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all: 	do-check ndbapidoc mgmapidoc

DOXYDIR =	doxygen
DOXYTMP =	.doxytmp
DOXYOUT =	.doxyout

	rm -rf ndbapi.pdf ndbapi.html mgmapi.pdf mgmapi.html
	rm -rf $(DOXYTMP) $(DOXYOUT)

	@set -x; \
	if test $(PERL) = no ; then \
	  echo "Perl needed to make docs"; \
	  exit 1; \
	fi; \
	if test $(DOXYGEN) = no ; then \
	  echo "Doxygen needed to make docs"; \
	  exit 1; \
#  NDB API Programmer's Guide
ndbapidoc: ndbapi.pdf

ndbapi.pdf: $(top_srcdir)/ndb/include/ndb_version.h
	@set -x; \
	@RM@ -f ndbapi.pdf ndbapi.html; \
	@RM@ -rf $(DOXYTMP) $(DOXYOUT); \
	@mkdir_p@ $(DOXYTMP) $(DOXYOUT); \
	@CP@ $(top_srcdir)/ndb/include/ndbapi/*  $(DOXYTMP); \
	@CP@ $(top_srcdir)/ndb/examples/*/*.[ch]pp $(DOXYTMP); \
	@PERL@ $(DOXYDIR)/; \
	mv footer.html $(DOXYTMP); \
	(cd $(DOXYTMP) ; @DOXYGEN@ ../$(DOXYDIR)/Doxyfile.ndbapi); \
	@PERL@ $(DOXYDIR)/ $(DOXYOUT)/ndbapi.latex "NDB API Programmer Guide"; \
	(cd $(DOXYOUT) && \
		find ndbapi.html -print | cpio -pdm ..); \
	(cd $(DOXYOUT)/ndbapi.latex && \
		pdflatex refman.tex && makeindex refman && pdflatex refman.tex && \
		cp -p refman.pdf ../../ndbapi.pdf);

#  MGM API Guide
mgmapidoc: mgmapi.pdf

mgmapi.pdf: $(top_srcdir)/ndb/include/ndb_version.h
	@set -x; \
	@RM@ -f mgmapi.pdf mgmapi.html; \
	@RM@ -rf $(DOXYTMP) $(DOXYOUT); \
	@mkdir_p@ $(DOXYTMP) $(DOXYOUT); \
	@CP@ $(top_srcdir)/ndb/include/mgmapi/*  $(DOXYTMP); \
	@PERL@ $(DOXYDIR)/; \
	mv footer.html $(DOXYTMP); \
	(cd $(DOXYTMP) ; @DOXYGEN@ ../$(DOXYDIR)/Doxyfile.mgmapi); \
	@PERL@ $(DOXYDIR)/ $(DOXYOUT)/mgmapi.latex "NDB Cluster MGM API Guide"; \
	(cd $(DOXYOUT) && \
		find mgmapi.html -print | cpio -pdm ..); \
	(cd $(DOXYOUT)/mgmapi.latex && \
		pdflatex refman.tex && makeindex refman && pdflatex refman.tex && \
		cp -p refman.pdf ../../mgmapi.pdf);

#  Complete Source Browser except for 
#        ndbapi odbc test tools win32 lib examples docs CVS config bin 
#        include/ndbapi 
#        include/newtonapi src/newtonapi
#        include/mgmapi src/mgmapi
#        src/client
ndbdoc: DUMMY
	mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)
	cd $(top_srcdir)/ndb ; $(DOXYGEN) $(DOXYDIR)/Doxyfile.ndb

#  odbcdoc - Complete Source Browser for NDB ODBC (src/client/odbc)

odbcdoc: DUMMY
	mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)
	cd $(top_srcdir)/ndb ; $(DOXYGEN) $(DOXYDIR)/Doxyfile.odbc

testdoc: DUMMY
	mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)
	cd $(top_srcdir)/ndb ; $(DOXYGEN) $(DOXYDIR)/Doxyfile.test