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Changed bitmaps to be written before unpinning of pages in write_block_record() Log handler now assumes we never call it for not transactional tables Fixed bug in ma_test_all that caused it to fail sql/unireg.cc: Removed 'at', as this makes it hard to find valgrind errors from the debug log storage/maria/ma_blockrec.c: Changed bzero() of blocks to get rid of a (non critical) valgrind error Changed bitmaps to be written before unpinning of pages in write_block_record() fixed that we don't log tails if table isn't transactional storage/maria/ma_key_recover.c: Fixed wrong log_data[] that caused us to log uninitialized data storage/maria/ma_loghandler.c: Replaced not needed test with DBUG_ASSERT() storage/maria/ma_test_all.sh: Remove control file if block size changes