverview(cg, 0.001)
devstats[dev['id']]['fstat'] = stats
for l in large:
left = '%f' % (((l.time-t0)*100)/tTotal)
width = '%f' % (l.length*100/tTotal)
title = '%s (%0.3fms)' % (, l.length * 1000.0)
devtl.html += html_srccall.format(, left,
top, height, width, title, 'x%d'%num)
num += 1
if('ftraces' not in dev):
for cg in dev['ftraces']:
left = '%f' % (((cg.start-t0)*100)/tTotal)
width = '%f' % ((cg.end-cg.start)*100/tTotal)
cglen = (cg.end - cg.start) * 1000.0
title = '%s (%0.3fms)' % (, cglen) = 'x%d' % num
devtl.html += html_srccall.format(, left,
top, height, width, title, dev['id']
num += 1
# draw the time scale, try to make the number of labels readable
devtl.createTimeScale(t0, tMax, tTotal, phase)
devtl.html += '</div>\n'
# timeline is finished
devtl.html += '</div>\n</div>\n'
if(sysvals.outfile == sysvals.htmlfile):
hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'a')
hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'w')
# add the css if this is not an embedded run
extra = '\
.c1 {background:rgba(209,0,0,0.4);}\n\
.c2 {background:rgba(255,102,34,0.4);}\n\
.c3 {background:rgba(255,218,33,0.4);}\n\
.c4 {background:rgba(51,221,0,0.4);}\n\
.c5 {background:rgba(17,51,204,0.4);}\n\
.c6 {background:rgba(34,0,102,0.4);}\n\
.c7 {background:rgba(51,0,68,0.4);}\n\
.c8 {background:rgba(204,255,204,0.4);}\n\
.c9 {background:rgba(169,208,245,0.4);}\n\
.c10 {background:rgba(255,255,204,0.4);}\n\
.vt {transform:rotate(-60deg);transform-origin:0 0;}\n\
table.fstat {table-layout:fixed;padding:150px 15px 0 0;font-size:10px;column-width:30px;}\n\
.fstat th {width:55px;}\n\
.fstat td {text-align:left;width:35px;}\n\
.srccall {position:absolute;font-size:10px;z-index:7;overflow:hidden;color:black;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;border-radius:5px;border:1px solid black;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#CCC,#969696);}\n\
.srccall:hover {color:white;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid white;}\n'
if(not embedded):
aslib.addCSS(hf, sysvals, 1, False, extra)
# write the device timeline
# add boot specific html
statinfo = 'var devstats = {\n'
for n in sorted(devstats):
statinfo += '\t"%s": [\n\t\t"%s",\n' % (n, devstats[n]['info'])
if 'fstat' in devstats[n]:
funcs = devstats[n]['fstat']
for f in sorted(funcs, key=funcs.get, reverse=True):
if funcs[f][0] < 0.01 and len(funcs) > 10:
statinfo += '\t\t"%f|%s|%d",\n' % (funcs[f][0], f, funcs[f][1])
statinfo += '\t],\n'
statinfo += '};\n'
html = \
'<div id="devicedetailtitle"></div>\n'\
'<div id="devicedetail" style="display:none;">\n'\
'<div id="devicedetail0">\n'\
'<div id="kernel_mode" class="phaselet" style="left:0%;width:100%;background:#DDDDDD"></div>\n'\
'<script type="text/javascript">\n'+statinfo+\
# add the callgraph html
aslib.addCallgraphs(sysvals, hf, data)
# add the dmesg log as a hidden div
if sysvals.addlogs:
hf.write('<div id="dmesglog" style="display:none;">\n')
for line in data.dmesgtext:
line = line.replace('<', '&lt').replace('>', '&gt')
if(not embedded):
# write the footer and close
aslib.addScriptCode(hf, [data])
# embedded out will be loaded in a page, skip the js
hf.write('<div id=bounds style=display:none>%f,%f</div>' % \
(data.start*1000, data.initstart*1000))
return True
# Function: updateCron
# Description:
# (restore=False) Set the tool to run automatically on reboot
# (restore=True) Restore the original crontab
def updateCron(restore=False):
if not restore:
crondir = '/var/spool/cron/crontabs/'
cronfile = crondir+'root'
backfile = crondir+'root-analyze_boot-backup'
if not os.path.exists(crondir):
doError('%s not found' % crondir)
out = Popen(['which', 'crontab'], stdout=PIPE)
if not out:
doError('crontab not found')
# on restore: move the backup cron back into place
if restore:
if os.path.exists(backfile):
shutil.move(backfile, cronfile)
# backup current cron and install new one with reboot
if os.path.exists(cronfile):
shutil.move(cronfile, backfile)
fp = open(backfile, 'w')
res = -1
fp = open(backfile, 'r')
op = open(cronfile, 'w')
for line in fp:
if '@reboot' not in line:
op.write('@reboot python %s\n' % sysvals.cronjobCmdString())
res = call('crontab %s' % cronfile, shell=True)
except Exception, e:
print 'Exception: %s' % str(e)
shutil.move(backfile, cronfile)
res = -1
if res != 0:
doError('crontab failed')
# Function: updateGrub
# Description:
# update grub.cfg for all kernels with our parameters
def updateGrub(restore=False):
# call update-grub on restore
if restore:
call(['update-grub'], stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,
env={'PATH': '.:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'})
except Exception, e:
print 'Exception: %s\n' % str(e)
# verify we can do this
grubfile = '/etc/default/grub'
if not os.path.exists(grubfile):
print 'ERROR: Unable to set the kernel parameters via grub.\n'
out = Popen(['which', 'update-grub'], stdout=PIPE)
if not out:
print 'ERROR: Unable to set the kernel parameters via grub.\n'
# extract the option and create a grub config without it
cmdline = ''
tempfile = '/etc/default/grub.analyze_boot'
shutil.move(grubfile, tempfile)
res = -1
fp = open(tempfile, 'r')
op = open(grubfile, 'w')
cont = False
for line in fp:
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#':
opt = line.split('=')[0].strip()
if opt == tgtopt:
cmdline = line.split('=', 1)[1].strip('\\')
if line[-1] == '\\':
cont = True
elif cont:
cmdline += line.strip('\\')
if line[-1] != '\\':
cont = False
op.write('%s\n' % line)
# if the target option value is in quotes, strip them
sp = '"'
val = cmdline.strip()
if val[0] == '\'' or val[0] == '"':
sp = val[0]
val = val.strip(sp)
cmdline = val
# append our cmd line options
if len(cmdline) > 0:
cmdline += ' '
cmdline += sysvals.kernelParams()
# write out the updated target option
op.write('\n%s=%s%s%s\n' % (tgtopt, sp, cmdline, sp))
res = call('update-grub')
except Exception, e:
print 'Exception: %s' % str(e)
res = -1
# cleanup
shutil.move(tempfile, grubfile)
if res != 0:
doError('update-grub failed')
# Function: doError
# Description:
# generic error function for catastrphic failures
# Arguments:
# msg: the error message to print
# help: True if printHelp should be called after, False otherwise
def doError(msg, help=False):
if help == True:
print 'ERROR: %s\n' % msg
# Function: printHelp
# Description:
# print out the help text
def printHelp():
print('%s v%.1f' % (sysvals.title, sysvals.version))
print('Usage: bootgraph <options> <command>')
print(' This tool reads in a dmesg log of linux kernel boot and')
print(' creates an html representation of the boot timeline up to')
print(' the start of the init process.')
print(' If no specific command is given the tool reads the current dmesg')
print(' and/or ftrace log and outputs bootgraph.html')
print(' -h Print this help text')
print(' -v Print the current tool version')
print(' -addlogs Add the dmesg log to the html output')
print(' -o file Html timeline name (default: bootgraph.html)')
print(' [advanced]')
print(' -f Use ftrace to add function detail (default: disabled)')
print(' -callgraph Add callgraph detail, can be very large (default: disabled)')
print(' -maxdepth N limit the callgraph data to N call levels (default: 2)')
print(' -mincg ms Discard all callgraphs shorter than ms milliseconds (e.g. 0.001 for us)')
print(' -timeprec N Number of significant digits in timestamps (0:S, 3:ms, [6:us])')
print(' -expandcg pre-expand the callgraph data in the html output (default: disabled)')
print(' -filter list Limit ftrace to comma-delimited list of functions (default: do_one_initcall)')
print(' [commands]')
print(' -reboot Reboot the machine automatically and generate a new timeline')
print(' -manual Show the requirements to generate a new timeline manually')
print(' -dmesg file Load a stored dmesg file (used with -ftrace)')
print(' -ftrace file Load a stored ftrace file (used with -dmesg)')
print(' -flistall Print all functions capable of being captured in ftrace')
return True
# ----------------- MAIN --------------------
# exec start (skipped if script is loaded as library)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# loop through the command line arguments
cmd = ''
simplecmds = ['-updategrub', '-flistall']
args = iter(sys.argv[1:])
for arg in args:
if(arg == '-h'):
elif(arg == '-v'):
print("Version %.1f" % sysvals.version)
elif(arg in simplecmds):
cmd = arg[1:]
elif(arg == '-f'):
sysvals.useftrace = True
elif(arg == '-callgraph'):
sysvals.useftrace = True
sysvals.usecallgraph = True
elif(arg == '-mincg'):
sysvals.mincglen = aslib.getArgFloat('-mincg', args, 0.0, 10000.0)
elif(arg == '-timeprec'):
sysvals.setPrecision(aslib.getArgInt('-timeprec', args, 0, 6))
elif(arg == '-maxdepth'):
sysvals.max_graph_depth = aslib.getArgInt('-maxdepth', args, 0, 1000)
elif(arg == '-filter'):
val =
doError('No filter functions supplied', True)
elif(arg == '-ftrace'):
val =
doError('No ftrace file supplied', True)
if(os.path.exists(val) == False):
doError('%s does not exist' % val)
sysvals.ftracefile = val
elif(arg == '-addlogs'):
sysvals.addlogs = True
elif(arg == '-expandcg'):
sysvals.cgexp = True
elif(arg == '-dmesg'):
val =
doError('No dmesg file supplied', True)
if(os.path.exists(val) == False):
doError('%s does not exist' % val)
if(sysvals.htmlfile == val or sysvals.outfile == val):
doError('Output filename collision')
sysvals.dmesgfile = val
elif(arg == '-o'):
val =
doError('No HTML filename supplied', True)
if(sysvals.dmesgfile == val or sysvals.ftracefile == val):
doError('Output filename collision')
sysvals.htmlfile = val
elif(arg == '-reboot'):
if sysvals.iscronjob:
doError('-reboot and -cronjob are incompatible')
sysvals.reboot = True
elif(arg == '-manual'):
sysvals.reboot = True
sysvals.manual = True
# remaining options are only for cron job use
elif(arg == '-cronjob'):
sysvals.iscronjob = True
if sysvals.reboot:
doError('-reboot and -cronjob are incompatible')
doError('Invalid argument: '+arg, True)
if cmd != '':
if cmd == 'updategrub':
elif cmd == 'flistall':
# update grub, setup a cronjob, and reboot
if sysvals.reboot:
if not sysvals.manual:
# disable the cronjob
if sysvals.iscronjob:
data = loadKernelLog()
if sysvals.useftrace:
if sysvals.iscronjob:
sysvals.fsetVal('0', 'tracing_on')
if(sysvals.outfile and sysvals.phoronix):
fp = open(sysvals.outfile, 'w')
fp.write('pass %s initstart %.3f end %.3f boot %s\n' %
(data.valid, data.initstart*1000, data.end*1000, data.boottime))
if(not data.valid):
if sysvals.dmesgfile:
doError('No initcall data found in %s' % sysvals.dmesgfile)
doError('No initcall data found, is initcall_debug enabled?')
print(' Host: %s' % sysvals.hostname)
print(' Test time: %s' % sysvals.testtime)
print(' Boot time: %s' % data.boottime)
print('Kernel Version: %s' % sysvals.kernel)
print(' Kernel start: %.3f' % (data.start * 1000))
print(' init start: %.3f' % (data.initstart * 1000))
createBootGraph(data, sysvals.phoronix)
...@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ ...@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details. # more details.
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Authors: # Authors:
# Todd Brandt <> # Todd Brandt <>
# #
...@@ -23,7 +19,7 @@ ...@@ -23,7 +19,7 @@
# Home Page # Home Page
# #
# Source repo # Source repo
# #
# #
# Description: # Description:
# This tool is designed to assist kernel and OS developers in optimizing # This tool is designed to assist kernel and OS developers in optimizing
...@@ -71,14 +67,16 @@ from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE ...@@ -71,14 +67,16 @@ from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE
# A global, single-instance container used to # A global, single-instance container used to
# store system values and test parameters # store system values and test parameters
class SystemValues: class SystemValues:
title = 'SleepGraph'
version = '4.6'
ansi = False ansi = False
version = '4.5'
verbose = False verbose = False
addlogs = False addlogs = False
mindevlen = 0.0 mindevlen = 0.0
mincglen = 0.0 mincglen = 0.0
cgphase = '' cgphase = ''
cgtest = -1 cgtest = -1
max_graph_depth = 0
callloopmaxgap = 0.0001 callloopmaxgap = 0.0001
callloopmaxlen = 0.005 callloopmaxlen = 0.005
srgap = 0 srgap = 0
...@@ -106,8 +104,8 @@ class SystemValues: ...@@ -106,8 +104,8 @@ class SystemValues:
ftracefile = '' ftracefile = ''
htmlfile = '' htmlfile = ''
embedded = False embedded = False
rtcwake = False rtcwake = True
rtcwaketime = 10 rtcwaketime = 15
rtcpath = '' rtcpath = ''
devicefilter = [] devicefilter = []
stamp = 0 stamp = 0
...@@ -235,6 +233,12 @@ class SystemValues: ...@@ -235,6 +233,12 @@ class SystemValues:
self.rtcpath = rtc self.rtcpath = rtc
if (hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty()): if (hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty()):
self.ansi = True self.ansi = True
def rootUser(self, fatal=False):
if 'USER' in os.environ and os.environ['USER'] == 'root':
return True
if fatal:
doError('This command must be run as root')
return False
def setPrecision(self, num): def setPrecision(self, num):
if num < 0 or num > 6: if num < 0 or num > 6:
return return
...@@ -564,7 +568,7 @@ class SystemValues: ...@@ -564,7 +568,7 @@ class SystemValues:
self.fsetVal('global', 'trace_clock') self.fsetVal('global', 'trace_clock')
# set trace buffer to a huge value # set trace buffer to a huge value
self.fsetVal('nop', 'current_tracer') self.fsetVal('nop', 'current_tracer')
self.fsetVal('100000', 'buffer_size_kb') self.fsetVal('131073', 'buffer_size_kb')
# go no further if this is just a status check # go no further if this is just a status check
if testing: if testing:
return return
...@@ -583,7 +587,7 @@ class SystemValues: ...@@ -583,7 +587,7 @@ class SystemValues:
self.fsetVal('nofuncgraph-overhead', 'trace_options') self.fsetVal('nofuncgraph-overhead', 'trace_options')
self.fsetVal('context-info', 'trace_options') self.fsetVal('context-info', 'trace_options')
self.fsetVal('graph-time', 'trace_options') self.fsetVal('graph-time', 'trace_options')
self.fsetVal('0', 'max_graph_depth') self.fsetVal('%d' % self.max_graph_depth, 'max_graph_depth')
cf = ['dpm_run_callback'] cf = ['dpm_run_callback']
if(self.usetraceeventsonly): if(self.usetraceeventsonly):
cf += ['dpm_prepare', 'dpm_complete'] cf += ['dpm_prepare', 'dpm_complete']
...@@ -639,6 +643,12 @@ class SystemValues: ...@@ -639,6 +643,12 @@ class SystemValues:
return '\x1B[%d;40m%s\x1B[m' % (color, str) return '\x1B[%d;40m%s\x1B[m' % (color, str)
sysvals = SystemValues() sysvals = SystemValues()
suspendmodename = {
'freeze': 'Freeze (S0)',
'standby': 'Standby (S1)',
'mem': 'Suspend (S3)',
'disk': 'Hibernate (S4)'
# Class: DevProps # Class: DevProps
# Description: # Description:
...@@ -1013,6 +1023,8 @@ class Data: ...@@ -1013,6 +1023,8 @@ class Data:
tmp = dict() tmp = dict()
for devname in list: for devname in list:
dev = list[devname] dev = list[devname]
if dev['length'] == 0:
tmp[dev['start']] = devname tmp[dev['start']] = devname
for t in sorted(tmp): for t in sorted(tmp):
slist.append(tmp[t]) slist.append(tmp[t])
...@@ -1477,12 +1489,14 @@ class FTraceLine: ...@@ -1477,12 +1489,14 @@ class FTraceLine:
# Each instance is tied to a single device in a single phase, and is # Each instance is tied to a single device in a single phase, and is
# comprised of an ordered list of FTraceLine objects # comprised of an ordered list of FTraceLine objects
class FTraceCallGraph: class FTraceCallGraph:
id = ''
start = -1.0 start = -1.0
end = -1.0 end = -1.0
list = [] list = []
invalid = False invalid = False
depth = 0 depth = 0
pid = 0 pid = 0
name = ''
def __init__(self, pid): def __init__(self, pid):
self.start = -1.0 self.start = -1.0
self.end = -1.0 self.end = -1.0
...@@ -1631,9 +1645,17 @@ class FTraceCallGraph: ...@@ -1631,9 +1645,17 @@ class FTraceCallGraph:
return True return True
return False return False
def postProcess(self, debug=False): def postProcess(self, debug=False):
if len(self.list) > 0: = self.list[0].name
stack = dict() stack = dict()
cnt = 0 cnt = 0
last = 0
for l in self.list: for l in self.list:
# ftrace bug: reported duration is not reliable
# check each leaf and clip it at max possible length
if(last and last.freturn and last.fcall):
if last.length > l.time - last.time:
last.length = l.time - last.time
if(l.fcall and not l.freturn): if(l.fcall and not l.freturn):
stack[l.depth] = l stack[l.depth] = l
cnt += 1 cnt += 1
...@@ -1643,11 +1665,12 @@ class FTraceCallGraph: ...@@ -1643,11 +1665,12 @@ class FTraceCallGraph:
print 'Post Process Error: Depth missing' print 'Post Process Error: Depth missing'
l.debugPrint() l.debugPrint()
return False return False
# transfer total time from return line to call line # calculate call length from call/return lines
stack[l.depth].length = l.length stack[l.depth].length = l.time - stack[l.depth].time
stack.pop(l.depth) stack.pop(l.depth)
l.length = 0 l.length = 0
cnt -= 1 cnt -= 1
last = l
if(cnt == 0): if(cnt == 0):
# trace caught the whole call tree # trace caught the whole call tree
return True return True
...@@ -1664,8 +1687,8 @@ class FTraceCallGraph: ...@@ -1664,8 +1687,8 @@ class FTraceCallGraph:
'dpm_prepare': 'suspend_prepare', 'dpm_prepare': 'suspend_prepare',
'dpm_complete': 'resume_complete' 'dpm_complete': 'resume_complete'
} }
if(self.list[0].name in borderphase): if( in borderphase):
p = borderphase[self.list[0].name] p = borderphase[]
list = data.dmesg[p]['list'] list = data.dmesg[p]['list']
for devname in list: for devname in list:
dev = list[devname] dev = list[devname]
...@@ -1690,7 +1713,7 @@ class FTraceCallGraph: ...@@ -1690,7 +1713,7 @@ class FTraceCallGraph:
break break
return found return found
def newActionFromFunction(self, data): def newActionFromFunction(self, data):
name = self.list[0].name name =
if name in ['dpm_run_callback', 'dpm_prepare', 'dpm_complete']: if name in ['dpm_run_callback', 'dpm_prepare', 'dpm_complete']:
return return
fs = self.start fs = self.start
...@@ -1710,7 +1733,7 @@ class FTraceCallGraph: ...@@ -1710,7 +1733,7 @@ class FTraceCallGraph:
phase, myname = out phase, myname = out
data.dmesg[phase]['list'][myname]['ftrace'] = self data.dmesg[phase]['list'][myname]['ftrace'] = self
def debugPrint(self): def debugPrint(self):
print('[%f - %f] %s (%d)') % (self.start, self.end, self.list[0].name, print('[%f - %f] %s (%d)') % (self.start, self.end,,
for l in self.list: for l in self.list:
if(l.freturn and l.fcall): if(l.freturn and l.fcall):
print('%f (%02d): %s(); (%.3f us)' % (l.time, \ print('%f (%02d): %s(); (%.3f us)' % (l.time, \
...@@ -1738,7 +1761,7 @@ class DevItem: ...@@ -1738,7 +1761,7 @@ class DevItem:
# A container for a device timeline which calculates # A container for a device timeline which calculates
# all the html properties to display it correctly # all the html properties to display it correctly
class Timeline: class Timeline:
html = {} html = ''
height = 0 # total timeline height height = 0 # total timeline height
scaleH = 20 # timescale (top) row height scaleH = 20 # timescale (top) row height
rowH = 30 # device row height rowH = 30 # device row height
...@@ -1746,14 +1769,28 @@ class Timeline: ...@@ -1746,14 +1769,28 @@ class Timeline:
rows = 0 # total timeline rows rows = 0 # total timeline rows
rowlines = dict() rowlines = dict()
rowheight = dict() rowheight = dict()
html_tblock = '<div id="block{0}" class="tblock" style="left:{1}%;width:{2}%;"><div class="tback" style="height:{3}px"></div>\n'
html_device = '<div id="{0}" title="{1}" class="thread{7}" style="left:{2}%;top:{3}px;height:{4}px;width:{5}%;{8}">{6}</div>\n'
html_phase = '<div class="phase" style="left:{0}%;width:{1}%;top:{2}px;height:{3}px;background:{4}">{5}</div>\n'
html_phaselet = '<div id="{0}" class="phaselet" style="left:{1}%;width:{2}%;background:{3}"></div>\n'
def __init__(self, rowheight, scaleheight): def __init__(self, rowheight, scaleheight):
self.rowH = rowheight self.rowH = rowheight
self.scaleH = scaleheight self.scaleH = scaleheight
self.html = { self.html = ''
'header': '', def createHeader(self, sv, suppress=''):
'timeline': '', if(not sv.stamp['time']):
'legend': '', return
} self.html += '<div class="version"><a href="">%s v%s</a></div>' \
% (sv.title, sv.version)
if sv.logmsg and 'log' not in suppress:
self.html += '<button id="showtest" class="logbtn">log</button>'
if sv.addlogs and 'dmesg' not in suppress:
self.html += '<button id="showdmesg" class="logbtn">dmesg</button>'
if sv.addlogs and sv.ftracefile and 'ftrace' not in suppress:
self.html += '<button id="showftrace" class="logbtn">ftrace</button>'
headline_stamp = '<div class="stamp">{0} {1} {2} {3}</div>\n'
self.html += headline_stamp.format(sv.stamp['host'], sv.stamp['kernel'],
sv.stamp['mode'], sv.stamp['time'])
# Function: getDeviceRows # Function: getDeviceRows
# Description: # Description:
# determine how may rows the device funcs will take # determine how may rows the device funcs will take
...@@ -1880,10 +1917,8 @@ class Timeline: ...@@ -1880,10 +1917,8 @@ class Timeline:
break break
top += self.rowheight[test][phase][i] top += self.rowheight[test][phase][i]
return top return top
# Function: calcTotalRows
# Description:
# Calculate the heights and offsets for the header and rows
def calcTotalRows(self): def calcTotalRows(self):
# Calculate the heights and offsets for the header and rows
maxrows = 0 maxrows = 0
standardphases = [] standardphases = []
for t in self.rowlines: for t in self.rowlines:
...@@ -1901,6 +1936,20 @@ class Timeline: ...@@ -1901,6 +1936,20 @@ class Timeline:
for t, p in standardphases: for t, p in standardphases:
for i in sorted(self.rowheight[t][p]): for i in sorted(self.rowheight[t][p]):
self.rowheight[t][p][i] = self.bodyH/len(self.rowlines[t][p]) self.rowheight[t][p][i] = self.bodyH/len(self.rowlines[t][p])
def createZoomBox(self, mode='command', testcount=1):
# Create bounding box, add buttons
html_zoombox = '<center><button id="zoomin">ZOOM IN +</button><button id="zoomout">ZOOM OUT -</button><button id="zoomdef">ZOOM 1:1</button></center>\n'
html_timeline = '<div id="dmesgzoombox" class="zoombox">\n<div id="{0}" class="timeline" style="height:{1}px">\n'
html_devlist1 = '<button id="devlist1" class="devlist" style="float:left;">Device Detail{0}</button>'
html_devlist2 = '<button id="devlist2" class="devlist" style="float:right;">Device Detail2</button>\n'
if mode != 'command':
if testcount > 1:
self.html += html_devlist2
self.html += html_devlist1.format('1')
self.html += html_devlist1.format('')
self.html += html_zoombox
self.html += html_timeline.format('dmesg', self.height)
# Function: createTimeScale # Function: createTimeScale
# Description: # Description:
# Create the timescale for a timeline block # Create the timescale for a timeline block
...@@ -1913,7 +1962,7 @@ class Timeline: ...@@ -1913,7 +1962,7 @@ class Timeline:
# The html code needed to display the time scale # The html code needed to display the time scale
def createTimeScale(self, m0, mMax, tTotal, mode): def createTimeScale(self, m0, mMax, tTotal, mode):
timescale = '<div class="t" style="right:{0}%">{1}</div>\n' timescale = '<div class="t" style="right:{0}%">{1}</div>\n'
rline = '<div class="t" style="left:0;border-left:1px solid black;border-right:0;">Resume</div>\n' rline = '<div class="t" style="left:0;border-left:1px solid black;border-right:0;">{0}</div>\n'
output = '<div class="timescale">\n' output = '<div class="timescale">\n'
# set scale for timeline # set scale for timeline
mTotal = mMax - m0 mTotal = mMax - m0
...@@ -1926,21 +1975,20 @@ class Timeline: ...@@ -1926,21 +1975,20 @@ class Timeline:
divEdge = (mTotal - tS*(divTotal-1))*100/mTotal divEdge = (mTotal - tS*(divTotal-1))*100/mTotal
for i in range(divTotal): for i in range(divTotal):
htmlline = '' htmlline = ''
if(mode == 'resume'): if(mode == 'suspend'):
pos = '%0.3f' % (100 - ((float(i)*tS*100)/mTotal))
val = '%0.fms' % (float(i)*tS*1000)
htmlline = timescale.format(pos, val)
if(i == 0):
htmlline = rline
pos = '%0.3f' % (100 - ((float(i)*tS*100)/mTotal) - divEdge) pos = '%0.3f' % (100 - ((float(i)*tS*100)/mTotal) - divEdge)
val = '%0.fms' % (float(i-divTotal+1)*tS*1000) val = '%0.fms' % (float(i-divTotal+1)*tS*1000)
if(i == divTotal - 1): if(i == divTotal - 1):
val = 'Suspend' val = mode
htmlline = timescale.format(pos, val) htmlline = timescale.format(pos, val)
pos = '%0.3f' % (100 - ((float(i)*tS*100)/mTotal))
val = '%0.fms' % (float(i)*tS*1000)
htmlline = timescale.format(pos, val)
if(i == 0):
htmlline = rline.format(mode)
output += htmlline output += htmlline
output += '</div>\n' self.html += output+'</div>\n'
return output
# Class: TestProps # Class: TestProps
# Description: # Description:
...@@ -2009,7 +2057,7 @@ class ProcessMonitor: ...@@ -2009,7 +2057,7 @@ class ProcessMonitor:
val['kern'] = kern val['kern'] = kern
if ujiff > 0 or kjiff > 0: if ujiff > 0 or kjiff > 0:
running[pid] = ujiff + kjiff running[pid] = ujiff + kjiff
result = process.wait() process.wait()
out = '' out = ''
for pid in running: for pid in running:
jiffies = running[pid] jiffies = running[pid]
...@@ -2071,26 +2119,6 @@ def parseStamp(line, data): ...@@ -2071,26 +2119,6 @@ def parseStamp(line, data):
if not sysvals.stamp: if not sysvals.stamp:
sysvals.stamp = data.stamp sysvals.stamp = data.stamp
# Function: diffStamp
# Description:
# compare the host, kernel, and mode fields in 3 stamps
# Arguments:
# stamp1: string array with mode, kernel, and host
# stamp2: string array with mode, kernel, and host
# Return:
# True if stamps differ, False if they're the same
def diffStamp(stamp1, stamp2):
if 'host' in stamp1 and 'host' in stamp2:
if stamp1['host'] != stamp2['host']:
return True
if 'kernel' in stamp1 and 'kernel' in stamp2:
if stamp1['kernel'] != stamp2['kernel']:
return True
if 'mode' in stamp1 and 'mode' in stamp2:
if stamp1['mode'] != stamp2['mode']:
return True
return False
# Function: doesTraceLogHaveTraceEvents # Function: doesTraceLogHaveTraceEvents
# Description: # Description:
# Quickly determine if the ftrace log has some or all of the trace events # Quickly determine if the ftrace log has some or all of the trace events
...@@ -2722,7 +2750,7 @@ def parseTraceLog(): ...@@ -2722,7 +2750,7 @@ def parseTraceLog():
# create blocks for orphan cg data # create blocks for orphan cg data
for sortkey in sorted(sortlist): for sortkey in sorted(sortlist):
cg = sortlist[sortkey] cg = sortlist[sortkey]
name = cg.list[0].name name =
if sysvals.isCallgraphFunc(name): if sysvals.isCallgraphFunc(name):
vprint('Callgraph found for task %d: %.3fms, %s' % (, (cg.end - cg.start)*1000, name)) vprint('Callgraph found for task %d: %.3fms, %s' % (, (cg.end - cg.start)*1000, name))
cg.newActionFromFunction(data) cg.newActionFromFunction(data)
...@@ -3100,149 +3128,154 @@ def parseKernelLog(data): ...@@ -3100,149 +3128,154 @@ def parseKernelLog(data):
data.fixupInitcallsThatDidntReturn() data.fixupInitcallsThatDidntReturn()
return True return True
def callgraphHTML(sv, hf, num, cg, title, color, devid):
html_func_top = '<article id="{0}" class="atop" style="background:{1}">\n<input type="checkbox" class="pf" id="f{2}" checked/><label for="f{2}">{3} {4}</label>\n'
html_func_start = '<article>\n<input type="checkbox" class="pf" id="f{0}" checked/><label for="f{0}">{1} {2}</label>\n'
html_func_end = '</article>\n'
html_func_leaf = '<article>{0} {1}</article>\n'
cgid = devid
cgid +=
cglen = (cg.end - cg.start) * 1000
if cglen < sv.mincglen:
return num
fmt = '<r>(%.3f ms @ '+sv.timeformat+' to '+sv.timeformat+')</r>'
flen = fmt % (cglen, cg.start, cg.end)
hf.write(html_func_top.format(cgid, color, num, title, flen))
num += 1
for line in cg.list:
if(line.length < 0.000000001):
flen = ''
fmt = '<n>(%.3f ms @ '+sv.timeformat+')</n>'
flen = fmt % (line.length*1000, line.time)
if(line.freturn and line.fcall):
hf.write(html_func_leaf.format(, flen))
hf.write(html_func_start.format(num,, flen))
num += 1
return num
def addCallgraphs(sv, hf, data):
hf.write('<section id="callgraphs" class="callgraph">\n')
# write out the ftrace data converted to html
num = 0
for p in data.phases:
if sv.cgphase and p != sv.cgphase:
list = data.dmesg[p]['list']
for devname in data.sortedDevices(p):
dev = list[devname]
color = 'white'
if 'color' in data.dmesg[p]:
color = data.dmesg[p]['color']
if 'color' in dev:
color = dev['color']
name = devname
if(devname in sv.devprops):
name = sv.devprops[devname].altName(devname)
if sv.suspendmode in suspendmodename:
name += ' '+p
if('ftrace' in dev):
cg = dev['ftrace']
num = callgraphHTML(sv, hf, num, cg,
name, color, dev['id'])
if('ftraces' in dev):
for cg in dev['ftraces']:
num = callgraphHTML(sv, hf, num, cg,
name+' &rarr; ', color, dev['id'])
hf.write('\n\n </section>\n')
# Function: createHTMLSummarySimple # Function: createHTMLSummarySimple
# Description: # Description:
# Create summary html file for a series of tests # Create summary html file for a series of tests
# Arguments: # Arguments:
# testruns: array of Data objects from parseTraceLog # testruns: array of Data objects from parseTraceLog
def createHTMLSummarySimple(testruns, htmlfile): def createHTMLSummarySimple(testruns, htmlfile, folder):
# print out the basic summary of all the tests
hf = open(htmlfile, 'w')
# write the html header first (html head, css code, up to body start) # write the html header first (html head, css code, up to body start)
html = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\ html = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">\n\ <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">\n\
<title>AnalyzeSuspend Summary</title>\n\ <title>SleepGraph Summary</title>\n\
<style type=\'text/css\'>\n\ <style type=\'text/css\'>\n\
body {overflow-y: scroll;}\n\ .stamp {width: 100%;text-align:center;background:#888;line-height:30px;color:white;font: 25px Arial;}\n\
.stamp {width: 100%;text-align:center;background-color:#495E09;line-height:30px;color:white;font: 25px Arial;}\n\
table {width:100%;border-collapse: collapse;}\n\ table {width:100%;border-collapse: collapse;}\n\
.summary {font: 22px Arial;border:1px solid;}\n\ .summary {border:1px solid;}\n\
th {border: 1px solid black;background-color:#A7C942;color:white;}\n\ th {border: 1px solid black;background:#222;color:white;}\n\
td {text-align: center;}\n\ td {font: 16px "Times New Roman";text-align: center;}\n\
tr.alt td {background-color:#EAF2D3;}\n\ tr.alt td {background:#ddd;}\n\
tr.avg td {background-color:#BDE34C;}\n\ tr.avg td {background:#aaa;}\n\
a:link {color: #90B521;}\n\
a:visited {color: #495E09;}\n\
a:hover {color: #B1DF28;}\n\
a:active {color: #FFFFFF;}\n\
</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n' </style>\n</head>\n<body>\n'
# group test header # group test header
count = len(testruns) html += '<div class="stamp">%s (%d tests)</div>\n' % (folder, len(testruns))
headline_stamp = '<div class="stamp">{0} {1} {2} {3} ({4} tests)</div>\n'
html += headline_stamp.format(sysvals.stamp['host'],
sysvals.stamp['kernel'], sysvals.stamp['mode'],
sysvals.stamp['time'], count)
# check to see if all the tests have the same value
stampcolumns = False
for data in testruns:
if diffStamp(sysvals.stamp, data.stamp):
stampcolumns = True
th = '\t<th>{0}</th>\n' th = '\t<th>{0}</th>\n'
td = '\t<td>{0}</td>\n' td = '\t<td>{0}</td>\n'
tdlink = '\t<td><a href="{0}">Click Here</a></td>\n' tdlink = '\t<td><a href="{0}">html</a></td>\n'
# table header # table header
html += '<table class="summary">\n<tr>\n' html += '<table class="summary">\n<tr>\n' + th.format('#') +\
html += th.format("Test #") th.format('Mode') + th.format('Host') + th.format('Kernel') +\
if stampcolumns: th.format('Test Time') + th.format('Suspend') + th.format('Resume') +\
html += th.format("Hostname") th.format('Detail') + '</tr>\n'
html += th.format("Kernel Version")
html += th.format("Suspend Mode")
html += th.format("Test Time")
html += th.format("Suspend Time")
html += th.format("Resume Time")
html += th.format("Detail")
html += '</tr>\n'
# test data, 1 row per test # test data, 1 row per test
sTimeAvg = 0.0 avg = '<tr class="avg"><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>'+\
rTimeAvg = 0.0 '<td>Average of {0} {1} tests</td><td>{2}</td><td>{3}</td><td></td></tr>\n'
sTimeAvg = rTimeAvg = 0.0
mode = ''
num = 0
for data in sorted(testruns, key=lambda v:(v['mode'], v['host'], v['kernel'])):
if mode != data['mode']:
# test average line
if(num > 0):
sTimeAvg /= (num - 1)
rTimeAvg /= (num - 1)
html += avg.format('%d' % (num - 1), mode,
'%3.3f ms' % sTimeAvg, '%3.3f ms' % rTimeAvg)
sTimeAvg = rTimeAvg = 0.0
mode = data['mode']
num = 1 num = 1
for data in testruns: # alternate row color
# data.end is the end of post_resume
resumeEnd = data.dmesg['resume_complete']['end']
if num % 2 == 1: if num % 2 == 1:
html += '<tr class="alt">\n' html += '<tr class="alt">\n'
else: else:
html += '<tr>\n' html += '<tr>\n'
html += td.format("%d" % num)
# test num
html += td.format("test %d" % num)
num += 1 num += 1
if stampcolumns: # basic info
# host name for item in ['mode', 'host', 'kernel', 'time']:
val = "unknown"
if('host' in data.stamp):
val = data.stamp['host']
html += td.format(val)
# host kernel
val = "unknown"
if('kernel' in data.stamp):
val = data.stamp['kernel']
html += td.format(val)
# suspend mode
val = "unknown" val = "unknown"
if('mode' in data.stamp): if(item in data):
val = data.stamp['mode'] val = data[item]
html += td.format(val)
# test time
val = "unknown"
if('time' in data.stamp):
val = data.stamp['time']
html += td.format(val) html += td.format(val)
# suspend time # suspend time
sTime = (data.tSuspended - data.start)*1000 sTime = float(data['suspend'])
sTimeAvg += sTime sTimeAvg += sTime
html += td.format("%3.3f ms" % sTime) html += td.format('%.3f ms' % sTime)
# resume time # resume time
rTime = (resumeEnd - data.tResumed)*1000 rTime = float(data['resume'])
rTimeAvg += rTime rTimeAvg += rTime
html += td.format("%3.3f ms" % rTime) html += td.format('%.3f ms' % rTime)
# link to the output html # link to the output html
html += tdlink.format(data.outfile) html += tdlink.format(data['url']) + '</tr>\n'
# last test average line
html += '</tr>\n' if(num > 0):
sTimeAvg /= (num - 1)
# last line: test average rTimeAvg /= (num - 1)
if(count > 0): html += avg.format('%d' % (num - 1), mode,
sTimeAvg /= count '%3.3f ms' % sTimeAvg, '%3.3f ms' % rTimeAvg)
rTimeAvg /= count
html += '<tr class="avg">\n'
html += td.format('Average') # name
if stampcolumns:
html += td.format('') # host
html += td.format('') # kernel
html += td.format('') # mode
html += td.format('') # time
html += td.format("%3.3f ms" % sTimeAvg) # suspend time
html += td.format("%3.3f ms" % rTimeAvg) # resume time
html += td.format('') # output link
html += '</tr>\n'
# flush the data to file # flush the data to file
hf.write(html+'</table>\n') hf = open(htmlfile, 'w')
hf.write('</body>\n</html>\n') hf.write(html+'</table>\n</body>\n</html>\n')
hf.close() hf.close()
def htmlTitle():
modename = {
'freeze': 'Freeze (S0)',
'standby': 'Standby (S1)',
'mem': 'Suspend (S3)',
'disk': 'Hibernate (S4)'
kernel = sysvals.stamp['kernel']
host = sysvals.hostname[0].upper()+sysvals.hostname[1:]
mode = sysvals.suspendmode
if sysvals.suspendmode in modename:
mode = modename[sysvals.suspendmode]
return host+' '+mode+' '+kernel
def ordinal(value): def ordinal(value):
suffix = 'th' suffix = 'th'
if value < 10 or value > 19: if value < 10 or value > 19:
...@@ -3272,24 +3305,11 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3272,24 +3305,11 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
kerror = True kerror = True
data.normalizeTime(testruns[-1].tSuspended) data.normalizeTime(testruns[-1].tSuspended)
x2changes = ['', 'absolute']
if len(testruns) > 1:
x2changes = ['1', 'relative']
# html function templates # html function templates
headline_version = '<div class="version"><a href="">AnalyzeSuspend v%s</a></div>' % sysvals.version
headline_stamp = '<div class="stamp">{0} {1} {2} {3}</div>\n'
html_devlist1 = '<button id="devlist1" class="devlist" style="float:left;">Device Detail%s</button>' % x2changes[0]
html_zoombox = '<center><button id="zoomin">ZOOM IN +</button><button id="zoomout">ZOOM OUT -</button><button id="zoomdef">ZOOM 1:1</button></center>\n'
html_devlist2 = '<button id="devlist2" class="devlist" style="float:right;">Device Detail2</button>\n'
html_timeline = '<div id="dmesgzoombox" class="zoombox">\n<div id="{0}" class="timeline" style="height:{1}px">\n'
html_tblock = '<div id="block{0}" class="tblock" style="left:{1}%;width:{2}%;"><div class="tback" style="height:{3}px"></div>\n'
html_device = '<div id="{0}" title="{1}" class="thread{7}" style="left:{2}%;top:{3}px;height:{4}px;width:{5}%;{8}">{6}</div>\n'
html_error = '<div id="{1}" title="kernel error/warning" class="err" style="right:{0}%">ERROR&rarr;</div>\n' html_error = '<div id="{1}" title="kernel error/warning" class="err" style="right:{0}%">ERROR&rarr;</div>\n'
html_traceevent = '<div title="{0}" class="traceevent{6}" style="left:{1}%;top:{2}px;height:{3}px;width:{4}%;line-height:{3}px;{7}">{5}</div>\n' html_traceevent = '<div title="{0}" class="traceevent{6}" style="left:{1}%;top:{2}px;height:{3}px;width:{4}%;line-height:{3}px;{7}">{5}</div>\n'
html_cpuexec = '<div class="jiffie" style="left:{0}%;top:{1}px;height:{2}px;width:{3}%;background:{4};"></div>\n' html_cpuexec = '<div class="jiffie" style="left:{0}%;top:{1}px;height:{2}px;width:{3}%;background:{4};"></div>\n'
html_phase = '<div class="phase" style="left:{0}%;width:{1}%;top:{2}px;height:{3}px;background-color:{4}">{5}</div>\n' html_legend = '<div id="p{3}" class="square" style="left:{0}%;background:{1}">&nbsp;{2}</div>\n'
html_phaselet = '<div id="{0}" class="phaselet" style="left:{1}%;width:{2}%;background:{3}"></div>\n'
html_legend = '<div id="p{3}" class="square" style="left:{0}%;background-color:{1}">&nbsp;{2}</div>\n'
html_timetotal = '<table class="time1">\n<tr>'\ html_timetotal = '<table class="time1">\n<tr>'\
'<td class="green" title="{3}">{2} Suspend Time: <b>{0} ms</b></td>'\ '<td class="green" title="{3}">{2} Suspend Time: <b>{0} ms</b></td>'\
'<td class="yellow" title="{4}">{2} Resume Time: <b>{1} ms</b></td>'\ '<td class="yellow" title="{4}">{2} Resume Time: <b>{1} ms</b></td>'\
...@@ -3311,20 +3331,18 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3311,20 +3331,18 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
'</tr>\n</table>\n' '</tr>\n</table>\n'
# html format variables # html format variables
hoverZ = 'z-index:8;'
if sysvals.usedevsrc:
hoverZ = ''
scaleH = 20 scaleH = 20
scaleTH = 20
if kerror: if kerror:
scaleH = 40 scaleH = 40
scaleTH = 60
# device timeline # device timeline
vprint('Creating Device Timeline...') vprint('Creating Device Timeline...')
devtl = Timeline(30, scaleH) devtl = Timeline(30, scaleH)
# write the test title and general info header
# Generate the header for this timeline # Generate the header for this timeline
for data in testruns: for data in testruns:
tTotal = data.end - data.start tTotal = data.end - data.start
...@@ -3346,7 +3364,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3346,7 +3364,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
if(len(testruns) > 1): if(len(testruns) > 1):
testdesc = ordinal(data.testnumber+1)+' '+testdesc testdesc = ordinal(data.testnumber+1)+' '+testdesc
thtml = html_timetotal3.format(run_time, testdesc) thtml = html_timetotal3.format(run_time, testdesc)
devtl.html['header'] += thtml devtl.html += thtml
elif data.fwValid: elif data.fwValid:
suspend_time = '%.0f'%(sktime + (data.fwSuspend/1000000.0)) suspend_time = '%.0f'%(sktime + (data.fwSuspend/1000000.0))
resume_time = '%.0f'%(rktime + (data.fwResume/1000000.0)) resume_time = '%.0f'%(rktime + (data.fwResume/1000000.0))
...@@ -3363,10 +3381,10 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3363,10 +3381,10 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
else: else:
thtml = html_timetotal2.format(suspend_time, low_time, \ thtml = html_timetotal2.format(suspend_time, low_time, \
resume_time, testdesc1, stitle, rtitle) resume_time, testdesc1, stitle, rtitle)
devtl.html['header'] += thtml devtl.html += thtml
sftime = '%.3f'%(data.fwSuspend / 1000000.0) sftime = '%.3f'%(data.fwSuspend / 1000000.0)
rftime = '%.3f'%(data.fwResume / 1000000.0) rftime = '%.3f'%(data.fwResume / 1000000.0)
devtl.html['header'] += html_timegroups.format('%.3f'%sktime, \ devtl.html += html_timegroups.format('%.3f'%sktime, \
sftime, rftime, '%.3f'%rktime, testdesc2, sysvals.suspendmode) sftime, rftime, '%.3f'%rktime, testdesc2, sysvals.suspendmode)
else: else:
suspend_time = '%.3f' % sktime suspend_time = '%.3f' % sktime
...@@ -3382,7 +3400,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3382,7 +3400,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
else: else:
thtml = html_timetotal2.format(suspend_time, low_time, \ thtml = html_timetotal2.format(suspend_time, low_time, \
resume_time, testdesc, stitle, rtitle) resume_time, testdesc, stitle, rtitle)
devtl.html['header'] += thtml devtl.html += thtml
# time scale for potentially multiple datasets # time scale for potentially multiple datasets
t0 = testruns[0].start t0 = testruns[0].start
...@@ -3429,15 +3447,8 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3429,15 +3447,8 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
devtl.getPhaseRows(threadlist, devtl.rows) devtl.getPhaseRows(threadlist, devtl.rows)
devtl.calcTotalRows() devtl.calcTotalRows()
# create bounding box, add buttons
if sysvals.suspendmode != 'command':
devtl.html['timeline'] += html_devlist1
if len(testruns) > 1:
devtl.html['timeline'] += html_devlist2
devtl.html['timeline'] += html_zoombox
devtl.html['timeline'] += html_timeline.format('dmesg', devtl.height)
# draw the full timeline # draw the full timeline
devtl.createZoomBox(sysvals.suspendmode, len(testruns))
phases = {'suspend':[],'resume':[]} phases = {'suspend':[],'resume':[]}
for phase in data.dmesg: for phase in data.dmesg:
if 'resume' in phase: if 'resume' in phase:
...@@ -3452,37 +3463,36 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3452,37 +3463,36 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
# draw suspend and resume blocks separately # draw suspend and resume blocks separately
bname = '%s%d' % (dir[0], data.testnumber) bname = '%s%d' % (dir[0], data.testnumber)
if dir == 'suspend': if dir == 'suspend':
m0 = testruns[data.testnumber].start m0 = data.start
mMax = testruns[data.testnumber].tSuspended mMax = data.tSuspended
mTotal = mMax - m0
left = '%f' % (((m0-t0)*100.0)/tTotal) left = '%f' % (((m0-t0)*100.0)/tTotal)
else: else:
m0 = testruns[data.testnumber].tSuspended m0 = data.tSuspended
mMax = testruns[data.testnumber].end mMax = data.end
# in an x2 run, remove any gap between blocks # in an x2 run, remove any gap between blocks
if len(testruns) > 1 and data.testnumber == 0: if len(testruns) > 1 and data.testnumber == 0:
mMax = testruns[1].start mMax = testruns[1].start
mTotal = mMax - m0
left = '%f' % ((((m0-t0)*100.0)+sysvals.srgap/2)/tTotal) left = '%f' % ((((m0-t0)*100.0)+sysvals.srgap/2)/tTotal)
mTotal = mMax - m0
# if a timeline block is 0 length, skip altogether # if a timeline block is 0 length, skip altogether
if mTotal == 0: if mTotal == 0:
continue continue
width = '%f' % (((mTotal*100.0)-sysvals.srgap/2)/tTotal) width = '%f' % (((mTotal*100.0)-sysvals.srgap/2)/tTotal)
devtl.html['timeline'] += html_tblock.format(bname, left, width, devtl.scaleH) devtl.html += devtl.html_tblock.format(bname, left, width, devtl.scaleH)
for b in sorted(phases[dir]): for b in sorted(phases[dir]):
# draw the phase color background # draw the phase color background
phase = data.dmesg[b] phase = data.dmesg[b]
length = phase['end']-phase['start'] length = phase['end']-phase['start']
left = '%f' % (((phase['start']-m0)*100.0)/mTotal) left = '%f' % (((phase['start']-m0)*100.0)/mTotal)
width = '%f' % ((length*100.0)/mTotal) width = '%f' % ((length*100.0)/mTotal)
devtl.html['timeline'] += html_phase.format(left, width, \ devtl.html += devtl.html_phase.format(left, width, \
'%.3f'%devtl.scaleH, '%.3f'%devtl.bodyH, \ '%.3f'%devtl.scaleH, '%.3f'%devtl.bodyH, \
data.dmesg[b]['color'], '') data.dmesg[b]['color'], '')
for e in data.errorinfo[dir]: for e in data.errorinfo[dir]:
# draw red lines for any kernel errors found # draw red lines for any kernel errors found
t, err = e t, err = e
right = '%f' % (((mMax-t)*100.0)/mTotal) right = '%f' % (((mMax-t)*100.0)/mTotal)
devtl.html['timeline'] += html_error.format(right, err) devtl.html += html_error.format(right, err)
for b in sorted(phases[dir]): for b in sorted(phases[dir]):
# draw the devices for this phase # draw the devices for this phase
phaselist = data.dmesg[b]['list'] phaselist = data.dmesg[b]['list']
...@@ -3496,7 +3506,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3496,7 +3506,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
if 'htmlclass' in dev: if 'htmlclass' in dev:
xtraclass = dev['htmlclass'] xtraclass = dev['htmlclass']
if 'color' in dev: if 'color' in dev:
xtrastyle = 'background-color:%s;' % dev['color'] xtrastyle = 'background:%s;' % dev['color']
if(d in sysvals.devprops): if(d in sysvals.devprops):
name = sysvals.devprops[d].altName(d) name = sysvals.devprops[d].altName(d)
xtraclass = sysvals.devprops[d].xtraClass() xtraclass = sysvals.devprops[d].xtraClass()
...@@ -3521,7 +3531,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3521,7 +3531,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
title += 'post_resume_process' title += 'post_resume_process'
else: else:
title += b title += b
devtl.html['timeline'] += html_device.format(dev['id'], \ devtl.html += devtl.html_device.format(dev['id'], \
title, left, top, '%.3f'%rowheight, width, \ title, left, top, '%.3f'%rowheight, width, \
d+drv, xtraclass, xtrastyle) d+drv, xtraclass, xtrastyle)
if('cpuexec' in dev): if('cpuexec' in dev):
...@@ -3535,7 +3545,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3535,7 +3545,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
left = '%f' % (((start-m0)*100)/mTotal) left = '%f' % (((start-m0)*100)/mTotal)
width = '%f' % ((end-start)*100/mTotal) width = '%f' % ((end-start)*100/mTotal)
color = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, %f)' % j color = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, %f)' % j
devtl.html['timeline'] += \ devtl.html += \
html_cpuexec.format(left, top, height, width, color) html_cpuexec.format(left, top, height, width, color)
if('src' not in dev): if('src' not in dev):
continue continue
...@@ -3548,20 +3558,20 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3548,20 +3558,20 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
xtrastyle = '' xtrastyle = ''
if e.color: if e.color:
xtrastyle = 'background:%s;' % e.color xtrastyle = 'background:%s;' % e.color
devtl.html['timeline'] += \ devtl.html += \
html_traceevent.format(e.title(), \ html_traceevent.format(e.title(), \
left, top, height, width, e.text(), '', xtrastyle) left, top, height, width, e.text(), '', xtrastyle)
# draw the time scale, try to make the number of labels readable # draw the time scale, try to make the number of labels readable
devtl.html['timeline'] += devtl.createTimeScale(m0, mMax, tTotal, dir) devtl.createTimeScale(m0, mMax, tTotal, dir)
devtl.html['timeline'] += '</div>\n' devtl.html += '</div>\n'
# timeline is finished # timeline is finished
devtl.html['timeline'] += '</div>\n</div>\n' devtl.html += '</div>\n</div>\n'
# draw a legend which describes the phases by color # draw a legend which describes the phases by color
if sysvals.suspendmode != 'command': if sysvals.suspendmode != 'command':
data = testruns[-1] data = testruns[-1]
devtl.html['legend'] = '<div class="legend">\n' devtl.html += '<div class="legend">\n'
pdelta = 100.0/len(data.phases) pdelta = 100.0/len(data.phases)
pmargin = pdelta / 4.0 pmargin = pdelta / 4.0
for phase in data.phases: for phase in data.phases:
...@@ -3571,127 +3581,41 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3571,127 +3581,41 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
id += tmp[1][0] id += tmp[1][0]
order = '%.2f' % ((data.dmesg[phase]['order'] * pdelta) + pmargin) order = '%.2f' % ((data.dmesg[phase]['order'] * pdelta) + pmargin)
name = string.replace(phase, '_', ' &nbsp;') name = string.replace(phase, '_', ' &nbsp;')
devtl.html['legend'] += html_legend.format(order, \ devtl.html += html_legend.format(order, \
data.dmesg[phase]['color'], name, id) data.dmesg[phase]['color'], name, id)
devtl.html['legend'] += '</div>\n' devtl.html += '</div>\n'
hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'w') hf = open(sysvals.htmlfile, 'w')
if not sysvals.cgexp:
cgchk = 'checked'
cgnchk = 'not(:checked)'
cgchk = 'not(:checked)'
cgnchk = 'checked'
# write the html header first (html head, css code, up to body start)
html_header = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">\n\
<style type=\'text/css\'>\n\
body {overflow-y:scroll;}\n\
.stamp {width:100%;text-align:center;background-color:gray;line-height:30px;color:white;font:25px Arial;}\n\
.callgraph {margin-top:30px;box-shadow:5px 5px 20px black;}\n\
.callgraph article * {padding-left:28px;}\n\
h1 {color:black;font:bold 30px Times;}\n\
t0 {color:black;font:bold 30px Times;}\n\
t1 {color:black;font:30px Times;}\n\
t2 {color:black;font:25px Times;}\n\
t3 {color:black;font:20px Times;white-space:nowrap;}\n\
t4 {color:black;font:bold 30px Times;line-height:60px;white-space:nowrap;}\n\
cS {font:bold 13px Times;}\n\
table {width:100%;}\n\
.gray {background-color:rgba(80,80,80,0.1);}\n\
.green {background-color:rgba(204,255,204,0.4);}\n\
.purple {background-color:rgba(128,0,128,0.2);}\n\
.yellow {background-color:rgba(255,255,204,0.4);}\n\
.time1 {font:22px Arial;border:1px solid;}\n\
.time2 {font:15px Arial;border-bottom:1px solid;border-left:1px solid;border-right:1px solid;}\n\
td {text-align:center;}\n\
r {color:#500000;font:15px Tahoma;}\n\
n {color:#505050;font:15px Tahoma;}\n\
.tdhl {color:red;}\n\
.hide {display:none;}\n\
.pf {display:none;}\n\
.pf:'+cgchk+' + label {background:url(\'data:image/svg+xml;utf,<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><svg xmlns="" height="18" width="18" version="1.1"><circle cx="9" cy="9" r="8" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="white"/><rect x="4" y="8" width="10" height="2" style="fill:black;stroke-width:0"/><rect x="8" y="4" width="2" height="10" style="fill:black;stroke-width:0"/></svg>\') no-repeat left center;}\n\
.pf:'+cgnchk+' ~ label {background:url(\'data:image/svg+xml;utf,<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><svg xmlns="" height="18" width="18" version="1.1"><circle cx="9" cy="9" r="8" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="white"/><rect x="4" y="8" width="10" height="2" style="fill:black;stroke-width:0"/></svg>\') no-repeat left center;}\n\
.pf:'+cgchk+' ~ *:not(:nth-child(2)) {display:none;}\n\
.zoombox {position:relative;width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;user-select:none;}\n\
.timeline {position:relative;font-size:14px;cursor:pointer;width:100%; overflow:hidden;background:linear-gradient(#cccccc, white);}\n\
.thread {position:absolute;height:0%;overflow:hidden;z-index:7;line-height:30px;font-size:14px;border:1px solid;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;}\n\ {border-radius:3px;background:linear-gradient(to top, #ccc, #eee);}\n\
.thread:hover {background-color:white;border:1px solid red;'+hoverZ+'}\n\
.thread.sec,.thread.sec:hover {background-color:black;border:0;color:white;line-height:15px;font-size:10px;}\n\
.hover {background-color:white;border:1px solid red;'+hoverZ+'}\n\
.hover.sync {background-color:white;}\n\,.hover.kth,.hover.sync, {background-color:white;}\n\
.jiffie {position:absolute;pointer-events: none;z-index:8;}\n\
.traceevent {position:absolute;font-size:10px;z-index:7;overflow:hidden;color:black;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;border-radius:5px;border:1px solid black;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#CCC,#969696);}\n\
.traceevent:hover {color:white;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid white;}\n\
.phase {position:absolute;overflow:hidden;border:0px;text-align:center;}\n\
.phaselet {position:absolute;overflow:hidden;border:0px;text-align:center;height:100px;font-size:24px;}\n\
.t {position:absolute;line-height:'+('%d'%scaleTH)+'px;pointer-events:none;top:0;height:100%;border-right:1px solid black;z-index:6;}\n\
.err {position:absolute;top:0%;height:100%;border-right:3px solid red;color:red;font:bold 14px Times;line-height:18px;}\n\
.legend {position:relative; width:100%; height:40px; text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px}\n\
.legend .square {position:absolute;cursor:pointer;top:10px; width:0px;height:20px;border:1px solid;padding-left:20px;}\n\
button {height:40px;width:200px;margin-bottom:20px;margin-top:20px;font-size:24px;}\n\
.logbtn {position:relative;float:right;height:25px;width:50px;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:0;font-size:10px;text-align:center;}\n\
.devlist {position:'+x2changes[1]+';width:190px;}\n\
a:link {color:white;text-decoration:none;}\n\
a:visited {color:white;}\n\
a:hover {color:white;}\n\
a:active {color:white;}\n\
.version {position:relative;float:left;color:white;font-size:10px;line-height:30px;margin-left:10px;}\n\
#devicedetail {height:100px;box-shadow:5px 5px 20px black;}\n\
.tblock {position:absolute;height:100%;background-color:#ddd;}\n\
.tback {position:absolute;width:100%;background:linear-gradient(#ccc, #ddd);}\n\
.bg {z-index:1;}\n\
# no header or css if its embedded # no header or css if its embedded
if(sysvals.embedded): if(sysvals.embedded):
hf.write('pass True tSus %.3f tRes %.3f tLow %.3f fwvalid %s tSus %.3f tRes %.3f\n' % hf.write('pass True tSus %.3f tRes %.3f tLow %.3f fwvalid %s tSus %.3f tRes %.3f\n' %
(data.tSuspended-data.start, data.end-data.tSuspended, data.tLow, data.fwValid, \ (data.tSuspended-data.start, data.end-data.tSuspended, data.tLow, data.fwValid, \
data.fwSuspend/1000000, data.fwResume/1000000)) data.fwSuspend/1000000, data.fwResume/1000000))
else: else:
hf.write(html_header) addCSS(hf, sysvals, len(testruns), kerror)
# write the test title and general info header
if(sysvals.stamp['time'] != ""):
if sysvals.logmsg:
hf.write('<button id="showtest" class="logbtn">log</button>')
if sysvals.addlogs and sysvals.dmesgfile:
hf.write('<button id="showdmesg" class="logbtn">dmesg</button>')
if sysvals.addlogs and sysvals.ftracefile:
hf.write('<button id="showftrace" class="logbtn">ftrace</button>')
sysvals.stamp['kernel'], sysvals.stamp['mode'], \
# write the device timeline # write the device timeline
hf.write(devtl.html['header']) hf.write(devtl.html)
hf.write('<div id="devicedetailtitle"></div>\n') hf.write('<div id="devicedetailtitle"></div>\n')
hf.write('<div id="devicedetail" style="display:none;">\n') hf.write('<div id="devicedetail" style="display:none;">\n')
# draw the colored boxes for the device detail section # draw the colored boxes for the device detail section
for data in testruns: for data in testruns:
hf.write('<div id="devicedetail%d">\n' % data.testnumber) hf.write('<div id="devicedetail%d">\n' % data.testnumber)
pscolor = 'linear-gradient(to top left, #ccc, #eee)' pscolor = 'linear-gradient(to top left, #ccc, #eee)'
hf.write(html_phaselet.format('pre_suspend_process', \ hf.write(devtl.html_phaselet.format('pre_suspend_process', \
'0', '0', pscolor)) '0', '0', pscolor))
for b in data.phases: for b in data.phases:
phase = data.dmesg[b] phase = data.dmesg[b]
length = phase['end']-phase['start'] length = phase['end']-phase['start']
left = '%.3f' % (((phase['start']-t0)*100.0)/tTotal) left = '%.3f' % (((phase['start']-t0)*100.0)/tTotal)
width = '%.3f' % ((length*100.0)/tTotal) width = '%.3f' % ((length*100.0)/tTotal)
hf.write(html_phaselet.format(b, left, width, \ hf.write(devtl.html_phaselet.format(b, left, width, \
data.dmesg[b]['color'])) data.dmesg[b]['color']))
hf.write(html_phaselet.format('post_resume_process', \ hf.write(devtl.html_phaselet.format('post_resume_process', \
'0', '0', pscolor)) '0', '0', pscolor))
if sysvals.suspendmode == 'command': if sysvals.suspendmode == 'command':
hf.write(html_phaselet.format('cmdexec', '0', '0', pscolor)) hf.write(devtl.html_phaselet.format('cmdexec', '0', '0', pscolor))
hf.write('</div>\n') hf.write('</div>\n')
hf.write('</div>\n') hf.write('</div>\n')
...@@ -3701,52 +3625,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3701,52 +3625,7 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
else: else:
data = testruns[-1] data = testruns[-1]
if(sysvals.usecallgraph and not sysvals.embedded): if(sysvals.usecallgraph and not sysvals.embedded):
hf.write('<section id="callgraphs" class="callgraph">\n') addCallgraphs(sysvals, hf, data)
# write out the ftrace data converted to html
html_func_top = '<article id="{0}" class="atop" style="background-color:{1}">\n<input type="checkbox" class="pf" id="f{2}" checked/><label for="f{2}">{3} {4}</label>\n'
html_func_start = '<article>\n<input type="checkbox" class="pf" id="f{0}" checked/><label for="f{0}">{1} {2}</label>\n'
html_func_end = '</article>\n'
html_func_leaf = '<article>{0} {1}</article>\n'
num = 0
for p in data.phases:
if sysvals.cgphase and p != sysvals.cgphase:
list = data.dmesg[p]['list']
for devname in data.sortedDevices(p):
if('ftrace' not in list[devname]):
devid = list[devname]['id']
cg = list[devname]['ftrace']
clen = (cg.end - cg.start) * 1000
if clen < sysvals.mincglen:
fmt = '<r>(%.3f ms @ '+sysvals.timeformat+' to '+sysvals.timeformat+')</r>'
flen = fmt % (clen, cg.start, cg.end)
name = devname
if(devname in sysvals.devprops):
name = sysvals.devprops[devname].altName(devname)
if sysvals.suspendmode == 'command':
ftitle = name
ftitle = name+' '+p
hf.write(html_func_top.format(devid, data.dmesg[p]['color'], \
num, ftitle, flen))
num += 1
for line in cg.list:
if(line.length < 0.000000001):
flen = ''
fmt = '<n>(%.3f ms @ '+sysvals.timeformat+')</n>'
flen = fmt % (line.length*1000, line.time)
if(line.freturn and line.fcall):
hf.write(html_func_leaf.format(, flen))
hf.write(html_func_start.format(num,, flen))
num += 1
hf.write('\n\n </section>\n')
# add the test log as a hidden div # add the test log as a hidden div
if sysvals.logmsg: if sysvals.logmsg:
...@@ -3788,6 +3667,100 @@ def createHTML(testruns): ...@@ -3788,6 +3667,100 @@ def createHTML(testruns):
hf.close() hf.close()
return True return True
def addCSS(hf, sv, testcount=1, kerror=False, extra=''):
kernel = sv.stamp['kernel']
host = sv.hostname[0].upper()+sv.hostname[1:]
mode = sv.suspendmode
if sv.suspendmode in suspendmodename:
mode = suspendmodename[sv.suspendmode]
title = host+' '+mode+' '+kernel
# various format changes by flags
cgchk = 'checked'
cgnchk = 'not(:checked)'
if sv.cgexp:
cgchk = 'not(:checked)'
cgnchk = 'checked'
hoverZ = 'z-index:8;'
if sv.usedevsrc:
hoverZ = ''
devlistpos = 'absolute'
if testcount > 1:
devlistpos = 'relative'
scaleTH = 20
if kerror:
scaleTH = 60
# write the html header first (html head, css code, up to body start)
html_header = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n\
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">\n\
<style type=\'text/css\'>\n\
body {overflow-y:scroll;}\n\
.stamp {width:100%;text-align:center;background:gray;line-height:30px;color:white;font:25px Arial;}\n\
.callgraph {margin-top:30px;box-shadow:5px 5px 20px black;}\n\
.callgraph article * {padding-left:28px;}\n\
h1 {color:black;font:bold 30px Times;}\n\
t0 {color:black;font:bold 30px Times;}\n\
t1 {color:black;font:30px Times;}\n\
t2 {color:black;font:25px Times;}\n\
t3 {color:black;font:20px Times;white-space:nowrap;}\n\
t4 {color:black;font:bold 30px Times;line-height:60px;white-space:nowrap;}\n\
cS {font:bold 13px Times;}\n\
table {width:100%;}\n\
.gray {background:rgba(80,80,80,0.1);}\n\
.green {background:rgba(204,255,204,0.4);}\n\
.purple {background:rgba(128,0,128,0.2);}\n\
.yellow {background:rgba(255,255,204,0.4);}\n\
.blue {background:rgba(169,208,245,0.4);}\n\
.time1 {font:22px Arial;border:1px solid;}\n\
.time2 {font:15px Arial;border-bottom:1px solid;border-left:1px solid;border-right:1px solid;}\n\
td {text-align:center;}\n\
r {color:#500000;font:15px Tahoma;}\n\
n {color:#505050;font:15px Tahoma;}\n\
.tdhl {color:red;}\n\
.hide {display:none;}\n\
.pf {display:none;}\n\
.pf:'+cgchk+' + label {background:url(\'data:image/svg+xml;utf,<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><svg xmlns="" height="18" width="18" version="1.1"><circle cx="9" cy="9" r="8" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="white"/><rect x="4" y="8" width="10" height="2" style="fill:black;stroke-width:0"/><rect x="8" y="4" width="2" height="10" style="fill:black;stroke-width:0"/></svg>\') no-repeat left center;}\n\
.pf:'+cgnchk+' ~ label {background:url(\'data:image/svg+xml;utf,<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><svg xmlns="" height="18" width="18" version="1.1"><circle cx="9" cy="9" r="8" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="white"/><rect x="4" y="8" width="10" height="2" style="fill:black;stroke-width:0"/></svg>\') no-repeat left center;}\n\
.pf:'+cgchk+' ~ *:not(:nth-child(2)) {display:none;}\n\
.zoombox {position:relative;width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;user-select:none;}\n\
.timeline {position:relative;font-size:14px;cursor:pointer;width:100%; overflow:hidden;background:linear-gradient(#cccccc, white);}\n\
.thread {position:absolute;height:0%;overflow:hidden;z-index:7;line-height:30px;font-size:14px;border:1px solid;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;}\n\ {border-radius:3px;background:linear-gradient(to top, #ccc, #eee);}\n\
.thread:hover {background:white;border:1px solid red;'+hoverZ+'}\n\
.thread.sec,.thread.sec:hover {background:black;border:0;color:white;line-height:15px;font-size:10px;}\n\
.hover {background:white;border:1px solid red;'+hoverZ+'}\n\
.hover.sync {background:white;}\n\,.hover.kth,.hover.sync, {background:white;}\n\
.jiffie {position:absolute;pointer-events: none;z-index:8;}\n\
.traceevent {position:absolute;font-size:10px;z-index:7;overflow:hidden;color:black;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;border-radius:5px;border:1px solid black;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#CCC,#969696);}\n\
.traceevent:hover {color:white;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid white;}\n\
.phase {position:absolute;overflow:hidden;border:0px;text-align:center;}\n\
.phaselet {float:left;overflow:hidden;border:0px;text-align:center;min-height:100px;font-size:24px;}\n\
.t {position:absolute;line-height:'+('%d'%scaleTH)+'px;pointer-events:none;top:0;height:100%;border-right:1px solid black;z-index:6;}\n\
.err {position:absolute;top:0%;height:100%;border-right:3px solid red;color:red;font:bold 14px Times;line-height:18px;}\n\
.legend {position:relative; width:100%; height:40px; text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px}\n\
.legend .square {position:absolute;cursor:pointer;top:10px; width:0px;height:20px;border:1px solid;padding-left:20px;}\n\
button {height:40px;width:200px;margin-bottom:20px;margin-top:20px;font-size:24px;}\n\
.logbtn {position:relative;float:right;height:25px;width:50px;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:0;font-size:10px;text-align:center;}\n\
.devlist {position:'+devlistpos+';width:190px;}\n\
a:link {color:white;text-decoration:none;}\n\
a:visited {color:white;}\n\
a:hover {color:white;}\n\
a:active {color:white;}\n\
.version {position:relative;float:left;color:white;font-size:10px;line-height:30px;margin-left:10px;}\n\
#devicedetail {min-height:100px;box-shadow:5px 5px 20px black;}\n\
.tblock {position:absolute;height:100%;background:#ddd;}\n\
.tback {position:absolute;width:100%;background:linear-gradient(#ccc, #ddd);}\n\
.bg {z-index:1;}\n\
# Function: addScriptCode # Function: addScriptCode
# Description: # Description:
# Adds the javascript code to the output html # Adds the javascript code to the output html
...@@ -3809,7 +3782,7 @@ def addScriptCode(hf, testruns): ...@@ -3809,7 +3782,7 @@ def addScriptCode(hf, testruns):
' var resolution = -1;\n'\ ' var resolution = -1;\n'\
' var dragval = [0, 0];\n'\ ' var dragval = [0, 0];\n'\
' function redrawTimescale(t0, tMax, tS) {\n'\ ' function redrawTimescale(t0, tMax, tS) {\n'\
' var rline = \'<div class="t" style="left:0;border-left:1px solid black;border-right:0;"><cS>&larr;R</cS></div>\';\n'\ ' var rline = \'<div class="t" style="left:0;border-left:1px solid black;border-right:0;">\';\n'\
' var tTotal = tMax - t0;\n'\ ' var tTotal = tMax - t0;\n'\
' var list = document.getElementsByClassName("tblock");\n'\ ' var list = document.getElementsByClassName("tblock");\n'\
' for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n'\ ' for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n'\
...@@ -3824,19 +3797,23 @@ def addScriptCode(hf, testruns): ...@@ -3824,19 +3797,23 @@ def addScriptCode(hf, testruns):
' var pos = 0.0, val = 0.0;\n'\ ' var pos = 0.0, val = 0.0;\n'\
' for (var j = 0; j < divTotal; j++) {\n'\ ' for (var j = 0; j < divTotal; j++) {\n'\
' var htmlline = "";\n'\ ' var htmlline = "";\n'\
' if(list[i].id[5] == "r") {\n'\ ' var mode = list[i].id[5];\n'\
' pos = 100 - (((j)*tS*100)/mTotal);\n'\ ' if(mode == "s") {\n'\
' val = (j)*tS;\n'\
' htmlline = \'<div class="t" style="right:\'+pos+\'%">\'+val+\'ms</div>\';\n'\
' if(j == 0)\n'\
' htmlline = rline;\n'\
' } else {\n'\
' pos = 100 - (((j)*tS*100)/mTotal) - divEdge;\n'\ ' pos = 100 - (((j)*tS*100)/mTotal) - divEdge;\n'\
' val = (j-divTotal+1)*tS;\n'\ ' val = (j-divTotal+1)*tS;\n'\
' if(j == divTotal - 1)\n'\ ' if(j == divTotal - 1)\n'\
' htmlline = \'<div class="t" style="right:\'+pos+\'%"><cS>S&rarr;</cS></div>\';\n'\ ' htmlline = \'<div class="t" style="right:\'+pos+\'%"><cS>S&rarr;</cS></div>\';\n'\
' else\n'\ ' else\n'\
' htmlline = \'<div class="t" style="right:\'+pos+\'%">\'+val+\'ms</div>\';\n'\ ' htmlline = \'<div class="t" style="right:\'+pos+\'%">\'+val+\'ms</div>\';\n'\
' } else {\n'\
' pos = 100 - (((j)*tS*100)/mTotal);\n'\
' val = (j)*tS;\n'\
' htmlline = \'<div class="t" style="right:\'+pos+\'%">\'+val+\'ms</div>\';\n'\
' if(j == 0)\n'\
' if(mode == "r")\n'\
' htmlline = rline+"<cS>&larr;R</cS></div>";\n'\
' else\n'\
' htmlline = rline+"<cS>0ms</div>";\n'\
' }\n'\ ' }\n'\
' html += htmlline;\n'\ ' html += htmlline;\n'\
' }\n'\ ' }\n'\
...@@ -4002,12 +3979,80 @@ def addScriptCode(hf, testruns): ...@@ -4002,12 +3979,80 @@ def addScriptCode(hf, testruns):
' }\n'\ ' }\n'\
' }\n'\ ' }\n'\
' }\n'\ ' }\n'\
' if(typeof devstats !== \'undefined\')\n'\
' callDetail(, this.title);\n'\
' var cglist = document.getElementById("callgraphs");\n'\ ' var cglist = document.getElementById("callgraphs");\n'\
' if(!cglist) return;\n'\ ' if(!cglist) return;\n'\
' var cg = cglist.getElementsByClassName("atop");\n'\ ' var cg = cglist.getElementsByClassName("atop");\n'\
' if(cg.length < 10) return;\n'\ ' if(cg.length < 10) return;\n'\
' for (var i = 0; i < cg.length; i++) {\n'\ ' for (var i = 0; i < cg.length; i++) {\n'\
' if(idlist.indexOf(cg[i].id) >= 0) {\n'\ ' cgid = cg[i].id.split("x")[0]\n'\
' if(idlist.indexOf(cgid) >= 0) {\n'\
' cg[i].style.display = "block";\n'\
' } else {\n'\
' cg[i].style.display = "none";\n'\
' }\n'\
' }\n'\
' }\n'\
' function callDetail(devid, devtitle) {\n'\
' if(!(devid in devstats) || devstats[devid].length < 1)\n'\
' return;\n'\
' var list = devstats[devid];\n'\
' var tmp = devtitle.split(" ");\n'\
' var name = tmp[0], phase = tmp[tmp.length-1];\n'\
' var dd = document.getElementById(phase);\n'\
' var total = parseFloat(tmp[1].slice(1));\n'\
' var mlist = [];\n'\
' var maxlen = 0;\n'\
' var info = []\n'\
' for(var i in list) {\n'\
' if(list[i][0] == "@") {\n'\
' info = list[i].split("|");\n'\
' continue;\n'\
' }\n'\
' var tmp = list[i].split("|");\n'\
' var t = parseFloat(tmp[0]), f = tmp[1], c = parseInt(tmp[2]);\n'\
' var p = (t*100.0/total).toFixed(2);\n'\
' mlist[mlist.length] = [f, c, t.toFixed(2), p+"%"];\n'\
' if(f.length > maxlen)\n'\
' maxlen = f.length;\n'\
' }\n'\
' var pad = 5;\n'\
' if(mlist.length == 0) pad = 30;\n'\
' var html = \'<div style="padding-top:\'+pad+\'px"><t3> <b>\'+name+\':</b>\';\n'\
' if(info.length > 2)\n'\
' html += " start=<b>"+info[1]+"</b>, end=<b>"+info[2]+"</b>";\n'\
' if(info.length > 3)\n'\
' html += ", length<i>(w/o overhead)</i>=<b>"+info[3]+" ms</b>";\n'\
' if(info.length > 4)\n'\
' html += ", return=<b>"+info[4]+"</b>";\n'\
' html += "</t3></div>";\n'\
' if(mlist.length > 0) {\n'\
' html += \'<table class=fstat style="padding-top:\'+(maxlen*5)+\'px;"><tr><th>Function</th>\';\n'\
' for(var i in mlist)\n'\
' html += "<td class=vt>"+mlist[i][0]+"</td>";\n'\
' html += "</tr><tr><th>Calls</th>";\n'\
' for(var i in mlist)\n'\
' html += "<td>"+mlist[i][1]+"</td>";\n'\
' html += "</tr><tr><th>Time(ms)</th>";\n'\
' for(var i in mlist)\n'\
' html += "<td>"+mlist[i][2]+"</td>";\n'\
' html += "</tr><tr><th>Percent</th>";\n'\
' for(var i in mlist)\n'\
' html += "<td>"+mlist[i][3]+"</td>";\n'\
' html += "</tr></table>";\n'\
' }\n'\
' dd.innerHTML = html;\n'\
' var height = (maxlen*5)+100;\n'\
' = height+"px";\n'\
' document.getElementById("devicedetail").style.height = height+"px";\n'\
' }\n'\
' function callSelect() {\n'\
' var cglist = document.getElementById("callgraphs");\n'\
' if(!cglist) return;\n'\
' var cg = cglist.getElementsByClassName("atop");\n'\
' for (var i = 0; i < cg.length; i++) {\n'\
' if( == cg[i].id) {\n'\
' cg[i].style.display = "block";\n'\ ' cg[i].style.display = "block";\n'\
' } else {\n'\ ' } else {\n'\
' cg[i].style.display = "none";\n'\ ' cg[i].style.display = "none";\n'\
...@@ -4093,6 +4138,9 @@ def addScriptCode(hf, testruns): ...@@ -4093,6 +4138,9 @@ def addScriptCode(hf, testruns):
' dev[i].onmouseover = deviceHover;\n'\ ' dev[i].onmouseover = deviceHover;\n'\
' dev[i].onmouseout = deviceUnhover;\n'\ ' dev[i].onmouseout = deviceUnhover;\n'\
' }\n'\ ' }\n'\
' var dev = dmesg.getElementsByClassName("srccall");\n'\
' for (var i = 0; i < dev.length; i++)\n'\
' dev[i].onclick = callSelect;\n'\
' zoomTimeline();\n'\ ' zoomTimeline();\n'\
' });\n'\ ' });\n'\
'</script>\n' '</script>\n'
...@@ -4675,7 +4723,7 @@ def rootCheck(fatal): ...@@ -4675,7 +4723,7 @@ def rootCheck(fatal):
if(os.access(sysvals.powerfile, os.W_OK)): if(os.access(sysvals.powerfile, os.W_OK)):
return True return True
if fatal: if fatal:
doError('This command must be run as root') doError('This command requires sysfs mount and root access')
return False return False
# Function: getArgInt # Function: getArgInt
...@@ -4767,51 +4815,62 @@ def runTest(subdir, testpath=''): ...@@ -4767,51 +4815,62 @@ def runTest(subdir, testpath=''):
cmd = 'chown -R {0}:{0} {1} > /dev/null 2>&1' cmd = 'chown -R {0}:{0} {1} > /dev/null 2>&1'
call(cmd.format(os.environ['SUDO_USER'], sysvals.testdir), shell=True) call(cmd.format(os.environ['SUDO_USER'], sysvals.testdir), shell=True)
def find_in_html(html, strs, div=False):
for str in strs:
l = len(str)
i = html.find(str)
if i >= 0:
if i < 0:
return ''
if not div:
return'[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+', html[i+l:i+l+50]).group()
n = html[i+l:].find('</div>')
if n < 0:
return ''
return html[i+l:i+l+n]
# Function: runSummary # Function: runSummary
# Description: # Description:
# create a summary of tests in a sub-directory # create a summary of tests in a sub-directory
def runSummary(subdir, output): def runSummary(subdir, local=True):
# get a list of ftrace output files inpath = os.path.abspath(subdir)
files = [] outpath = inpath
if local:
outpath = os.path.abspath('.')
print('Generating a summary of folder "%s"' % inpath)
testruns = []
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(subdir): for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(subdir):
for filename in filenames: for filename in filenames:
if(re.match('.*_ftrace.txt', filename)): if(not re.match('.*.html', filename)):
files.append("%s/%s" % (dirname, filename))
# process the files in order and get an array of data objects
testruns = []
for file in sorted(files):
if output:
print("Test found in %s" % os.path.dirname(file))
sysvals.ftracefile = file
sysvals.dmesgfile = file.replace('_ftrace.txt', '_dmesg.txt')
sysvals.usecallgraph = False
if not sysvals.usetraceeventsonly:
if(not os.path.exists(sysvals.dmesgfile)):
print("Skipping %s: not a valid test input" % file)
continue continue
else: file = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
if output: html = open(file, 'r').read(10000)
f = os.path.basename(sysvals.ftracefile) suspend = find_in_html(html,
d = os.path.basename(sysvals.dmesgfile) ['Kernel Suspend: ', 'Kernel Suspend Time: '])
print("\tInput files: %s and %s" % (f, d)) resume = find_in_html(html,
testdata = loadKernelLog() ['Kernel Resume: ', 'Kernel Resume Time: '])
data = testdata[0] line = find_in_html(html, ['<div class="stamp">'], True)
parseKernelLog(data) stmp = line.split()
testdata = [data] if not suspend or not resume or len(stmp) < 4:
appendIncompleteTraceLog(testdata) continue
else: data = {
if output: 'host': stmp[0],
print("\tInput file: %s" % os.path.basename(sysvals.ftracefile)) 'kernel': stmp[1],
testdata = parseTraceLog() 'mode': stmp[2],
data = testdata[0] 'time': string.join(stmp[3:], ' '),
data.normalizeTime(data.tSuspended) 'suspend': suspend,
link = file.replace(subdir+'/', '').replace('_ftrace.txt', '.html') 'resume': resume,
data.outfile = link 'url': os.path.relpath(file, outpath),
if len(stmp) == 7:
data['kernel'] = 'unknown'
data['mode'] = stmp[1]
data['time'] = string.join(stmp[2:], ' ')
testruns.append(data) testruns.append(data)
outfile = os.path.join(outpath, 'summary.html')
createHTMLSummarySimple(testruns, subdir+'/summary.html') print('Summary file: %s' % outfile)
createHTMLSummarySimple(testruns, outfile, inpath)
# Function: checkArgBool # Function: checkArgBool
# Description: # Description:
...@@ -4869,7 +4928,12 @@ def configFromFile(file): ...@@ -4869,7 +4928,12 @@ def configFromFile(file):
sysvals.predelay = getArgInt('-predelay', value, 0, 60000, False) sysvals.predelay = getArgInt('-predelay', value, 0, 60000, False)
elif(opt.lower() == 'postdelay'): elif(opt.lower() == 'postdelay'):
sysvals.postdelay = getArgInt('-postdelay', value, 0, 60000, False) sysvals.postdelay = getArgInt('-postdelay', value, 0, 60000, False)
elif(opt.lower() == 'maxdepth'):
sysvals.max_graph_depth = getArgInt('-maxdepth', value, 0, 1000, False)
elif(opt.lower() == 'rtcwake'): elif(opt.lower() == 'rtcwake'):
if value.lower() == 'off':
sysvals.rtcwake = False
sysvals.rtcwake = True sysvals.rtcwake = True
sysvals.rtcwaketime = getArgInt('-rtcwake', value, 0, 3600, False) sysvals.rtcwaketime = getArgInt('-rtcwake', value, 0, 3600, False)
elif(opt.lower() == 'timeprec'): elif(opt.lower() == 'timeprec'):
...@@ -4969,8 +5033,8 @@ def printHelp(): ...@@ -4969,8 +5033,8 @@ def printHelp():
modes = getModes() modes = getModes()
print('') print('')
print('AnalyzeSuspend v%s' % sysvals.version) print('%s v%s' % (sysvals.title, sysvals.version))
print('Usage: sudo <options>') print('Usage: sudo sleepgraph <options> <commands>')
print('') print('')
print('Description:') print('Description:')
print(' This tool is designed to assist kernel and OS developers in optimizing') print(' This tool is designed to assist kernel and OS developers in optimizing')
...@@ -4981,22 +5045,22 @@ def printHelp(): ...@@ -4981,22 +5045,22 @@ def printHelp():
print(' a detailed view of which devices/subsystems are taking the most') print(' a detailed view of which devices/subsystems are taking the most')
print(' time in suspend/resume.') print(' time in suspend/resume.')
print('') print('')
print(' If no specific command is given, the default behavior is to initiate')
print(' a suspend/resume and capture the dmesg/ftrace output as an html timeline.')
print(' Generates output files in subdirectory: suspend-mmddyy-HHMMSS') print(' Generates output files in subdirectory: suspend-mmddyy-HHMMSS')
print(' HTML output: <hostname>_<mode>.html') print(' HTML output: <hostname>_<mode>.html')
print(' raw dmesg output: <hostname>_<mode>_dmesg.txt') print(' raw dmesg output: <hostname>_<mode>_dmesg.txt')
print(' raw ftrace output: <hostname>_<mode>_ftrace.txt') print(' raw ftrace output: <hostname>_<mode>_ftrace.txt')
print('') print('')
print('Options:') print('Options:')
print(' [general]')
print(' -h Print this help text') print(' -h Print this help text')
print(' -v Print the current tool version') print(' -v Print the current tool version')
print(' -config fn Pull arguments and config options from file fn') print(' -config fn Pull arguments and config options from file fn')
print(' -verbose Print extra information during execution and analysis') print(' -verbose Print extra information during execution and analysis')
print(' -status Test to see if the system is enabled to run this tool')
print(' -modes List available suspend modes')
print(' -m mode Mode to initiate for suspend %s (default: %s)') % (modes, sysvals.suspendmode) print(' -m mode Mode to initiate for suspend %s (default: %s)') % (modes, sysvals.suspendmode)
print(' -o subdir Override the output subdirectory') print(' -o subdir Override the output subdirectory')
print(' -rtcwake t Use rtcwake to autoresume after <t> seconds (default: disabled)') print(' -rtcwake t Wakeup t seconds after suspend, set t to "off" to disable (default: 15)')
print(' -addlogs Add the dmesg and ftrace logs to the html output') print(' -addlogs Add the dmesg and ftrace logs to the html output')
print(' -srgap Add a visible gap in the timeline between sus/res (default: disabled)') print(' -srgap Add a visible gap in the timeline between sus/res (default: disabled)')
print(' [advanced]') print(' [advanced]')
...@@ -5012,23 +5076,25 @@ def printHelp(): ...@@ -5012,23 +5076,25 @@ def printHelp():
print(' be created in a new subdirectory with a summary page.') print(' be created in a new subdirectory with a summary page.')
print(' [debug]') print(' [debug]')
print(' -f Use ftrace to create device callgraphs (default: disabled)') print(' -f Use ftrace to create device callgraphs (default: disabled)')
print(' -maxdepth N limit the callgraph data to N call levels (default: 0=all)')
print(' -expandcg pre-expand the callgraph data in the html output (default: disabled)') print(' -expandcg pre-expand the callgraph data in the html output (default: disabled)')
print(' -flist Print the list of functions currently being captured in ftrace')
print(' -flistall Print all functions capable of being captured in ftrace')
print(' -fadd file Add functions to be graphed in the timeline from a list in a text file') print(' -fadd file Add functions to be graphed in the timeline from a list in a text file')
print(' -filter "d1,d2,..." Filter out all but this comma-delimited list of device names') print(' -filter "d1,d2,..." Filter out all but this comma-delimited list of device names')
print(' -mincg ms Discard all callgraphs shorter than ms milliseconds (e.g. 0.001 for us)') print(' -mincg ms Discard all callgraphs shorter than ms milliseconds (e.g. 0.001 for us)')
print(' -cgphase P Only show callgraph data for phase P (e.g. suspend_late)') print(' -cgphase P Only show callgraph data for phase P (e.g. suspend_late)')
print(' -cgtest N Only show callgraph data for test N (e.g. 0 or 1 in an x2 run)') print(' -cgtest N Only show callgraph data for test N (e.g. 0 or 1 in an x2 run)')
print(' -timeprec N Number of significant digits in timestamps (0:S, [3:ms], 6:us)') print(' -timeprec N Number of significant digits in timestamps (0:S, [3:ms], 6:us)')
print(' [utilities]') print(' [commands]')
print(' -ftrace ftracefile Create HTML output using ftrace input (used with -dmesg)')
print(' -dmesg dmesgfile Create HTML output using dmesg (used with -ftrace)')
print(' -summary directory Create a summary of all test in this dir')
print(' -modes List available suspend modes')
print(' -status Test to see if the system is enabled to run this tool')
print(' -fpdt Print out the contents of the ACPI Firmware Performance Data Table') print(' -fpdt Print out the contents of the ACPI Firmware Performance Data Table')
print(' -usbtopo Print out the current USB topology with power info') print(' -usbtopo Print out the current USB topology with power info')
print(' -usbauto Enable autosuspend for all connected USB devices') print(' -usbauto Enable autosuspend for all connected USB devices')
print(' [re-analyze data from previous runs]') print(' -flist Print the list of functions currently being captured in ftrace')
print(' -ftrace ftracefile Create HTML output using ftrace input') print(' -flistall Print all functions capable of being captured in ftrace')
print(' -dmesg dmesgfile Create HTML output using dmesg (not needed for kernel >= 3.15)')
print(' -summary directory Create a summary of all test in this dir')
print('') print('')
return True return True
...@@ -5076,9 +5142,18 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': ...@@ -5076,9 +5142,18 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
sysvals.useprocmon = True sysvals.useprocmon = True
elif(arg == '-dev'): elif(arg == '-dev'):
sysvals.usedevsrc = True sysvals.usedevsrc = True
elif(arg == '-maxdepth'):
sysvals.max_graph_depth = getArgInt('-maxdepth', args, 0, 1000)
elif(arg == '-rtcwake'): elif(arg == '-rtcwake'):
val =
doError('No rtcwake time supplied', True)
if val.lower() == 'off':
sysvals.rtcwake = False
sysvals.rtcwake = True sysvals.rtcwake = True
sysvals.rtcwaketime = getArgInt('-rtcwake', args, 0, 3600) sysvals.rtcwaketime = getArgInt('-rtcwake', val, 0, 3600, False)
elif(arg == '-timeprec'): elif(arg == '-timeprec'):
sysvals.setPrecision(getArgInt('-timeprec', args, 0, 6)) sysvals.setPrecision(getArgInt('-timeprec', args, 0, 6))
elif(arg == '-mindev'): elif(arg == '-mindev'):
...@@ -5201,7 +5276,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': ...@@ -5201,7 +5276,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
elif(cmd == 'usbauto'): elif(cmd == 'usbauto'):
setUSBDevicesAuto() setUSBDevicesAuto()
elif(cmd == 'summary'): elif(cmd == 'summary'):
print("Generating a summary of folder \"%s\"" % cmdarg)
runSummary(cmdarg, True) runSummary(cmdarg, True)
sys.exit() sys.exit()
bootgraph \- Kernel boot timing analysis
.ft B
.B bootgraph
\fBbootgraph \fP reads the dmesg log from kernel boot and
creates an html representation of the initcall timeline up to the start
of the init process.
If no specific command is given, the tool reads the current dmesg log and
outputs bootgraph.html.
The tool can also augment the timeline with ftrace data on custom target
functions as well as full trace callgraphs.
Print this help text
Print the current tool version
Add the dmesg log to the html output. It will be viewable by
clicking a button in the timeline.
\fB-o \fIfile\fR
Override the HTML output filename (default: bootgraph.html)
.SS "Ftrace Debug"
Use ftrace to add function detail (default: disabled)
Use ftrace to create initcall callgraphs (default: disabled). If -filter
is not used there will be one callgraph per initcall. This can produce
very large outputs, i.e. 10MB - 100MB.
\fB-maxdepth \fIlevel\fR
limit the callgraph trace depth to \fIlevel\fR (default: 2). This is
the best way to limit the output size when using -callgraph.
\fB-mincg \fIt\fR
Discard all callgraphs shorter than \fIt\fR milliseconds (default: 0=all).
This reduces the html file size as there can be many tiny callgraphs
which are barely visible in the timeline.
The value is a float: e.g. 0.001 represents 1 us.
\fB-timeprec \fIn\fR
Number of significant digits in timestamps (0:S, 3:ms, [6:us])
pre-expand the callgraph data in the html output (default: disabled)
\fB-filter \fI"func1,func2,..."\fR
Instead of tracing each initcall, trace a custom list of functions (default: do_one_initcall)
Reboot the machine and generate a new timeline automatically. Works in 4 steps.
1. updates grub with the required kernel parameters
2. installs a cron job which re-runs the tool after reboot
3. reboots the system
4. after startup, extracts the data and generates the timeline
Show the requirements to generate a new timeline manually. Requires 3 steps.
1. append the string to the kernel command line via your native boot manager.
2. reboot the system
3. after startup, re-run the tool with the same arguments and no command
\fB-dmesg \fIfile\fR
Create HTML output from an existing dmesg file.
\fB-ftrace \fIfile\fR
Create HTML output from an existing ftrace file (used with -dmesg).
Print all ftrace functions capable of being captured. These are all the
possible values you can add to trace via the -filter argument.
Create a timeline using the current dmesg log.
\f(CW$ bootgraph\fR
Create a timeline using the current dmesg and ftrace log.
\f(CW$ bootgraph -callgraph\fR
Create a timeline using the current dmesg, add the log to the html and change the name.
\f(CW$ bootgraph -addlogs -o myboot.html\fR
Capture a new boot timeline by automatically rebooting the machine.
\f(CW$ sudo bootgraph -reboot -addlogs -o latestboot.html\fR
Capture a new boot timeline with function trace data.
\f(CW$ sudo bootgraph -reboot -f\fR
Capture a new boot timeline with trace & callgraph data. Skip callgraphs smaller than 5ms.
\f(CW$ sudo bootgraph -reboot -callgraph -mincg 5\fR
Capture a new boot timeline with callgraph data over custom functions.
\f(CW$ sudo bootgraph -reboot -callgraph -filter "acpi_ps_parse_aml,msleep"\fR
Capture a brand new boot timeline with manual reboot.
\f(CW$ sudo bootgraph -callgraph -manual\fR
\f(CW$ vi /etc/default/grub # add the CMDLINE string to your kernel params\fR
\f(CW$ sudo reboot # reboot the machine\fR
\f(CW$ sudo bootgraph -callgraph # re-run the tool after restart\fR
dmesg(1), update-grub(8), crontab(1), reboot(8)
Written by Todd Brandt <>
sleepgraph \- Suspend/Resume timing analysis
.ft B
.B sleepgraph
\fBsleepgraph \fP is designed to assist kernel and OS developers
in optimizing their linux stack's suspend/resume time. Using a kernel
image built with a few extra options enabled, the tool will execute a
suspend and capture dmesg and ftrace data until resume is complete.
This data is transformed into a device timeline and an optional
callgraph to give a detailed view of which devices/subsystems are
taking the most time in suspend/resume.
If no specific command is given, the default behavior is to initiate
a suspend/resume.
Generates output files in subdirectory: suspend-yymmdd-HHMMSS
html timeline : <hostname>_<mode>.html
raw dmesg file : <hostname>_<mode>_dmesg.txt
raw ftrace file : <hostname>_<mode>_ftrace.txt
Print the help text.
Print the current tool version.
Print extra information during execution and analysis.
\fB-config \fIfile\fR
Pull arguments and config options from a file.
\fB-m \fImode\fR
Mode to initiate for suspend e.g. standby, freeze, mem (default: mem).
\fB-o \fIsubdir\fR
Override the output subdirectory. Use {date}, {time}, {hostname} for current values.
e.g. suspend-{hostname}-{date}-{time}
\fB-rtcwake \fIt\fR | off
Use rtcwake to autoresume after \fIt\fR seconds (default: 15). Set t to "off" to
disable rtcwake and require a user keypress to resume.
Add the dmesg and ftrace logs to the html output. They will be viewable by
clicking buttons in the timeline.
.SS "Advanced"
\fB-cmd \fIstr\fR
Run the timeline over a custom suspend command, e.g. pm-suspend. By default
the tool forces suspend via /sys/power/state so this allows testing over
an OS's official suspend method. The output file will change to
hostname_command.html and will autodetect which suspend mode was triggered.
\fB-filter \fI"d1,d2,..."\fR
Filter out all but these device callbacks. These strings can be device names
or module names. e.g. 0000:00:02.0, ata5, i915, usb, etc.
\fB-mindev \fIt\fR
Discard all device callbacks shorter than \fIt\fR milliseconds (default: 0.0).
This reduces the html file size as there can be many tiny callbacks which are barely
visible. The value is a float: e.g. 0.001 represents 1 us.
Add usermode process info into the timeline (default: disabled).
Add kernel source calls and threads to the timeline (default: disabled).
Run two suspend/resumes back to back (default: disabled).
\fB-x2delay \fIt\fR
Include \fIt\fR ms delay between multiple test runs (default: 0 ms).
\fB-predelay \fIt\fR
Include \fIt\fR ms delay before 1st suspend (default: 0 ms).
\fB-postdelay \fIt\fR
Include \fIt\fR ms delay after last resume (default: 0 ms).
\fB-multi \fIn d\fR
Execute \fIn\fR consecutive tests at \fId\fR seconds intervals. The outputs will
be created in a new subdirectory with a summary page: suspend-xN-{date}-{time}.
.SS "Ftrace Debug"
Use ftrace to create device callgraphs (default: disabled). This can produce
very large outputs, i.e. 10MB - 100MB.
\fB-maxdepth \fIlevel\fR
limit the callgraph trace depth to \fIlevel\fR (default: 0=all). This is
the best way to limit the output size when using callgraphs via -f.
pre-expand the callgraph data in the html output (default: disabled)
\fB-fadd \fIfile\fR
Add functions to be graphed in the timeline from a list in a text file
\fB-mincg \fIt\fR
Discard all callgraphs shorter than \fIt\fR milliseconds (default: 0.0).
This reduces the html file size as there can be many tiny callgraphs
which are barely visible in the timeline.
The value is a float: e.g. 0.001 represents 1 us.
\fB-cgphase \fIp\fR
Only show callgraph data for phase \fIp\fR (e.g. suspend_late).
\fB-cgtest \fIn\fR
In an x2 run, only show callgraph data for test \fIn\fR (e.g. 0 or 1).
\fB-timeprec \fIn\fR
Number of significant digits in timestamps (0:S, [3:ms], 6:us).
\fB-ftrace \fIfile\fR
Create HTML output from an existing ftrace file.
\fB-dmesg \fIfile\fR
Create HTML output from an existing dmesg file.
\fB-summary \fIindir\fR
Create a summary page of all tests in \fIindir\fR. Creates summary.html
in the current folder. The output page is a table of tests with
suspend and resume values sorted by suspend mode, host, and kernel.
Includes test averages by mode and links to the test html files.
List available suspend modes.
Test to see if the system is able to run this tool. Use this along
with any options you intend to use to see if they will work.
Print out the contents of the ACPI Firmware Performance Data Table.
Print out the current USB topology with power info.
Enable autosuspend for all connected USB devices.
Print the list of ftrace functions currently being captured. Functions
that are not available as symbols in the current kernel are shown in red.
By default, the tool traces a list of important suspend/resume functions
in order to better fill out the timeline. If the user has added their own
with -fadd they will also be checked.
Print all ftrace functions capable of being captured. These are all the
possible values you can add to trace via the -fadd argument.
.SS "Simple Commands"
Check which suspend modes are currently supported.
\f(CW$ sleepgraph -modes\fR
Read the Firmware Performance Data Table (FPDT)
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -fpdt\fR
Print out the current USB power topology
\f(CW$ sleepgraph -usbtopo
Verify that you can run a command with a set of arguments
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -f -rtcwake 30 -status
Generate a summary of all timelines in a particular folder.
\f(CW$ sleepgraph -summary ~/workspace/myresults/\fR
Re-generate the html output from a previous run's dmesg and ftrace log.
\f(CW$ sleepgraph -dmesg myhost_mem_dmesg.txt -ftrace myhost_mem_ftrace.txt\fR
.SS "Capturing Simple Timelines"
Execute a mem suspend with a 15 second wakeup. Include the logs in the html.
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -rtcwake 15 -addlogs\fR
Execute a standby with a 15 second wakeup. Change the output folder name.
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -m standby -rtcwake 15 -o "standby-{hostname}-{date}-{time}"\fR
Execute a freeze with no wakeup (require keypress). Change output folder name.
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -m freeze -rtcwake off -o "freeze-{hostname}-{date}-{time}"\fR
.SS "Capturing Advanced Timelines"
Execute a suspend & include dev mode source calls, limit callbacks to 5ms or larger.
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -m mem -rtcwake 15 -dev -mindev 5\fR
Run two suspends back to back, include a 500ms delay before, after, and in between runs.
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -m mem -rtcwake 15 -x2 -predelay 500 -x2delay 500 -postdelay 500\fR
Do a batch run of 10 freezes with 30 seconds delay between runs.
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -m freeze -rtcwake 15 -multi 10 30\fR
Execute a suspend using a custom command.
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -cmd "echo mem > /sys/power/state" -rtcwake 15\fR
.SS "Capturing Timelines with Callgraph Data"
Add device callgraphs. Limit the trace depth and only show callgraphs 10ms or larger.
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -m mem -rtcwake 15 -f -maxdepth 5 -mincg 10\fR
Capture a full callgraph across all suspend, then filter the html by a single phase.
\f(CW$ sudo sleepgraph -m mem -rtcwake 15 -f\fR
\f(CW$ sleepgraph -dmesg host_mem_dmesg.txt -ftrace host_mem_ftrace.txt -f -cgphase resume
Written by Todd Brandt <>
...@@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ def split_csv(): ...@@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ def split_csv():
os.system('grep -m 1 common_cpu cpu.csv > cpu{:0>3}.csv'.format(index)) os.system('grep -m 1 common_cpu cpu.csv > cpu{:0>3}.csv'.format(index))
os.system('grep CPU_{:0>3} cpu.csv >> cpu{:0>3}.csv'.format(index, index)) os.system('grep CPU_{:0>3} cpu.csv >> cpu{:0>3}.csv'.format(index, index))
def fix_ownership(path):
"""Change the owner of the file to SUDO_UID, if required"""
uid = os.environ.get('SUDO_UID')
gid = os.environ.get('SUDO_GID')
if uid is not None:
os.chown(path, int(uid), int(gid))
def cleanup_data_files(): def cleanup_data_files():
""" clean up existing data files """ """ clean up existing data files """
...@@ -518,12 +526,16 @@ else: ...@@ -518,12 +526,16 @@ else:
if not os.path.exists('results'): if not os.path.exists('results'):
os.mkdir('results') os.mkdir('results')
# The regular user needs to own the directory, not root.
os.chdir('results') os.chdir('results')
if os.path.exists(testname): if os.path.exists(testname):
print('The test name directory already exists. Please provide a unique test name. Test re-run not supported, yet.') print('The test name directory already exists. Please provide a unique test name. Test re-run not supported, yet.')
sys.exit() sys.exit()
os.mkdir(testname) os.mkdir(testname)
# The regular user needs to own the directory, not root.
os.chdir(testname) os.chdir(testname)
# Temporary (or perhaps not) # Temporary (or perhaps not)
...@@ -566,4 +578,9 @@ plot_scaled_cpu() ...@@ -566,4 +578,9 @@ plot_scaled_cpu()
plot_boost_cpu() plot_boost_cpu()
plot_ghz_cpu() plot_ghz_cpu()
# It is preferrable, but not necessary, that the regular user owns the files, not root.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
for f in files:
os.chdir('../../') os.chdir('../../')
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