• Matthias Leich's avatar
    Fix for Bug#43015 and Bug#43065 · ba68d82a
    Matthias Leich authored
       Details for Bug#43015 main.lock_multi: Weak code (sleeps etc.)
       - The fix for bug 42003 already removed a lot of the weaknesses mentioned.
       - Tests showed that there are unfortunately no improvements of this tests
         in MySQL 5.1 which could be ported back to 5.0.
       - Remove a superfluous "--sleep 1" around line 195
       Details for Bug#43065 main.lock_multi: This test is too big if the disk is slow
       - move the subtests for the bugs 38499 and 36691 into separate scripts
       - runtime under excessive parallel I/O load after applying the fix
         lock_multi           [ pass ]          22887
         lock_multi_bug38499  [ pass ]         536926
         lock_multi_bug38691  [ pass ]         258498
lock_multi.result 2.68 KB