• MySQL Build Team's avatar
    Backport into build-201002030816-5.0.87sp1 · b34a4c14
    MySQL Build Team authored
    > ------------------------------------------------------------
    > revno: 2818.1.48
    > revision-id: joro@sun.com-20091210092838-zbz9ugqay1tn7rxm
    > parent: joro@sun.com-20091207143856-ojmmqr0bm1haxvca
    > committer: Georgi Kodinov <joro@sun.com>
    > branch nick: B49250-5.0-bugteaam
    > timestamp: Thu 2009-12-10 11:28:38 +0200
    > message:
    >   Bug #49250 : spatial btree index corruption and crash
    >   SPATIAL and FULLTEXT indexes don't support algorithm
    >   selection. 
    >   Disabled by creating a special grammar rule for these
    >   in the parser.
    >   Added some encasulation of duplicate parser code.
gis.result 43.9 KB