• Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar
    Handle different installation layouts. · a6804d68
    Vladislav Vaintroub authored
    using  cmake option INSTALL_LAYOUT=STANDALONE would produce the layout as in 
    tar.gz or zip packages.
    INSTALL_LAYOUT=UNIX will produce unixish install layout  (with mysqld being in sbin subdirectory , libs in lib/mysql etc). This layout is used for RPM packages.
    Subtle differences in both packages unfortunately lead to the need to recompile MySQL to use with other package type - as otherwise for example default plugins or data directories would be wrong set.
    There are numerous other variables that  allow fine-tuning packaging layout. (INSTALL_BINDIR, INSTALL_LIBDIR , INSTALL_PLUGINDIR etc).
    This options are different from autotools as they do not expect full paths to directories, but only subdirectory of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
    There are 2 special options that expect full directory paths
    - MYSQL_DATADIR that defines default MYSQL data directory (autotools equivalent
    is --localstatedir)
    - SYSCONFDIR  can be added to search my.cnf search path (autotools equivalent is...
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