Commit b4771435 authored by Eric Bernstein's avatar Eric Bernstein Committed by Alex Deucher

drm/amd/display: ODM + MPO window on only one half of ODM

For ODM + MPO window on one half of ODM, only 3 pipes should
be allocated and scaling parameters adjusted to handle this case

Fix pipe allocation when MPO viewport is only on one side of ODM
split, and modify scaling paramters.
Added diags test cases for ODM + windows MPO, where MPO window is
on right half, left half, and both halves or ODM.
Reviewed-by: default avatarDmytro Laktyushkin <>
Acked-by: default avatarPavle Kotarac <>
Tested-by: default avatarDaniel Wheeler <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarEric Bernstein <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarAlex Deucher <>
parent 47e62dbd
......@@ -734,6 +734,10 @@ static void calculate_split_count_and_index(struct pipe_ctx *pipe_ctx, int *spli
split_pipe = split_pipe->top_pipe;
/* MPO window on right side of ODM split */
if (split_pipe && split_pipe->prev_odm_pipe && !pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe)
} else {
/*Get odm split index*/
struct pipe_ctx *split_pipe = pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe;
......@@ -780,7 +784,11 @@ static void calculate_recout(struct pipe_ctx *pipe_ctx)
* Only the leftmost ODM pipe should be offset by a nonzero distance
if (!pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe || split_idx == split_count) {
if (pipe_ctx->top_pipe && pipe_ctx->top_pipe->prev_odm_pipe && !pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe) {
/* MPO window on right side of ODM split */
data->recout.x = stream->dst.x + (surf_clip.x - stream->dst.width/2) *
stream->dst.width / stream->src.width;
} else if (!pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe || split_idx == split_count) {
data->recout.x = stream->dst.x;
if (stream->src.x < surf_clip.x)
data->recout.x += (surf_clip.x - stream->src.x) * stream->dst.width
......@@ -978,6 +986,8 @@ static void calculate_inits_and_viewports(struct pipe_ctx *pipe_ctx)
* stream->dst.height / stream->src.height;
if (pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe && split_idx)
ro_lb = data->h_active * split_idx - recout_full_x;
else if (pipe_ctx->top_pipe && pipe_ctx->top_pipe->prev_odm_pipe)
ro_lb = data->h_active * split_idx - recout_full_x + data->recout.x;
ro_lb = data->recout.x - recout_full_x;
ro_tb = data->recout.y - recout_full_y;
......@@ -1076,6 +1086,9 @@ bool resource_build_scaling_params(struct pipe_ctx *pipe_ctx)
timing->v_border_top + timing->v_border_bottom;
if (pipe_ctx->next_odm_pipe || pipe_ctx->prev_odm_pipe)
pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.h_active /= get_num_odm_splits(pipe_ctx) + 1;
/* ODM + windows MPO, where window is on either right or left ODM half */
else if (pipe_ctx->top_pipe && (pipe_ctx->top_pipe->next_odm_pipe || pipe_ctx->top_pipe->prev_odm_pipe))
pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.h_active /= get_num_odm_splits(pipe_ctx->top_pipe) + 1;
/* depends on h_active */
......@@ -1084,11 +1097,6 @@ bool resource_build_scaling_params(struct pipe_ctx *pipe_ctx)
/* depends on scaling ratios and recout, does not calculate offset yet */
/* Stopgap for validation of ODM + MPO on one side of screen case */
if (pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.viewport.height < 1 ||
pipe_ctx->plane_res.scl_data.viewport.width < 1)
return false;
* LB calculations depend on vp size, h/v_active and scaling ratios
* Setting line buffer pixel depth to 24bpp yields banding
......@@ -1437,14 +1445,31 @@ bool dc_add_plane_to_context(
if (head_pipe != free_pipe) {
tail_pipe = resource_get_tail_pipe(&context->res_ctx, head_pipe);
/* ODM + window MPO, where MPO window is on right half only */
if (free_pipe->plane_state &&
(free_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.x >= free_pipe->stream->src.width/2) &&
tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe) {
free_pipe-> = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->;
free_pipe->stream_res.abm = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->stream_res.abm;
free_pipe->stream_res.opp = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->stream_res.opp;
free_pipe->stream_res.stream_enc = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->stream_res.stream_enc;
free_pipe-> = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->;
free_pipe->clock_source = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->clock_source;
free_pipe->top_pipe = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe;
tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe = free_pipe;
} else {
free_pipe-> = tail_pipe->;
free_pipe->stream_res.abm = tail_pipe->stream_res.abm;
free_pipe->stream_res.opp = tail_pipe->stream_res.opp;
free_pipe->stream_res.stream_enc = tail_pipe->stream_res.stream_enc;
free_pipe-> = tail_pipe->;
free_pipe->clock_source = tail_pipe->clock_source;
free_pipe->top_pipe = tail_pipe;
tail_pipe->bottom_pipe = free_pipe;
if (!free_pipe->next_odm_pipe && tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe && tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe) {
free_pipe->next_odm_pipe = tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe;
tail_pipe->next_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe->prev_odm_pipe = free_pipe;
......@@ -1454,6 +1479,20 @@ bool dc_add_plane_to_context(
tail_pipe->prev_odm_pipe->bottom_pipe->next_odm_pipe = free_pipe;
/* ODM + window MPO, where MPO window is on left half only */
if (free_pipe->plane_state &&
(free_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.x + free_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.width <=
free_pipe->stream->src.x + free_pipe->stream->src.width/2)) {
/* ODM + window MPO, where MPO window is on right half only */
if (free_pipe->plane_state &&
(free_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.x >= free_pipe->stream->src.width/2)) {
head_pipe = head_pipe->next_odm_pipe;
/* assign new surfaces*/
......@@ -1761,6 +1761,17 @@ static bool dcn30_split_stream_for_mpc_or_odm(
int pipe_idx = sec_pipe->pipe_idx;
const struct resource_pool *pool = dc->res_pool;
if (pri_pipe->plane_state) {
/* ODM + window MPO, where MPO window is on left half only */
if (pri_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.x + pri_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.width <=
pri_pipe->stream->src.x + pri_pipe->stream->src.width/2)
return true;
/* ODM + window MPO, where MPO window is on right half only */
if (pri_pipe->plane_state->clip_rect.x >= pri_pipe->stream->src.width/2)
return true;
*sec_pipe = *pri_pipe;
sec_pipe->pipe_idx = pipe_idx;
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