• Michael Widenius's avatar
    mysqltest: Write command to be executed to the log BEFORE executing the command. · 65d1eda8
    Michael Widenius authored
    Fixed race condition in event that could cause hang when stopping event scheduler with SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=OFF 
      Write command to be executed to the log BEFORE executing the command.
      This makes it easier to debug crashes as the log will contain the fatal command.
      Updated results (we now get more things logged)
      Fixed race condition in event that could cause hang when stopping event scheduler with SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=OFF.
      The reason was that a kill signal could be sent between last check of thd->killed and before thd->enter_cond() in which case the signal
      would be missed and we would be stuck in Event_scheduler::stop() forever.
mysqltest.cc 264 KB