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# -*- cperl -*-

# This is a library file used by the Perl version of mysql-test-run,
# and is part of the translation of the Bourne shell script with the
# same name.

use strict;

sub mtr_get_pid_from_file ($);
sub mtr_get_opts_from_file ($);
sub mtr_tofile ($@);
sub mtr_tonewfile($@);


sub mtr_get_pid_from_file ($) {
  my $file=  shift;

  open(FILE,"<",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
  my $pid=  <FILE>;
  close FILE;
  return $pid;

sub mtr_get_opts_from_file ($) {
  my $file=  shift;

  open(FILE,"<",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
  my @args;
  while ( <FILE> )
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    #    --set-variable=init_connect=set @a='a\\0c'
    s/^\s+//;                           # Remove leading space
    s/\s+$//;                           # Remove ending space

    # This is strange, but we need to fill whitespace inside
    # quotes with something, to remove later. We do this to
    # be able to split on space. Else, we have trouble with
    # options like 
    #   --someopt="--insideopt1 --insideopt2"
    # But still with this, we are not 100% sure it is right,
    # we need a shell to do it right.

#    print STDERR "\n";
#    print STDERR "AAA: $_\n";


#    print STDERR "BBB: $_\n";

#    foreach my $arg (/(--?\w.*?)(?=\s+--?\w|$)/)

    # FIXME ENV vars should be expanded!!!!

    foreach my $arg (split(/[ \t]+/))
      $arg =~ tr/\x11\x0a\x0b/ \'\"/;     # Put back real chars
      # The outermost quotes has to go
      $arg =~ s/^([^\'\"]*)\'(.*)\'([^\'\"]*)$/$1$2$3/
        or $arg =~ s/^([^\'\"]*)\"(.*)\"([^\'\"]*)$/$1$2$3/;
      $arg =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;

      $arg =~ s/\$\{(\w+)\}/envsubst($1)/ge;
      $arg =~ s/\$(\w+)/envsubst($1)/ge;

#      print STDERR "ARG: $arg\n";
      push(@args, $arg);
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  close FILE;
  return \@args;

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sub envsubst {
  my $string= shift;

  if ( ! defined $ENV{$string} )
    mtr_error("opt file referense \$$string that is unknown");

  return $ENV{$string};

sub unspace {
  my $string= shift;
  my $quote=  shift;
  $string =~ s/[ \t]/\x11/g;
  return "$quote$string$quote";

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sub mtr_fromfile ($) {
  my $file=  shift;

  open(FILE,"<",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
  my $text= join('', <FILE>);
  close FILE;
  return $text;

sub mtr_tofile ($@) {
  my $file=  shift;

  open(FILE,">>",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
  print FILE join("", @_);
  close FILE;

sub mtr_tonewfile ($@) {
  my $file=  shift;

  open(FILE,">",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
  print FILE join("", @_);
  close FILE;
