unknown authored
this file needs to be deleted sql/log_event.cc fixed warnings sql/log_event.h fixed () #define bug sql/mysqlbinlog.cc fixed length argument - was supposed to be one less sql/mysqld.cc replicate-do/ignore-table now works, wild does not yet sql/mysql_priv.h updating argument to add_table_to_list() -- needed for replicate-do/ignore table sql/slave.cc changes fore replicate-do/ignore-table close the socket before going to sleep sleeping after error bad event was being freed too early sql/slave.h changes for replicate-do/ignore-table sql/sql_class.cc slave_thread variable to THD sql/sql_class.h added slave_thread to THD, fixed bug in end_time() sql/sql_parse.cc updating argument to add_tables_to_list() sql/sql_table.cc fixed bug in mysql_rm_table() sql/sql_yacc.yy fixed up add_table_to_list() calls to accept updating argument sql/table.h added updating to TABLE_LIST repl-tests/test-repl-ts/repl...