• Andrei Elkin's avatar
    BUG#11754117 incorrect logging of INSERT into auto-increment · f3509d1d
    Andrei Elkin authored
    BUG#11761686 insert_id event is not filtered.
    Two issues are covered.
    INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key 
    is unsafe by autoincrement logging design. The case is specific to MyISAM engine
    because Innodb does not allow such table definition.
    However no warnings and row-format logging in the MIXED mode was done, and
    that is fixed.
    Int-, Rand-, User-var log-events were not filtered along with their parent
    query that made possible them to screw up execution context of the following
    Fixed with deferring their execution until the parent query.
    Post review fixes.
log_event.h 119 KB