Commit e85a198e authored by Alexey Budankov's avatar Alexey Budankov Committed by Jonathan Corbet

perf-security: wrap paragraphs on 72 columns

Implemented formatting of paragraphs to be not wider than 72 columns.
Signed-off-by: default avatarAlexey Budankov <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarJonathan Corbet <>
parent e152c7b7
...@@ -6,84 +6,94 @@ Perf Events and tool security ...@@ -6,84 +6,94 @@ Perf Events and tool security
Overview Overview
-------- --------
Usage of Performance Counters for Linux (perf_events) [1]_ , [2]_ , [3]_ can Usage of Performance Counters for Linux (perf_events) [1]_ , [2]_ , [3]_
impose a considerable risk of leaking sensitive data accessed by monitored can impose a considerable risk of leaking sensitive data accessed by
processes. The data leakage is possible both in scenarios of direct usage of monitored processes. The data leakage is possible both in scenarios of
perf_events system call API [2]_ and over data files generated by Perf tool user direct usage of perf_events system call API [2]_ and over data files
mode utility (Perf) [3]_ , [4]_ . The risk depends on the nature of data that generated by Perf tool user mode utility (Perf) [3]_ , [4]_ . The risk
perf_events performance monitoring units (PMU) [2]_ and Perf collect and expose depends on the nature of data that perf_events performance monitoring
for performance analysis. Collected system and performance data may be split into units (PMU) [2]_ and Perf collect and expose for performance analysis.
several categories: Collected system and performance data may be split into several
1. System hardware and software configuration data, for example: a CPU model and
its cache configuration, an amount of available memory and its topology, used 1. System hardware and software configuration data, for example: a CPU
kernel and Perf versions, performance monitoring setup including experiment model and its cache configuration, an amount of available memory and
time, events configuration, Perf command line parameters, etc. its topology, used kernel and Perf versions, performance monitoring
setup including experiment time, events configuration, Perf command
2. User and kernel module paths and their load addresses with sizes, process and line parameters, etc.
thread names with their PIDs and TIDs, timestamps for captured hardware and
software events. 2. User and kernel module paths and their load addresses with sizes,
process and thread names with their PIDs and TIDs, timestamps for
3. Content of kernel software counters (e.g., for context switches, page faults, captured hardware and software events.
CPU migrations), architectural hardware performance counters (PMC) [8]_ and
machine specific registers (MSR) [9]_ that provide execution metrics for 3. Content of kernel software counters (e.g., for context switches, page
various monitored parts of the system (e.g., memory controller (IMC), interconnect faults, CPU migrations), architectural hardware performance counters
(QPI/UPI) or peripheral (PCIe) uncore counters) without direct attribution to any (PMC) [8]_ and machine specific registers (MSR) [9]_ that provide
execution context state. execution metrics for various monitored parts of the system (e.g.,
memory controller (IMC), interconnect (QPI/UPI) or peripheral (PCIe)
4. Content of architectural execution context registers (e.g., RIP, RSP, RBP on uncore counters) without direct attribution to any execution context
x86_64), process user and kernel space memory addresses and data, content of state.
various architectural MSRs that capture data from this category.
4. Content of architectural execution context registers (e.g., RIP, RSP,
Data that belong to the fourth category can potentially contain sensitive process RBP on x86_64), process user and kernel space memory addresses and
data. If PMUs in some monitoring modes capture values of execution context registers data, content of various architectural MSRs that capture data from
or data from process memory then access to such monitoring capabilities requires this category.
to be ordered and secured properly. So, perf_events/Perf performance monitoring
is the subject for security access control management [5]_ . Data that belong to the fourth category can potentially contain
sensitive process data. If PMUs in some monitoring modes capture values
of execution context registers or data from process memory then access
to such monitoring capabilities requires to be ordered and secured
properly. So, perf_events/Perf performance monitoring is the subject for
security access control management [5]_ .
perf_events/Perf access control perf_events/Perf access control
------------------------------- -------------------------------
To perform security checks, the Linux implementation splits processes into two To perform security checks, the Linux implementation splits processes
categories [6]_ : a) privileged processes (whose effective user ID is 0, referred into two categories [6]_ : a) privileged processes (whose effective user
to as superuser or root), and b) unprivileged processes (whose effective UID is ID is 0, referred to as superuser or root), and b) unprivileged
nonzero). Privileged processes bypass all kernel security permission checks so processes (whose effective UID is nonzero). Privileged processes bypass
perf_events performance monitoring is fully available to privileged processes all kernel security permission checks so perf_events performance
without access, scope and resource restrictions. monitoring is fully available to privileged processes without access,
scope and resource restrictions.
Unprivileged processes are subject to a full security permission check based on
the process's credentials [5]_ (usually: effective UID, effective GID, and Unprivileged processes are subject to a full security permission check
supplementary group list). based on the process's credentials [5]_ (usually: effective UID,
effective GID, and supplementary group list).
Linux divides the privileges traditionally associated with superuser into
distinct units, known as capabilities [6]_ , which can be independently enabled Linux divides the privileges traditionally associated with superuser
and disabled on per-thread basis for processes and files of unprivileged users. into distinct units, known as capabilities [6]_ , which can be
independently enabled and disabled on per-thread basis for processes and
Unprivileged processes with enabled CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability are treated as files of unprivileged users.
privileged processes with respect to perf_events performance monitoring and
bypass *scope* permissions checks in the kernel. Unprivileged processes with enabled CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability are treated
as privileged processes with respect to perf_events performance
Unprivileged processes using perf_events system call API is also subject for monitoring and bypass *scope* permissions checks in the kernel.
PTRACE_MODE_READ_REALCREDS ptrace access mode check [7]_ , whose outcome
determines whether monitoring is permitted. So unprivileged processes provided Unprivileged processes using perf_events system call API is also subject
with CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability are effectively permitted to pass the check. for PTRACE_MODE_READ_REALCREDS ptrace access mode check [7]_ , whose
outcome determines whether monitoring is permitted. So unprivileged
Other capabilities being granted to unprivileged processes can effectively processes provided with CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability are effectively
enable capturing of additional data required for later performance analysis of permitted to pass the check.
monitored processes or a system. For example, CAP_SYSLOG capability permits
reading kernel space memory addresses from /proc/kallsyms file. Other capabilities being granted to unprivileged processes can
effectively enable capturing of additional data required for later
performance analysis of monitored processes or a system. For example,
CAP_SYSLOG capability permits reading kernel space memory addresses from
/proc/kallsyms file.
perf_events/Perf privileged users perf_events/Perf privileged users
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Mechanisms of capabilities, privileged capability-dumb files [6]_ and file system Mechanisms of capabilities, privileged capability-dumb files [6]_ and
ACLs [10]_ can be used to create a dedicated group of perf_events/Perf privileged file system ACLs [10]_ can be used to create a dedicated group of
users who are permitted to execute performance monitoring without scope limits. perf_events/Perf privileged users who are permitted to execute
The following steps can be taken to create such a group of privileged Perf users. performance monitoring without scope limits. The following steps can be
taken to create such a group of privileged Perf users.
1. Create perf_users group of privileged Perf users, assign perf_users group to 1. Create perf_users group of privileged Perf users, assign perf_users
Perf tool executable and limit access to the executable for other users in the group to Perf tool executable and limit access to the executable for
system who are not in the perf_users group: other users in the system who are not in the perf_users group:
:: ::
...@@ -97,8 +107,9 @@ The following steps can be taken to create such a group of privileged Perf users ...@@ -97,8 +107,9 @@ The following steps can be taken to create such a group of privileged Perf users
# ls -alhF # ls -alhF
-rwxr-x--- 2 root perf_users 11M Oct 19 15:12 perf -rwxr-x--- 2 root perf_users 11M Oct 19 15:12 perf
2. Assign the required capabilities to the Perf tool executable file and enable 2. Assign the required capabilities to the Perf tool executable file and
members of perf_users group with performance monitoring privileges [6]_ : enable members of perf_users group with performance monitoring
privileges [6]_ :
:: ::
...@@ -108,49 +119,52 @@ The following steps can be taken to create such a group of privileged Perf users ...@@ -108,49 +119,52 @@ The following steps can be taken to create such a group of privileged Perf users
# getcap perf # getcap perf
perf = cap_sys_ptrace,cap_sys_admin,cap_syslog+ep perf = cap_sys_ptrace,cap_sys_admin,cap_syslog+ep
As a result, members of perf_users group are capable of conducting performance As a result, members of perf_users group are capable of conducting
monitoring by using functionality of the configured Perf tool executable that, performance monitoring by using functionality of the configured Perf
when executes, passes perf_events subsystem scope checks. tool executable that, when executes, passes perf_events subsystem scope
This specific access control management is only available to superuser or root This specific access control management is only available to superuser
running processes with CAP_SETPCAP, CAP_SETFCAP [6]_ capabilities. or root running processes with CAP_SETPCAP, CAP_SETFCAP [6]_
perf_events/Perf unprivileged users perf_events/Perf unprivileged users
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
perf_events/Perf *scope* and *access* control for unprivileged processes is perf_events/Perf *scope* and *access* control for unprivileged processes
governed by perf_event_paranoid [2]_ setting: is governed by perf_event_paranoid [2]_ setting:
-1: -1:
Impose no *scope* and *access* restrictions on using perf_events performance Impose no *scope* and *access* restrictions on using perf_events
monitoring. Per-user per-cpu perf_event_mlock_kb [2]_ locking limit is performance monitoring. Per-user per-cpu perf_event_mlock_kb [2]_
ignored when allocating memory buffers for storing performance data. locking limit is ignored when allocating memory buffers for storing
This is the least secure mode since allowed monitored *scope* is performance data. This is the least secure mode since allowed
maximized and no perf_events specific limits are imposed on *resources* monitored *scope* is maximized and no perf_events specific limits
allocated for performance monitoring. are imposed on *resources* allocated for performance monitoring.
>=0: >=0:
*scope* includes per-process and system wide performance monitoring *scope* includes per-process and system wide performance monitoring
but excludes raw tracepoints and ftrace function tracepoints monitoring. but excludes raw tracepoints and ftrace function tracepoints
CPU and system events happened when executing either in user or monitoring. CPU and system events happened when executing either in
in kernel space can be monitored and captured for later analysis. user or in kernel space can be monitored and captured for later
Per-user per-cpu perf_event_mlock_kb locking limit is imposed but analysis. Per-user per-cpu perf_event_mlock_kb locking limit is
ignored for unprivileged processes with CAP_IPC_LOCK [6]_ capability. imposed but ignored for unprivileged processes with CAP_IPC_LOCK
[6]_ capability.
>=1: >=1:
*scope* includes per-process performance monitoring only and excludes *scope* includes per-process performance monitoring only and
system wide performance monitoring. CPU and system events happened when excludes system wide performance monitoring. CPU and system events
executing either in user or in kernel space can be monitored and happened when executing either in user or in kernel space can be
captured for later analysis. Per-user per-cpu perf_event_mlock_kb monitored and captured for later analysis. Per-user per-cpu
locking limit is imposed but ignored for unprivileged processes with perf_event_mlock_kb locking limit is imposed but ignored for
CAP_IPC_LOCK capability. unprivileged processes with CAP_IPC_LOCK capability.
>=2: >=2:
*scope* includes per-process performance monitoring only. CPU and system *scope* includes per-process performance monitoring only. CPU and
events happened when executing in user space only can be monitored and system events happened when executing in user space only can be
captured for later analysis. Per-user per-cpu perf_event_mlock_kb monitored and captured for later analysis. Per-user per-cpu
locking limit is imposed but ignored for unprivileged processes with perf_event_mlock_kb locking limit is imposed but ignored for
CAP_IPC_LOCK capability. unprivileged processes with CAP_IPC_LOCK capability.
perf_events/Perf resource control perf_events/Perf resource control
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
...@@ -158,39 +172,45 @@ perf_events/Perf resource control ...@@ -158,39 +172,45 @@ perf_events/Perf resource control
Open file descriptors Open file descriptors
+++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++
The perf_events system call API [2]_ allocates file descriptors for every configured The perf_events system call API [2]_ allocates file descriptors for
PMU event. Open file descriptors are a per-process accountable resource governed every configured PMU event. Open file descriptors are a per-process
by the RLIMIT_NOFILE [11]_ limit (ulimit -n), which is usually derived from the login accountable resource governed by the RLIMIT_NOFILE [11]_ limit
shell process. When configuring Perf collection for a long list of events on a (ulimit -n), which is usually derived from the login shell process. When
large server system, this limit can be easily hit preventing required monitoring configuring Perf collection for a long list of events on a large server
configuration. RLIMIT_NOFILE limit can be increased on per-user basis modifying system, this limit can be easily hit preventing required monitoring
content of the limits.conf file [12]_ . Ordinarily, a Perf sampling session configuration. RLIMIT_NOFILE limit can be increased on per-user basis
(perf record) requires an amount of open perf_event file descriptors that is not modifying content of the limits.conf file [12]_ . Ordinarily, a Perf
less than the number of monitored events multiplied by the number of monitored CPUs. sampling session (perf record) requires an amount of open perf_event
file descriptors that is not less than the number of monitored events
multiplied by the number of monitored CPUs.
Memory allocation Memory allocation
+++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++
The amount of memory available to user processes for capturing performance monitoring The amount of memory available to user processes for capturing
data is governed by the perf_event_mlock_kb [2]_ setting. This perf_event specific performance monitoring data is governed by the perf_event_mlock_kb [2]_
resource setting defines overall per-cpu limits of memory allowed for mapping setting. This perf_event specific resource setting defines overall
by the user processes to execute performance monitoring. The setting essentially per-cpu limits of memory allowed for mapping by the user processes to
extends the RLIMIT_MEMLOCK [11]_ limit, but only for memory regions mapped specifically execute performance monitoring. The setting essentially extends the
for capturing monitored performance events and related data. RLIMIT_MEMLOCK [11]_ limit, but only for memory regions mapped
specifically for capturing monitored performance events and related data.
For example, if a machine has eight cores and perf_event_mlock_kb limit is set
to 516 KiB, then a user process is provided with 516 KiB * 8 = 4128 KiB of memory For example, if a machine has eight cores and perf_event_mlock_kb limit
above the RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limit (ulimit -l) for perf_event mmap buffers. In particular, is set to 516 KiB, then a user process is provided with 516 KiB * 8 =
this means that, if the user wants to start two or more performance monitoring 4128 KiB of memory above the RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limit (ulimit -l) for
processes, the user is required to manually distribute the available 4128 KiB between the perf_event mmap buffers. In particular, this means that, if the user
monitoring processes, for example, using the --mmap-pages Perf record mode option. wants to start two or more performance monitoring processes, the user is
Otherwise, the first started performance monitoring process allocates all available required to manually distribute the available 4128 KiB between the
4128 KiB and the other processes will fail to proceed due to the lack of memory. monitoring processes, for example, using the --mmap-pages Perf record
mode option. Otherwise, the first started performance monitoring process
RLIMIT_MEMLOCK and perf_event_mlock_kb resource constraints are ignored for allocates all available 4128 KiB and the other processes will fail to
processes with the CAP_IPC_LOCK capability. Thus, perf_events/Perf privileged users proceed due to the lack of memory.
can be provided with memory above the constraints for perf_events/Perf performance
monitoring purpose by providing the Perf executable with CAP_IPC_LOCK capability. RLIMIT_MEMLOCK and perf_event_mlock_kb resource constraints are ignored
for processes with the CAP_IPC_LOCK capability. Thus, perf_events/Perf
privileged users can be provided with memory above the constraints for
perf_events/Perf performance monitoring purpose by providing the Perf
executable with CAP_IPC_LOCK capability.
Bibliography Bibliography
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