• Olivier Bertrand's avatar
    - Implement the SERVID special columns. This imply modifying the way · 5d75457f
    Olivier Bertrand authored
      special columns are processed. This will be documented.
      Also some code cleanup and some changes to prepare the indexing of
      nullable columns (not achieve yet)
value.h 12.6 KB
/**************** Value H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
/*  Name: VALUE.H    Version 1.9                                       */
/*                                                                     */
/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          2001-2013    */
/*                                                                     */
/*  This file contains the VALUE and derived classes declares.         */
#ifndef __VALUE__H__
#define __VALUE__H__

/*  Include required application header files                          */
/*  assert.h     is header required when using the assert function.    */
/*  block.h      is header containing Block    global declarations.    */
#include "assert.h"
#include "block.h"

#if defined(WIN32)
#define strtoll _strtoi64
#define atoll(S) strtoll(S, NULL, 10)
#endif   // WIN32

/*  Types used in some class definitions.                              */
enum CONV {CNV_ANY     =   0,         /* Convert to any type           */
           CNV_CHAR    =   1,         /* Convert to character type     */
           CNV_NUM     =   2};        /* Convert to numeric type       */

/*  Types used in some class definitions.                              */
class CONSTANT;                       // For friend setting
typedef struct _datpar *PDTP;         // For DTVAL

/*  Utilities used to test types and to allocated values.              */
PVAL  AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, void *, short);

// Exported functions
DllExport PSZ   GetTypeName(int);
DllExport int   GetTypeSize(int, int);
/* This function is exported for use in EOM table type DLLs */
DllExport int   TranslateSQLType(int stp, int prec, int& len);
DllExport char *GetFormatType(int);
DllExport int   GetFormatType(char);
DllExport bool  IsTypeChar(int type);
DllExport bool  IsTypeNum(int type);
DllExport int   ConvertType(int, int, CONV, bool match = false);
DllExport PVAL  AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, PVAL, int = TYPE_VOID);
DllExport PVAL  AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, int, int len = 0, int prec = 2,
                              PSZ dom = NULL, PCATLG cat = NULL);

/*  Class VALUE represents a constant or variable of any valid type.   */
class DllExport VALUE : public BLOCK {
  friend class CONSTANT; // The only object allowed to use SetConstFormat
  // Constructors

  // Implementation
  virtual bool   IsTypeNum(void) = 0;
  virtual bool   IsZero(void) = 0;
  virtual bool   IsCi(void) {return false;}
  virtual void   Reset(void) = 0;
  virtual int    GetSize(void) = 0;
  virtual int    GetValLen(void) = 0;
  virtual int    GetValPrec(void) = 0;
  virtual int    GetLength(void) {return 1;}
  virtual PSZ    GetCharValue(void) {assert(false); return NULL;}
  virtual char   GetTinyValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
  virtual short  GetShortValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
  virtual int    GetIntValue(void) = 0;
  virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) = 0;
  virtual double GetFloatValue(void) = 0;
  virtual void  *GetTo_Val(void) = 0;
  virtual void   SetPrec(int prec) {Prec = prec;}
          bool   IsNull(void) {return Null;}
          void   SetNull(bool b) {Null = b;}
          bool   GetNullable(void) {return Nullable;}
          void   SetNullable(bool b) {Nullable = b;}
          int    GetType(void) {return Type;}
          int    GetClen(void) {return Clen;}
          void   SetGlobal(PGLOBAL g) {Global = g;}

  // Methods
  virtual bool   SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype = false) = 0;
  virtual void   SetValue_char(char *p, int n) = 0;
  virtual void   SetValue_psz(PSZ s) = 0;
  virtual void   SetValue(char c) {assert(false);}
  virtual void   SetValue(short i) {assert(false);}
  virtual void   SetValue(int n) {assert(false);}
  virtual void   SetValue(longlong n) {assert(false);}
  virtual void   SetValue(double f) {assert(false);}
  virtual void   SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n) = 0;
  virtual void   SetBinValue(void *p) = 0;
  virtual bool   GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go) = 0;
  virtual char  *ShowValue(char *buf, int len = 0) = 0;
  virtual char  *GetCharString(char *p) = 0;
  virtual char  *GetShortString(char *p, int n) {return "#####";}
  virtual char  *GetIntString(char *p, int n) = 0;
  virtual char  *GetBigintString(char *p, int n) = 0;
  virtual char  *GetFloatString(char *p, int n, int prec) = 0;
  virtual char  *GetTinyString(char *p, int n) {return "?";}
  virtual bool   IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype) = 0;
  virtual bool   FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt) = 0;

  virtual bool   SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&) = 0;
  const   char  *GetXfmt(void);

  // Constructor used by derived classes
  VALUE(int type);

  // Members
  PGLOBAL     Global;               // To reduce arglist
  const char *Fmt;
  const char *Xfmt;
  bool        Nullable;             // True if value can be null
  bool        Null;                 // True if value is null
  int         Type;                 // The value type
  int         Clen;                 // Internal value length
  int         Prec;
  }; // end of class VALUE

/*  Class TYPVAL: represents a typed value.                            */
template <class TYPE>
class DllExport TYPVAL : public VALUE {
  // Constructors
  TYPVAL(TYPE n, int type);
  TYPVAL(TYPE n, int prec, int type);

  // Implementation
  virtual bool   IsTypeNum(void) {return true;}
  virtual bool   IsZero(void) {return Tval == 0;}
  virtual void   Reset(void) {Tval = 0;}
  virtual int    GetValLen(void);
  virtual int    GetValPrec() {return 0;}
  virtual int    GetSize(void) {return sizeof(TYPE);}
  virtual PSZ    GetCharValue(void) {return VALUE::GetCharValue();}
  virtual char   GetTinyValue(void) {return (char)Tval;}
  virtual short  GetShortValue(void) {return (short)Tval;}
  virtual int    GetIntValue(void) {return (int)Tval;}
  virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) {return (longlong)Tval;}
  virtual double GetFloatValue(void) {return (double)Tval;}
  virtual void  *GetTo_Val(void) {return &Tval;}

  // Methods
  virtual bool   SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
  virtual void   SetValue_char(char *p, int n);
  virtual void   SetValue_psz(PSZ s);
  virtual void   SetValue(char c) {Tval = (TYPE)c; Null = false;}
  virtual void   SetValue(short i) {Tval = (TYPE)i; Null = false;}
  virtual void   SetValue(int n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
  virtual void   SetValue(longlong n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
  virtual void   SetValue(double f) {Tval = (TYPE)f; Null = false;}
  virtual void   SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
  virtual void   SetBinValue(void *p);
  virtual bool   GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
  virtual char  *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
  virtual char  *GetCharString(char *p);
  virtual char  *GetShortString(char *p, int n);
  virtual char  *GetIntString(char *p, int n);
  virtual char  *GetBigintString(char *p, int n);
  virtual char  *GetFloatString(char *p, int n, int prec = -1);
  virtual char  *GetTinyString(char *p, int n);
  virtual bool   IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
  virtual bool   SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&);
  virtual bool   FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt);
  virtual void   Print(PGLOBAL g, FILE *, uint);
  virtual void   Print(PGLOBAL g, char *, uint);

  // Default constructor not to be used

  // Specialized functions
  TYPE GetTypedValue(PVAL vp);
  TYPE GetTypedValue(PVBLK blk, int n);
  TYPE GetTypedValue(PSZ s);

  // Members
  TYPE        Tval;
  }; // end of class TYPVAL

/*  Specific STRING class.                                             */
template <>
class DllExport TYPVAL<PSZ>: public VALUE { 
  // Constructors
  TYPVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n, int c);

  // Implementation
  virtual bool   IsTypeNum(void) {return false;}
  virtual bool   IsZero(void) {return *Strp == 0;}
  virtual void   Reset(void) {*Strp = 0;}
  virtual int    GetValLen(void) {return Len;};
  virtual int    GetValPrec() {return (Ci) ? 1 : 0;}
  virtual int    GetSize(void) {return (Strp) ? strlen(Strp) : 0;}
  virtual PSZ    GetCharValue(void) {return Strp;}
  virtual char   GetTinyValue(void) {return (char)atoi(Strp);}
  virtual short  GetShortValue(void) {return (short)atoi(Strp);}
  virtual int    GetIntValue(void) {return atol(Strp);}
  virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) {return atoll(Strp);}
  virtual double GetFloatValue(void) {return atof(Strp);}
  virtual void  *GetTo_Val(void) {return Strp;}
  virtual void   SetPrec(int prec) {Ci = prec != 0;}

  // Methods
  virtual bool   SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
  virtual void   SetValue_char(char *p, int n);
  virtual void   SetValue_psz(PSZ s);
  virtual void   SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
  virtual void   SetValue(char c);
  virtual void   SetValue(short i);
  virtual void   SetValue(int n);
  virtual void   SetValue(longlong n);
  virtual void   SetValue(double f);
  virtual void   SetBinValue(void *p);
  virtual bool   GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
  virtual char  *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
  virtual char  *GetCharString(char *p);
  virtual char  *GetShortString(char *p, int n);
  virtual char  *GetIntString(char *p, int n);
  virtual char  *GetBigintString(char *p, int n);
  virtual char  *GetFloatString(char *p, int n, int prec = -1);
  virtual char  *GetTinyString(char *p, int n);
  virtual bool   IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
  virtual bool   FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt);
  virtual bool   SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&);

  // Specialized functions
  template <class T>
  T      GetValue_as(T type) {return Strp;}
  int    GetValue_as(int type) {return atol(Strp);}
  short  GetValue_as(short type) {return (short)atoi(Strp);}
  longlong GetValue_as(longlong type) {return atoll(Strp);}
  double GetValue_as(double type) {return atof(Strp);}

  // Members
  PSZ         Strp;
  bool        Ci;                   // true if case insensitive
  int         Len;
  }; // end of class TYPVAL<PSZ>

/*  Class DTVAL: represents a time stamp value.                        */
class DllExport DTVAL : public TYPVAL<int> {
  // Constructors
  DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, int n, int p, PSZ fmt);
  DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n);
  DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, short i);
  DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, int n);
  DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, longlong n);
  DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, double f);

  // Implementation
  virtual bool   SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
  virtual void   SetValue_char(char *p, int n);
  virtual void   SetValue_psz(PSZ s);
  virtual void   SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
  virtual char  *GetCharString(char *p);
  virtual char  *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
  virtual bool   FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt);
          bool   SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fmt, int len, int year = 0);
          bool   SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PVAL valp);
          bool   IsFormatted(void) {return Pdtp != NULL;}
          bool   GetTmMember(OPVAL op, int& mval);
          bool   DateDiff(DTVAL *dtp, OPVAL op, int& tdif);
          bool   MakeTime(struct tm *ptm);
  static  void   SetTimeShift(void);
  static  int    GetShift(void) {return Shift;}

  // Methods
          bool   MakeDate(PGLOBAL g, int *val, int nval);
          bool   WeekNum(PGLOBAL g, int& nval);

  struct  tm    *GetGmTime(struct tm *);

  // Default constructor not to be used
  DTVAL(void) : TYPVAL<int>() {}

  // Members
  static int    Shift;        // Time zone shift in seconds
  PDTP          Pdtp;         // To the DATPAR structure
  char         *Sdate;        // Utility char buffer
  int           DefYear;      // Used by ExtractDate
  int           Len;          // Used by CHAR scalar function
  }; // end of class DTVAL

#endif // __VALUE__H__