• Andrei Elkin's avatar
    Bug#38205 Row-based Replication (RBR) causes inconsistencies: HA_ERR_FOUND_DUP · edf25c0a
    Andrei Elkin authored
    Bug#319  if while a non-transactional slave is replicating a transaction possible problem 
    It is impossible to roll back a mixed engines transaction when one of the engine is
    non-transaction. In replication that fact is crucial because the slave can not safely
    re-apply a transction that was interrupted with STOP SLAVE.
    Fixed with making STOP SLAVE not be effective immediately in the case the current
    group of replication events has modified a non-transaction table. In order for slave to leave
    either the group needs finishing or the user issues KILL QUERY|CONNECTION slave_thread_id.
      bug#38205 non-deterministic part of tests results.
      bug#38205 non-deterministic part of tests.
      bug#38205 deterministic part of tests results.
      increasing `innodb_lock_wait_timeout' to make the test pass on slow env w/o
      timeout expired issue.
      bug#38205 deterministic part of tests.
      Augmenting row-based events applying with the notion of 
      The pair is set and reset according to its specification
      for the mixed transaction processing.
      Particualry, once `modified_non_trans_table' is set in the row-events
      processing loop, it will remain till the commit of the transaction.
      Consulting `thd->transaction.all.modified_non_trans_table' to decide
      whether to terminate by the sql thread or to continue even though
      the sql thread might have been STOP-ed (rli->abort_slave).
slave.cc 142 KB