Commit 00c05f29 authored by Mattias Jonsson's avatar Mattias Jonsson


parents 139f6d9c a1c7d052
......@@ -4230,6 +4230,7 @@ bool ha_partition::init_record_priority_queue()
if (bitmap_is_set(&m_part_info->used_partitions, i))
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("init rec-buf for part %u", i));
int2store(ptr, i);
ptr+= m_rec_length + PARTITION_BYTES_IN_POS;
......@@ -5150,11 +5151,27 @@ int ha_partition::handle_ordered_index_scan(uchar *buf, bool reverse_order)
m_top_entry= NO_CURRENT_PART_ID;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("m_part_spec.start_part %d", m_part_spec.start_part));
for (i= m_part_spec.start_part; i <= m_part_spec.end_part; i++)
Position part_rec_buf_ptr to point to the first used partition >=
start_part. There may be partitions marked by used_partitions,
but is before start_part. These partitions has allocated record buffers
but is dynamically pruned, so those buffers must be skipped.
uint first_used_part= bitmap_get_first_set(&m_part_info->used_partitions);
for (; first_used_part < m_part_spec.start_part; first_used_part++)
if (bitmap_is_set(&(m_part_info->used_partitions), first_used_part))
part_rec_buf_ptr+= m_rec_length + PARTITION_BYTES_IN_POS;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("m_part_spec.start_part %u first_used_part %u",
m_part_spec.start_part, first_used_part));
for (i= first_used_part; i <= m_part_spec.end_part; i++)
if (!(bitmap_is_set(&(m_part_info->used_partitions), i)))
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("reading from part %u (scan_type: %u)",
i, m_index_scan_type));
DBUG_ASSERT(i == uint2korr(part_rec_buf_ptr));
uchar *rec_buf_ptr= part_rec_buf_ptr + PARTITION_BYTES_IN_POS;
int error;
handler *file= m_file[i];
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