Alexander Nozdrin authored
The user-visible problem was that changes to column-level privileges, happened in between of PREPARE and EXECUTE of a prepared statement, were neglected. I.e. a prepared statement could be executed with the column-level privileges as of PREPARE-time. The problem existed for column-level privileges only. A similar problem existed for stored programs: the changes between executions didn't have an effect. Technically the thing is that table references are cached in Prepared_statement::prepare() call. In subsequent Prepared_statement::execute() calls those cached values are used. There are two functions to get a field by name: find_field_in_table() and find_field_in_table_ref(). On prepare-phase find_field_in_table_ref() is called, on execute-phase -- find_field_in_table() because the table is cached. find_field_in_table() does not check column-level privileges and expects the caller to do that. The problem was that this check was forgotten. The fix is to check them there as it happens in find_field_in_table_ref().