rpl_chain_temp_table.test 2.5 KB
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 # This test makes some assumptions about values of thread ids, which should be
# true if the servers have been restarted for this test. So we want to
# stop/restart servers. Note that if assumptions are wrong, the test will not
# fail; it will just fail to test the error-prone scenario.
# Using the manager is the only way to have more than one slave server.

server_stop master;
server_start master;
server_stop slave;
server_start slave;
# no need for slave_sec (no assumptions on thread ids for this server).

source include/master-slave.inc;
connect (slave_sec,localhost,root,,test,0,slave.sock-1); 
connection master;
connection slave;
reset master;
connection slave_sec;
eval change master to master_host='',master_port=$SLAVE_MYPORT, master_user='root';
start slave;

# :P now we have a chain ready-to-test.

connection master;
create temporary table t1 (a int);
connection slave;
connection master1;
create temporary table t1 (a int);
connection slave;

# First test:

connection slave_sec;
# Before BUG#1686 ("If 2 master threads with same-name temp table, slave makes
# bad binlog") was fixed, sync_with_master failed
show status like 'slave_open_temp_tables';

# 'master' and 'master1' usually have thread id 2-3 or 3-4.
# 'slave' and 'slave1' usually have thread id 2-3.
connection slave;
create temporary table t1 (a int);
connection slave1;
create temporary table t1 (a int);
# So it's likely that in the binlog of slave we get
# server_id=of_master thread_id=3 create temp...
# server_id=of_slave  thread_id=3 create temp...
# which would confuse slave-sec unless slave-sec uses server id to distinguish
# between temp tables (here thread id is obviously not enough to distinguish).


# Second test:

connection slave_sec;
# If we did not use the server id to distinguish between temp tables,
# sync_with_master would fail
show status like 'slave_open_temp_tables';

# Third test (BUG#1240 "slave of slave breaks when STOP SLAVE was issud on
# parent slave and temp tables").
stop slave;
connection slave;
insert into t1 values(1);
create table t2 as select * from t1;
connection slave_sec;
start slave;
show status like 'slave_open_temp_tables';
select * from t2;

# clean up
connection slave;
drop table t2;
connection slave_sec;