• Jon Olav Hauglid's avatar
    Bug #11752069 (former bug 43152) · 5595b201
    Jon Olav Hauglid authored
    Assertion `bitmap_is_set_all(&table->s->all_set)' failed in
    This assertion could be triggered if two connections simultaneously
    executed two bitmap test functions on the same bitmap. For example,
    the assertion could be triggered if one connection executed UPDATE
    while a second connection executed SELECT on the same table.
    Even if bitmap test functions have read-only semantics and have
    const bitmaps as parameter, several of them modified the internal
    state of the bitmap. With interleaved execution of two such functions
    it was possible for one function to modify the state of the same
    bitmap that the other function had just modified. This lead to an
    inconsistent state and could trigger the assert.
    Internally the bitmap uses 32 bit words for storage. Since bitmaps
    can contain any number of bits, the last word in the bitmap may
    not be fully used. A 32 bit mask is maintained where a bit is set
    if the corresponding bit in the last bitmap word is unused.
    The problem was that several test functions applied this mask to
    the last word. Sometimes the mask was negated and used to zero out
    the remainder of the last word and sometimes the mask was used as-is
    to fill the remainder of the last word with 1's. This meant that if
    a function first used the negated mask and another function then
    used the mask as-is (or vice-versa), the first function would then
    get the wrong result.
    This patch fixes the problem by changing the implementation of
    9 bitmap functions that modified the bitmap state even if the 
    bitmap was declared const. These functions now preserve the
    internal state of the bitmap. This makes it possible for
    two connections to concurrently execute two of these functions
    on the same bitmap without issues.
    The patch also removes dead testing code from my_bitmap.c.
    These tests have already been moved to unittest/mysys/bitmap-t.c.
    Existing test coverage of my_bitmap has been extended.
    No MTR test case added as this would require adding several sync
    points to the bitmap functions. The patch has been tested with
    a non-deterministic test case posted on the bug report.
      Removed my_count_bits_ushort() which is not needed anymore.
      Added my_count_bits_uint32().
      Extended test coverage of my_bitmap.
my_bit.h 3.83 KB