• unknown's avatar
    * WL#4137 Maria- Framework for testing recovery in mysql-test-run · 5fbd5daf
    unknown authored
    See test maria-recovery.test for a model; all include scripts have
    an "API" section at start if they do take parameters from outside.
    * Fixing bug reported by Jani and Monty (when two REDOs about the same
    page in one group, see ma_blockrec.c). 
    * Fixing small bugs in recovery
      be sure to enter the loop (the previous query by the caller may not have
      failed: it could be
      mysqladmin shutdown;
      call this script).
      * Through the "expect" file a test can tell mtr that a server crash
      is expected. What the file contains is irrelevant. Now if its last
      line starts with "wait", mtr will wait before restarting (it will
      wait for the last line to not start with "wait"). This is for
      tests which need to mangle files under the feet of a dead mysqld.
      * Remove "expect" file before restarting; otherwise there could be a
      race condition: tests sees server restarted, does something, writes
      an "expect" file, and then mtr removes that file, then
      test kills mysqld, and then mtr will never restart it.
      - when applying a REDO in recovery, we don't anymore put UNDO's LSN on the page
      at once; indeed if in this REDO's group there comes another REDO
      for the same page it would be wrongly skipped. Instead, we keep
      pages pinned, don't change their LSN. When done with all REDOs
      of the group we unpin them and stamp them with UNDO's LSN.
      - fixing bug in applying of REDO_PURGE_BLOCKS in recovery: page_range
      sometimes has TAIL_BIT set, need to turn it down to know the real page
      - Both bugs are covered in maria-recovery.test
      Capability to, in debug builds only, do some special operations
      (flush all bitmap and data pages, flush state, flush log)
      and crash mysqld, to later test recovery.
       Driven by some --debug=d, symbols.
      debugging info
      Now that we can _ma_unpin_all_pages() during the REDO phase
      to set page's LSN, the assertion needs to be relaxed.
      - open trace file in append mode (useful when a test triggers several
      recoveries, we see them all).
      - fixing wrong error detection, it's possible that during recovery
      we want to open an already open table.
      - when applying a REDO in recovery, we don't anymore put UNDO's LSN on the page
      at once; indeed if in this REDO's group there comes another REDO
      for the same page it would be wrongly skipped. Instead, we keep
      pages pinned, don't change their LSN. When done with all REDOs
      of the group we unpin them and stamp them with UNDO's LSN.
      - we verify that all log records of a group are about the same table,
      for debugging.
      crash is expected, core file would take room, stack trace would
      wake pushbuild up.
      Test of recovery from mysql-test (it is already tested as unit tests
      in ma_test_recovery) (WL#4137)
      - test that, if recovery is made to start on an empty table it can
      replay the effects of committed and uncommitted statements (having only
      the committed ones in the end result). This should be the first test
      for someone writing code of new REDOs.
      - test that, if mysqld is crashed and recovery runs we have only
      committed statements in the end result. Crashes are done in different
      ways: flush nothing (so, uncommitted statement is often missing
      from the log => no rollback to do); flush pagecache (implicitely flushes
      log (WAL)) and flush log, both causes rollbacks; flush log can also
      flush state (state.records etc) to test recovery of the state
      (not tested well now as we repair the index anyway).
      - test of bug found by Jani and Monty in recovery (two REDO about
      the same page in one group).
      removes logs, to have a clean sheet for testing recovery.
      copies a table to another directory, or back, or compares both
      (comparison is not implemented as physical comparison is impossible
      if an UNDO phase happened).
      copies tables to another directory so that they can later
      serve as a comparison reference (they are the good tables,
      recovery should produce similar ones).
      When we want to force recovery to start on old tables, we prepare
      old tables with this script: we put them in a spare directory.
      They are later copied back over mysqltest tables while mysqld is dead.
      We also need to copy back the control file, otherwise mysqld,
      in recovery, would start from the latest checkpoint: latest
      checkpoint plus old tables is not a recovery-possible scenario of course.
      causes mysqld to crash, restores old tables if requested,
      lets recovery run, compares resulting tables with reference tables
      by using CHECKSUM TABLE.
      We don't do any sanity checks on page's LSN in resulting tables, yet.
maria_verify_recovery.inc 3.19 KB