Guilhem Bichot authored
Bug#17867117 - ERROR RESULT WHEN "COUNT + DISTINCT + CASE WHEN" NEED MERGE_WALK Problem: COUNT DISTINCT gives incorrect result when it uses a Unique Tree and its last inserted record has null value. Here is how COUNT DISTINCT is processed, given that this query is not using loose index scan. When a row is produced as a result of joining tables (there is only one table here), we store the SELECTed value in a Unique tree. This allows elimination of any duplicates, and thus implements DISTINCT. When we have processed all rows like this, we walk the Unique tree, counting its elements, in Aggregator_distinct::endup() (tree->walk()); for each element we call Item_sum_count::add(). Such function wants to ignore any NULL value, for that it checks item_sum -> args[0] -> null_value. It is a mistake: when walking the Unique tree, the value to be aggregated is not item_sum ->args[0] but rather table -> field[0]. Solution: instead of item_sum -> args[0] -> null_value, use arg_is_null(), which knows where to look (like in fix for bug 57932). As a consequence of this solution, we have to make arg_is_null() a little more general: 1) Because it was so far only used for AVG() (which always has a single argument), this function was looking at a single argument; now that it has to work with COUNT(DISTINCT expression1,expression2), it must look at all arguments. 2) Because we start using arg_is_null () for COUNT(DISTINCT), i.e. in Item_sum_count::add (), it implies that we are also using it for COUNT(no DISTINCT) (same add ()). For COUNT(no DISTINCT), the nullness to check is that of item_sum -> args[0]. But the null_value of such item is reliable only if val_*() has been called on it. So far arg_is_null() was always used after a call to arg_val*(), so could rely on null_value; but for COUNT, there is no call to arg_val*(), so arg_is_null() has to call is_null() instead. Testcase for 16539979 by Neeraj. Testcase for 17867117 contributed by Xiaobin Lin from Taobao.