• Neeraj Bisht's avatar
    Bug#13726751 - 8 BYTE MEMORY LEAK IN DO_SAVE_BLOB · 68df7278
    Neeraj Bisht authored
    When we execute a query which has subquery with GROUP BY, ORDER BY and have a
    BLOB column,results a memory leak.
    In case of subquery, which have GROUP BY on BLOB and a ORDER BY on other field
    and BLOB is not a key. We allocate a tmp buffer to copy_field to take care of
    BLOB value.This copy_field value can have copies of its in two join(objects),
    so while freeing this copy_field we have to take care that it is
    not deleted twice.
    The double deletion of tmp_table_param.copy_field is handled by two patches.
    One by Kostja :
    Fix the broken test suite in -debug build.
    and other by Oleksandr
    Excluded posibility of tmp_table_param.copy_field double deletion (BUG#14851).
    both of this patches are commited in different branch and while
    merging they both get placed,but there is no need for Kostja patch as Oleksandr
    patch handle this.
      Bug13726751, tmp_join clean up is not necessary as later in the code we are taking care of cleaning up of tmp_join copy_field.
sql_select.cc 555 KB