Commit ae44829a authored by Radoslav Tsvetkov's avatar Radoslav Tsvetkov Committed by Hans Verkuil

media: qcom: camss: Add per sub-device type resources

Currently resources structure grows with additional parameters required for
each sub-deivce. However each sub-device has some specific resources or
configurations which need to be passed during the initialization.

This change adds per sub-device type structure to simplify the things
and removes the magical void pointer to hw_ops.
Signed-off-by: default avatarRadoslav Tsvetkov <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGjorgji Rosikopulos <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarBryan O'Donoghue <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarBryan O'Donoghue <>
Tested-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <> # sc8280xp/sm8250/sdm845/apq8016
Acked-by: default avatarBryan O'Donoghue <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarHans Verkuil <>
parent f5306b75
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ static int csid_set_power(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int on)
ret = csid->ops->reset(csid);
ret = csid->res->hw_ops->reset(csid);
if (ret < 0) {
camss_disable_clocks(csid->nclocks, csid->clock);
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ static int csid_set_power(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int on)
return ret;
} else {
camss_disable_clocks(csid->nclocks, csid->clock);
......@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ static int csid_set_stream(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int enable)
if (csid->phy.need_vc_update) {
csid->ops->configure_stream(csid, enable);
csid->res->hw_ops->configure_stream(csid, enable);
csid->phy.need_vc_update = false;
......@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ static void csid_try_format(struct csid_device *csid,
*fmt = *__csid_get_format(csid, sd_state,
fmt->code = csid->ops->src_pad_code(csid, fmt->code, 0, code);
fmt->code = csid->res->hw_ops->src_pad_code(csid, fmt->code, 0, code);
} else {
/* Test generator is enabled, set format on source */
/* pad to allow test generator usage */
......@@ -375,8 +375,8 @@ static int csid_enum_mbus_code(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
code->code = csid->ops->src_pad_code(csid, sink_fmt->code,
code->index, 0);
code->code = csid->res->hw_ops->src_pad_code(csid, sink_fmt->code,
code->index, 0);
if (!code->code)
return -EINVAL;
} else {
......@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ static int csid_set_test_pattern(struct csid_device *csid, s32 value)
tg->enabled = !!value;
return csid->ops->configure_testgen_pattern(csid, value);
return csid->res->hw_ops->configure_testgen_pattern(csid, value);
......@@ -575,9 +575,9 @@ int msm_csid_subdev_init(struct camss *camss, struct csid_device *csid,
csid->camss = camss;
csid->id = id;
csid->ops = res->ops;
csid->res = &res->csid;
/* Memory */
......@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ int msm_csid_subdev_init(struct camss *camss, struct csid_device *csid,
csid->irq = ret;
snprintf(csid->irq_name, sizeof(csid->irq_name), "%s_%s%d",
dev_name(dev), MSM_CSID_NAME, csid->id);
ret = devm_request_irq(dev, csid->irq, csid->ops->isr,
ret = devm_request_irq(dev, csid->irq, csid->res->hw_ops->isr,
csid->irq_name, csid);
if (ret < 0) {
......@@ -899,5 +899,5 @@ void msm_csid_unregister_entity(struct csid_device *csid)
inline bool csid_is_lite(struct csid_device *csid)
return csid->camss->res->csid_res[csid->id].is_lite;
return csid->camss->res->csid_res[csid->id].csid.is_lite;
......@@ -149,6 +149,11 @@ struct csid_hw_ops {
void (*subdev_init)(struct csid_device *csid);
struct csid_subdev_resources {
bool is_lite;
const struct csid_hw_ops *hw_ops;
struct csid_device {
struct camss *camss;
u8 id;
......@@ -169,7 +174,7 @@ struct csid_device {
struct v4l2_ctrl *testgen_mode;
const struct csid_format *formats;
unsigned int nformats;
const struct csid_hw_ops *ops;
const struct csid_subdev_resources *res;
struct camss_subdev_resources;
......@@ -216,9 +216,9 @@ static int csiphy_set_power(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int on)
csiphy->ops->hw_version_read(csiphy, dev);
csiphy->res->hw_ops->hw_version_read(csiphy, dev);
} else {
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ static int csiphy_stream_on(struct csiphy_device *csiphy)
struct csiphy_config *cfg = &csiphy->cfg;
s64 link_freq;
u8 lane_mask = csiphy->ops->get_lane_mask(&cfg->csi2->lane_cfg);
u8 lane_mask = csiphy->res->hw_ops->get_lane_mask(&cfg->csi2->lane_cfg);
u8 bpp = csiphy_get_bpp(csiphy->formats, csiphy->nformats,
u8 num_lanes = csiphy->cfg.csi2->lane_cfg.num_data;
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ static int csiphy_stream_on(struct csiphy_device *csiphy)
csiphy->ops->lanes_enable(csiphy, cfg, link_freq, lane_mask);
csiphy->res->hw_ops->lanes_enable(csiphy, cfg, link_freq, lane_mask);
return 0;
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ static int csiphy_stream_on(struct csiphy_device *csiphy)
static void csiphy_stream_off(struct csiphy_device *csiphy)
csiphy->ops->lanes_disable(csiphy, &csiphy->cfg);
csiphy->res->hw_ops->lanes_disable(csiphy, &csiphy->cfg);
......@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ int msm_csiphy_subdev_init(struct camss *camss,
csiphy->camss = camss;
csiphy->id = id;
csiphy->cfg.combo_mode = 0;
csiphy->ops = res->ops;
csiphy->res = &res->csiphy;
switch (camss->res->version) {
case CAMSS_8x16:
......@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ int msm_csiphy_subdev_init(struct camss *camss,
snprintf(csiphy->irq_name, sizeof(csiphy->irq_name), "%s_%s%d",
dev_name(dev), MSM_CSIPHY_NAME, csiphy->id);
ret = devm_request_irq(dev, csiphy->irq, csiphy->ops->isr,
ret = devm_request_irq(dev, csiphy->irq, csiphy->res->hw_ops->isr,
csiphy->irq_name, csiphy);
if (ret < 0) {
......@@ -63,6 +63,10 @@ struct csiphy_hw_ops {
irqreturn_t (*isr)(int irq, void *dev);
struct csiphy_subdev_resources {
const struct csiphy_hw_ops *hw_ops;
struct csiphy_device {
struct camss *camss;
u8 id;
......@@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ struct csiphy_device {
u32 timer_clk_rate;
struct csiphy_config cfg;
struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt fmt[MSM_CSIPHY_PADS_NUM];
const struct csiphy_hw_ops *ops;
const struct csiphy_subdev_resources *res;
const struct csiphy_format *formats;
unsigned int nformats;
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ static irqreturn_t vfe_isr(int irq, void *dev)
writel_relaxed(status0, vfe->base + VFE_IRQ_CLEAR_0);
writel_relaxed(status1, vfe->base + VFE_IRQ_CLEAR_1);
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->line_num; i++) {
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++) {
vfe_bus_status[i] = readl_relaxed(vfe->base + VFE_BUS_IRQ_STATUS(i));
writel_relaxed(vfe_bus_status[i], vfe->base + VFE_BUS_IRQ_CLEAR(i));
......@@ -367,11 +367,11 @@ static irqreturn_t vfe_isr(int irq, void *dev)
if (status0 & STATUS_0_RESET_ACK)
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->line_num; i++)
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++)
if (status0 & STATUS_0_RDI_REG_UPDATE(i))
vfe->isr_ops.reg_update(vfe, i);
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->line_num; i++)
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++)
if (status0 & STATUS_1_RDI_SOF(i))
vfe->isr_ops.sof(vfe, i);
......@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ static int vfe_enable_output(struct vfe_line *line)
struct vfe_device *vfe = to_vfe(line);
struct vfe_output *output = &line->output;
const struct vfe_hw_ops *ops = vfe->ops;
const struct vfe_hw_ops *ops = vfe->res->hw_ops;
struct media_entity *sensor;
unsigned long flags;
unsigned int frame_skip = 0;
......@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ static void vfe_isr_reg_update(struct vfe_device *vfe, enum vfe_line_id line_id)
unsigned long flags;
spin_lock_irqsave(&vfe->output_lock, flags);
vfe->ops->reg_update_clear(vfe, line_id);
vfe->res->hw_ops->reg_update_clear(vfe, line_id);
output = &vfe->line[line_id].output;
......@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ static irqreturn_t vfe_isr(int irq, void *dev)
u32 value0, value1;
int i, j;
vfe->ops->isr_read(vfe, &value0, &value1);
vfe->res->hw_ops->isr_read(vfe, &value0, &value1);
dev_dbg(vfe->camss->dev, "VFE: status0 = 0x%08x, status1 = 0x%08x\n",
value0, value1);
......@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ static irqreturn_t vfe_isr(int irq, void *dev)
if (value1 & VFE_0_IRQ_STATUS_1_VIOLATION)
......@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ static irqreturn_t vfe_isr(int irq, void *dev)
u32 value0, value1;
int i, j;
vfe->ops->isr_read(vfe, &value0, &value1);
vfe->res->hw_ops->isr_read(vfe, &value0, &value1);
dev_dbg(vfe->camss->dev, "VFE: status0 = 0x%08x, status1 = 0x%08x\n",
value0, value1);
......@@ -1059,12 +1059,12 @@ static irqreturn_t vfe_isr(int irq, void *dev)
if (value1 & VFE_0_IRQ_STATUS_1_VIOLATION)
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->line_num; i++)
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++)
if (value0 & VFE_0_IRQ_STATUS_0_line_n_REG_UPDATE(i))
vfe->isr_ops.reg_update(vfe, i);
......@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ static irqreturn_t vfe_isr(int irq, void *dev)
u32 value0, value1;
int i, j;
vfe->ops->isr_read(vfe, &value0, &value1);
vfe->res->hw_ops->isr_read(vfe, &value0, &value1);
dev_dbg(vfe->camss->dev, "VFE: status0 = 0x%08x, status1 = 0x%08x\n",
value0, value1);
......@@ -989,12 +989,12 @@ static irqreturn_t vfe_isr(int irq, void *dev)
if (value1 & VFE_0_IRQ_STATUS_1_VIOLATION)
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->line_num; i++)
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++)
if (value0 & VFE_0_IRQ_STATUS_0_line_n_REG_UPDATE(i))
vfe->isr_ops.reg_update(vfe, i);
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ static int vfe_disable_output(struct vfe_line *line)
struct vfe_device *vfe = to_vfe(line);
struct vfe_output *output = &line->output;
const struct vfe_hw_ops *ops = vfe->ops;
const struct vfe_hw_ops *ops = vfe->res->hw_ops;
unsigned long flags;
unsigned long time;
unsigned int i;
......@@ -162,14 +162,14 @@ static void vfe_output_frame_drop(struct vfe_device *vfe,
vfe->ops_gen1->wm_set_framedrop_pattern(vfe, output->wm_idx[i], drop_pattern);
vfe->ops->reg_update(vfe, container_of(output, struct vfe_line, output)->id);
vfe->res->hw_ops->reg_update(vfe, container_of(output, struct vfe_line, output)->id);
static int vfe_enable_output(struct vfe_line *line)
struct vfe_device *vfe = to_vfe(line);
struct vfe_output *output = &line->output;
const struct vfe_hw_ops *ops = vfe->ops;
const struct vfe_hw_ops *ops = vfe->res->hw_ops;
struct media_entity *sensor;
unsigned long flags;
unsigned int frame_skip = 0;
......@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ static void vfe_isr_reg_update(struct vfe_device *vfe, enum vfe_line_id line_id)
unsigned long flags;
spin_lock_irqsave(&vfe->output_lock, flags);
vfe->ops->reg_update_clear(vfe, line_id);
vfe->res->hw_ops->reg_update_clear(vfe, line_id);
output = &line->output;
......@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ int vfe_reset(struct vfe_device *vfe)
time = wait_for_completion_timeout(&vfe->reset_complete,
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ static void vfe_init_outputs(struct vfe_device *vfe)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < vfe->line_num; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++) {
struct vfe_output *output = &vfe->line[i].output;
output->state = VFE_OUTPUT_OFF;
......@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ static int vfe_disable_output(struct vfe_line *line)
spin_lock_irqsave(&vfe->output_lock, flags);
for (i = 0; i < output->wm_num; i++)
vfe->ops->vfe_wm_stop(vfe, output->wm_idx[i]);
vfe->res->hw_ops->vfe_wm_stop(vfe, output->wm_idx[i]);
output->gen2.active_num = 0;
spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vfe->output_lock, flags);
......@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ static int vfe_set_clock_rates(struct vfe_device *vfe)
int i, j;
int ret;
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->line_num; i++) {
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++) {
ret = camss_get_pixel_clock(&vfe->line[i].subdev.entity,
if (ret)
......@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ static int vfe_set_clock_rates(struct vfe_device *vfe)
u64 min_rate = 0;
long rate;
for (j = VFE_LINE_RDI0; j < vfe->line_num; j++) {
for (j = VFE_LINE_RDI0; j < vfe->res->line_num; j++) {
u32 tmp;
u8 bpp;
......@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ static int vfe_check_clock_rates(struct vfe_device *vfe)
int i, j;
int ret;
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->line_num; i++) {
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++) {
ret = camss_get_pixel_clock(&vfe->line[i].subdev.entity,
if (ret)
......@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ static int vfe_check_clock_rates(struct vfe_device *vfe)
u64 min_rate = 0;
unsigned long rate;
for (j = VFE_LINE_RDI0; j < vfe->line_num; j++) {
for (j = VFE_LINE_RDI0; j < vfe->res->line_num; j++) {
u32 tmp;
u8 bpp;
......@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ int vfe_get(struct vfe_device *vfe)
if (vfe->power_count == 0) {
ret = vfe->ops->pm_domain_on(vfe);
ret = vfe->res->hw_ops->pm_domain_on(vfe);
if (ret < 0)
goto error_pm_domain;
......@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ int vfe_get(struct vfe_device *vfe)
} else {
ret = vfe_check_clock_rates(vfe);
if (ret < 0)
......@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ int vfe_get(struct vfe_device *vfe)
......@@ -740,11 +740,11 @@ void vfe_put(struct vfe_device *vfe)
} else if (vfe->power_count == 1) {
if (vfe->was_streaming) {
vfe->was_streaming = 0;
camss_disable_clocks(vfe->nclocks, vfe->clock);
......@@ -834,12 +834,12 @@ static int vfe_set_stream(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int enable)
if (enable) {
line->output.state = VFE_OUTPUT_RESERVED;
ret = vfe->ops->vfe_enable(line);
ret = vfe->res->hw_ops->vfe_enable(line);
if (ret < 0)
"Failed to enable vfe outputs\n");
} else {
ret = vfe->ops->vfe_disable(line);
ret = vfe->res->hw_ops->vfe_disable(line);
if (ret < 0)
"Failed to disable vfe outputs\n");
......@@ -1376,23 +1376,24 @@ int msm_vfe_subdev_init(struct camss *camss, struct vfe_device *vfe,
int i, j;
int ret;
vfe->ops = res->ops;
if (!res->line_num)
if (!res->vfe.line_num)
return -EINVAL;
vfe->res = &res->vfe;
vfe->res->hw_ops->subdev_init(dev, vfe);
/* Power domain */
if (res->pd_name) {
if (res->vfe.pd_name) {
vfe->genpd = dev_pm_domain_attach_by_name(camss->dev,
if (IS_ERR(vfe->genpd)) {
ret = PTR_ERR(vfe->genpd);
return ret;
if (!vfe->genpd && res->has_pd) {
if (!vfe->genpd && res->vfe.has_pd) {
* Legacy magic index.
* Requires
......@@ -1409,9 +1410,6 @@ int msm_vfe_subdev_init(struct camss *camss, struct vfe_device *vfe,
return PTR_ERR(vfe->genpd);
vfe->line_num = res->line_num;
vfe->ops->subdev_init(dev, vfe);
/* Memory */
vfe->base = devm_platform_ioremap_resource_byname(pdev, res->reg[0]);
......@@ -1429,7 +1427,7 @@ int msm_vfe_subdev_init(struct camss *camss, struct vfe_device *vfe,
vfe->irq = ret;
snprintf(vfe->irq_name, sizeof(vfe->irq_name), "%s_%s%d",
dev_name(dev), MSM_VFE_NAME, id);
ret = devm_request_irq(dev, vfe->irq, vfe->ops->isr,
ret = devm_request_irq(dev, vfe->irq, vfe->res->hw_ops->isr,
IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING, vfe->irq_name, vfe);
if (ret < 0) {
dev_err(dev, "request_irq failed: %d\n", ret);
......@@ -1488,7 +1486,7 @@ int msm_vfe_subdev_init(struct camss *camss, struct vfe_device *vfe,
vfe->id = id;
vfe->reg_update = 0;
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->line_num; i++) {
for (i = VFE_LINE_RDI0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++) {
struct vfe_line *l = &vfe->line[i];
l->video_out.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
......@@ -1636,7 +1634,7 @@ int msm_vfe_register_entities(struct vfe_device *vfe,
int ret;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < vfe->line_num; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++) {
char name[32];
sd = &vfe->line[i].subdev;
......@@ -1743,7 +1741,7 @@ void msm_vfe_unregister_entities(struct vfe_device *vfe)
for (i = 0; i < vfe->line_num; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < vfe->res->line_num; i++) {
struct v4l2_subdev *sd = &vfe->line[i].subdev;
struct camss_video *video_out = &vfe->line[i].video_out;
......@@ -1755,5 +1753,5 @@ void msm_vfe_unregister_entities(struct vfe_device *vfe)
bool vfe_is_lite(struct vfe_device *vfe)
return vfe->camss->res->vfe_res[vfe->id].is_lite;
return vfe->camss->res->vfe_res[vfe->id].vfe.is_lite;
......@@ -126,6 +126,14 @@ struct vfe_isr_ops {
void (*wm_done)(struct vfe_device *vfe, u8 wm);
struct vfe_subdev_resources {
bool is_lite;
u8 line_num;
bool has_pd;
char *pd_name;
const struct vfe_hw_ops *hw_ops;
struct vfe_device {
struct camss *camss;
u8 id;
......@@ -143,10 +151,9 @@ struct vfe_device {
spinlock_t output_lock;
enum vfe_line_id wm_output_map[MSM_VFE_IMAGE_MASTERS_NUM];
struct vfe_line line[VFE_LINE_NUM_MAX];
u8 line_num;
u32 reg_update;
u8 was_streaming;
const struct vfe_hw_ops *ops;
const struct vfe_subdev_resources *res;
const struct vfe_hw_ops_gen1 *ops_gen1;
struct vfe_isr_ops isr_ops;
struct camss_video_ops video_ops;
......@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8x16[] = {
{ 100000000, 200000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy0", "csiphy0_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy0" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_2ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_2ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY1 */
......@@ -56,7 +58,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8x16[] = {
{ 100000000, 200000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy1", "csiphy1_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy1" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_2ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_2ph_1_0
......@@ -76,7 +80,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_8x16[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid0" },
.interrupt = { "csid0" },
.ops = &csid_ops_4_1,
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_4_1
/* CSID1 */
......@@ -94,7 +100,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_8x16[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid1" },
.interrupt = { "csid1" },
.ops = &csid_ops_4_1,
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_4_1
......@@ -105,8 +113,7 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources ispif_res_8x16 = {
"csi1", "csi1_pix", "csi1_rdi" },
.clock_for_reset = { "vfe0", "csi_vfe0" },
.reg = { "ispif", "csi_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "ispif" }
.interrupt = { "ispif" },
static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_8x16[] = {
......@@ -128,8 +135,10 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_8x16[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "vfe0" },
.interrupt = { "vfe0" },
.line_num = 3,
.ops = &vfe_ops_4_1
.vfe = {
.line_num = 3,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_4_1
......@@ -144,7 +153,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8x96[] = {
{ 100000000, 200000000, 266666667 } },
.reg = { "csiphy0", "csiphy0_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy0" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY1 */
......@@ -157,7 +168,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8x96[] = {
{ 100000000, 200000000, 266666667 } },
.reg = { "csiphy1", "csiphy1_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy1" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY2 */
......@@ -170,7 +183,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8x96[] = {
{ 100000000, 200000000, 266666667 } },
.reg = { "csiphy2", "csiphy2_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy2" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
......@@ -190,7 +205,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_8x96[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid0" },
.interrupt = { "csid0" },
.ops = &csid_ops_4_7,
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_4_7
/* CSID1 */
......@@ -208,7 +225,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_8x96[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid1" },
.interrupt = { "csid1" },
.ops = &csid_ops_4_7,
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_4_7
/* CSID2 */
......@@ -226,7 +245,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_8x96[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid2" },
.interrupt = { "csid2" },
.ops = &csid_ops_4_7,
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_4_7
/* CSID3 */
......@@ -244,7 +265,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_8x96[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid3" },
.interrupt = { "csid3" },
.ops = &csid_ops_4_7,
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_4_7
......@@ -257,7 +280,7 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources ispif_res_8x96 = {
"csi3", "csi3_pix", "csi3_rdi" },
.clock_for_reset = { "vfe0", "csi_vfe0", "vfe1", "csi_vfe1" },
.reg = { "ispif", "csi_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "ispif" }
.interrupt = { "ispif" },
static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_8x96[] = {
......@@ -277,9 +300,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_8x96[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "vfe0" },
.interrupt = { "vfe0" },
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.ops = &vfe_ops_4_7
.vfe = {
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_4_7
/* VFE1 */
......@@ -298,9 +323,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_8x96[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "vfe1" },
.interrupt = { "vfe1" },
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.ops = &vfe_ops_4_7
.vfe = {
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_4_7
......@@ -317,7 +344,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_660[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csiphy0", "csiphy0_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy0" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY1 */
......@@ -332,7 +361,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_660[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csiphy1", "csiphy1_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy1" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY2 */
......@@ -347,7 +378,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_660[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csiphy2", "csiphy2_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy2" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
......@@ -370,7 +403,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_660[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid0" },
.interrupt = { "csid0" },
.ops = &csid_ops_4_7,
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_4_7
/* CSID1 */
......@@ -391,7 +426,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_660[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid1" },
.interrupt = { "csid1" },
.ops = &csid_ops_4_7,
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_4_7
/* CSID2 */
......@@ -412,7 +449,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_660[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid2" },
.interrupt = { "csid2" },
.ops = &csid_ops_4_7,
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_4_7
/* CSID3 */
......@@ -433,7 +472,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_660[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid3" },
.interrupt = { "csid3" },
.ops = &csid_ops_4_7,
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_4_7
......@@ -446,7 +487,7 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources ispif_res_660 = {
"csi3", "csi3_pix", "csi3_rdi" },
.clock_for_reset = { "vfe0", "csi_vfe0", "vfe1", "csi_vfe1" },
.reg = { "ispif", "csi_clk_mux" },
.interrupt = { "ispif" }
.interrupt = { "ispif" },
static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_660[] = {
......@@ -469,9 +510,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_660[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "vfe0" },
.interrupt = { "vfe0" },
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.ops = &vfe_ops_4_8
.vfe = {
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_4_8
/* VFE1 */
......@@ -493,9 +536,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_660[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "vfe1" },
.interrupt = { "vfe1" },
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.ops = &vfe_ops_4_8
.vfe = {
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_4_8
......@@ -516,7 +561,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_845[] = {
{ 19200000, 240000000, 269333333 } },
.reg = { "csiphy0" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy0" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY1 */
......@@ -535,7 +582,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_845[] = {
{ 19200000, 240000000, 269333333 } },
.reg = { "csiphy1" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy1" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY2 */
......@@ -554,7 +603,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_845[] = {
{ 19200000, 240000000, 269333333 } },
.reg = { "csiphy2" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy2" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY3 */
......@@ -573,7 +624,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_845[] = {
{ 19200000, 240000000, 269333333 } },
.reg = { "csiphy3" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy3" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
......@@ -596,7 +649,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_845[] = {
{ 384000000 } },
.reg = { "csid0" },
.interrupt = { "csid0" },
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID1 */
......@@ -617,7 +672,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_845[] = {
{ 384000000 } },
.reg = { "csid1" },
.interrupt = { "csid1" },
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID2 */
......@@ -638,8 +695,10 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_845[] = {
{ 384000000 } },
.reg = { "csid2" },
.interrupt = { "csid2" },
.is_lite = true,
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.is_lite = true,
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
......@@ -662,9 +721,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_845[] = {
{ 384000000 } },
.reg = { "vfe0" },
.interrupt = { "vfe0" },
.line_num = 4,
.has_pd = true,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.line_num = 4,
.has_pd = true,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
/* VFE1 */
......@@ -685,9 +746,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_845[] = {
{ 384000000 } },
.reg = { "vfe1" },
.interrupt = { "vfe1" },
.line_num = 4,
.has_pd = true,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.line_num = 4,
.has_pd = true,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
/* VFE-lite */
......@@ -707,9 +770,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_845[] = {
{ 384000000 } },
.reg = { "vfe_lite" },
.interrupt = { "vfe_lite" },
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
......@@ -722,7 +787,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8250[] = {
{ 300000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy0" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy0" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY1 */
......@@ -732,7 +799,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8250[] = {
{ 300000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy1" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy1" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY2 */
......@@ -742,7 +811,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8250[] = {
{ 300000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy2" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy2" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY3 */
......@@ -752,7 +823,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8250[] = {
{ 300000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy3" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy3" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY4 */
......@@ -762,7 +835,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8250[] = {
{ 300000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy4" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy4" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY5 */
......@@ -772,7 +847,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_8250[] = {
{ 300000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy5" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy5" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
......@@ -788,7 +865,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_8250[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid0" },
.interrupt = { "csid0" },
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID1 */
......@@ -801,7 +880,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_8250[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid1" },
.interrupt = { "csid1" },
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID2 */
......@@ -813,8 +894,10 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_8250[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid2" },
.interrupt = { "csid2" },
.is_lite = true,
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.is_lite = true,
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID3 */
......@@ -826,8 +909,10 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_8250[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid3" },
.interrupt = { "csid3" },
.is_lite = true,
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.is_lite = true,
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
......@@ -849,10 +934,12 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_8250[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "vfe0" },
.interrupt = { "vfe0" },
.pd_name = "ife0",
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.ops = &vfe_ops_480
.vfe = {
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.pd_name = "ife0",
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_480
/* VFE1 */
......@@ -871,10 +958,12 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_8250[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "vfe1" },
.interrupt = { "vfe1" },
.pd_name = "ife1",
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.ops = &vfe_ops_480
.vfe = {
.line_num = 3,
.has_pd = true,
.pd_name = "ife1",
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_480
/* VFE2 (lite) */
......@@ -892,9 +981,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_8250[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "vfe_lite0" },
.interrupt = { "vfe_lite0" },
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_480
.vfe = {
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_480
/* VFE3 (lite) */
......@@ -912,9 +1003,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_8250[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "vfe_lite1" },
.interrupt = { "vfe_lite1" },
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_480
.vfe = {
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_480
......@@ -950,7 +1043,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 300000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy0" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy0" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY1 */
......@@ -960,7 +1055,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 300000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy1" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy1" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY2 */
......@@ -970,7 +1067,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 300000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy2" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy2" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
/* CSIPHY3 */
......@@ -980,7 +1079,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csiphy_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 300000000 } },
.reg = { "csiphy3" },
.interrupt = { "csiphy3" },
.ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
.csiphy = {
.hw_ops = &csiphy_ops_3ph_1_0
......@@ -995,7 +1096,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid0" },
.interrupt = { "csid0" },
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID1 */
......@@ -1007,7 +1110,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid1" },
.interrupt = { "csid1" },
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID2 */
......@@ -1019,7 +1124,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid2" },
.interrupt = { "csid2" },
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID3 */
......@@ -1031,7 +1138,9 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 } },
.reg = { "csid3" },
.interrupt = { "csid3" },
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID_LITE0 */
......@@ -1042,8 +1151,10 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 }, },
.reg = { "csid0_lite" },
.interrupt = { "csid0_lite" },
.is_lite = true,
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.is_lite = true,
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID_LITE1 */
......@@ -1054,8 +1165,10 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 }, },
.reg = { "csid1_lite" },
.interrupt = { "csid1_lite" },
.is_lite = true,
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.is_lite = true,
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID_LITE2 */
......@@ -1066,8 +1179,10 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 }, },
.reg = { "csid2_lite" },
.interrupt = { "csid2_lite" },
.is_lite = true,
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.is_lite = true,
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
/* CSID_LITE3 */
......@@ -1078,8 +1193,10 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources csid_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 }, },
.reg = { "csid3_lite" },
.interrupt = { "csid3_lite" },
.is_lite = true,
.ops = &csid_ops_gen2
.csid = {
.is_lite = true,
.hw_ops = &csid_ops_gen2
......@@ -1096,9 +1213,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 }, },
.reg = { "vfe0" },
.interrupt = { "vfe0" },
.pd_name = "ife0",
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.line_num = 4,
.pd_name = "ife0",
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
/* VFE1 */
......@@ -1112,9 +1231,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 }, },
.reg = { "vfe1" },
.interrupt = { "vfe1" },
.pd_name = "ife1",
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.line_num = 4,
.pd_name = "ife1",
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
/* VFE2 */
......@@ -1128,9 +1249,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 }, },
.reg = { "vfe2" },
.interrupt = { "vfe2" },
.pd_name = "ife2",
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.line_num = 4,
.pd_name = "ife2",
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
/* VFE3 */
......@@ -1144,9 +1267,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 0 }, },
.reg = { "vfe3" },
.interrupt = { "vfe3" },
.pd_name = "ife3",
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.line_num = 4,
.pd_name = "ife3",
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
/* VFE_LITE_0 */
......@@ -1159,9 +1284,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 320000000, 400000000, 480000000, 600000000 }, },
.reg = { "vfe_lite0" },
.interrupt = { "vfe_lite0" },
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
/* VFE_LITE_1 */
......@@ -1174,9 +1301,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 320000000, 400000000, 480000000, 600000000 }, },
.reg = { "vfe_lite1" },
.interrupt = { "vfe_lite1" },
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
/* VFE_LITE_2 */
......@@ -1189,9 +1318,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 320000000, 400000000, 480000000, 600000000, }, },
.reg = { "vfe_lite2" },
.interrupt = { "vfe_lite2" },
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
/* VFE_LITE_3 */
......@@ -1204,9 +1335,11 @@ static const struct camss_subdev_resources vfe_res_sc8280xp[] = {
{ 320000000, 400000000, 480000000, 600000000 }, },
.reg = { "vfe_lite3" },
.interrupt = { "vfe_lite3" },
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.ops = &vfe_ops_170
.vfe = {
.is_lite = true,
.line_num = 4,
.hw_ops = &vfe_ops_170
......@@ -1375,7 +1508,7 @@ int camss_pm_domain_on(struct camss *camss, int id)
if (id < camss->res->vfe_num) {
struct vfe_device *vfe = &camss->vfe[id];
ret = vfe->ops->pm_domain_on(vfe);
ret = vfe->res->hw_ops->pm_domain_on(vfe);
return ret;
......@@ -1386,7 +1519,7 @@ void camss_pm_domain_off(struct camss *camss, int id)
if (id < camss->res->vfe_num) {
struct vfe_device *vfe = &camss->vfe[id];
......@@ -1628,7 +1761,7 @@ static int camss_register_entities(struct camss *camss)
for (i = 0; i < camss->ispif->line_num; i++)
for (k = 0; k < camss->res->vfe_num; k++)
for (j = 0; j < camss->vfe[k].line_num; j++) {
for (j = 0; j < camss->vfe[k].res->line_num; j++) {
struct v4l2_subdev *ispif = &camss->ispif->line[i].subdev;
struct v4l2_subdev *vfe = &camss->vfe[k].line[j].subdev;
......@@ -1649,7 +1782,7 @@ static int camss_register_entities(struct camss *camss)
} else {
for (i = 0; i < camss->res->csid_num; i++)
for (k = 0; k < camss->res->vfe_num; k++)
for (j = 0; j < camss->vfe[k].line_num; j++) {
for (j = 0; j < camss->vfe[k].res->line_num; j++) {
struct v4l2_subdev *csid = &camss->csid[i].subdev;
struct v4l2_subdev *vfe = &camss->vfe[k].line[j].subdev;
......@@ -1810,7 +1943,7 @@ static int camss_configure_pd(struct camss *camss)
/* count the # of VFEs which have flagged power-domain */
for (vfepd_num = i = 0; i < camss->res->vfe_num; i++) {
if (res->vfe_res[i].has_pd)
if (res->vfe_res[i].vfe.has_pd)
......@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ struct camss_subdev_resources {
u32 clock_rate[CAMSS_RES_MAX][CAMSS_RES_MAX];
char *reg[CAMSS_RES_MAX];
char *interrupt[CAMSS_RES_MAX];
char *pd_name;
u8 line_num;
bool has_pd;
bool is_lite;
const void *ops;
union {
struct csiphy_subdev_resources csiphy;
struct csid_subdev_resources csid;
struct vfe_subdev_resources vfe;
struct icc_bw_tbl {
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