• unknown's avatar
    Bug#25815 Data truncated for column TEXT · 2da52b8f
    unknown authored
    Problem: "Data truncated" warning was incorrectly generated
    when storing a Japanese character encoded in utf8
    into a cp932 column.
    Reason: Incorrect wrong warning condition
    compared the original length of the character in bytes
    (which is 3 in utf8) to the converted length of the
    character in bytes (which is 2 in cp932).
    Fix: use "how many bytes were scanned from input" instead
    of "how many bytes were put to the column" in the condition.
      Adding test case
      Adding test case
      Change warning condition from:
      "if number of bytes written to destination is less than full source length"
      "if number of bytes read from source is less than full source length"
field.cc 249 KB