• Guilhem Bichot's avatar
    - lifting a limit: INSERT|REPLACE SELECT and LOAD DATA always prevented... · e7cc9959
    Guilhem Bichot authored
    - lifting a limit: INSERT|REPLACE SELECT and LOAD DATA always prevented versioning, now what do so is if
    the table is empty.
    - lifting another limit: versioning was disabled if table had more than one unique index
    - correcting test of statement-based binlogging, when converting read locks to TL_READ_NO_INSERT
      removing mostly fixed limitation (see ha_maria.cc)
      result update
      now when table is empty it does not do versioning, so test hung; inserting one row at start of the test,
      to enable versioning.
      Maria team wrongly removed this "break", thanks Davi for noticing
      - We used to prevent versioning in INSERT/REPLACE SELECT and LOAD DATA, because the index rebuild done by
      bulk insert sometimes, is unsafe when versioning is on. Here we change that: in store_lock(), if the table is empty
      (which is required for index rebuild to be used), we disable versioning; in start_bulk_insert(), we don't do
      index rebuild if versioning is enabled.
      - Test for statement-based binlogging was incomplete: statement-based binlogging is on for this statement
      if binlog is open and statement has binlogging enabled and statement is not doing row-based binlogging
      Monty and I agreed that it's ok to have versioning on a table with more than one unique index: if an INSERT
      hits a duplicate key when inserting the second index' key, no other thread should be able to touch the 
      first index' just-inserted key, because that key has an uncommitted transaction id, so the first thread
      should have time to remove the first index' key.
KNOWN_BUGS.txt 2.86 KB