will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 0a266924 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

BUG#20676: debug warnings about too many lock waiters cause test failure.

The 250 simultaneous events all accessing the same table caused the
events_stress test to fail due to debug warnings about too many table
waiters. Fixed by using three different tables.

  Use three different MyISAM tables to avoid debug warnings about too many
  Use three different MyISAM tables to avoid debug warnings about too many
parent 3b670b98
CREATE DATABASE events_conn1_test2;
CREATE TABLE events_test.fill_it(test_name varchar(20), occur datetime);
CREATE TABLE events_test.fill_it1(test_name varchar(20), occur datetime);
CREATE TABLE events_test.fill_it2(test_name varchar(20), occur datetime);
CREATE TABLE events_test.fill_it3(test_name varchar(20), occur datetime);
CREATE USER event_user2@localhost;
CREATE DATABASE events_conn2_db;
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO event_user2@localhost;
......@@ -57,5 +59,7 @@ SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=2;
DROP DATABASE events_conn1_test4;
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=1;
USE events_test;
DROP TABLE fill_it;
DROP TABLE fill_it1;
DROP TABLE fill_it2;
DROP TABLE fill_it3;
DROP DATABASE events_test;
......@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@ CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS events_test;
# DROP DATABASE test start (bug #16406)
CREATE DATABASE events_conn1_test2;
CREATE TABLE events_test.fill_it(test_name varchar(20), occur datetime);
# BUG#20676: MySQL in debug mode has a limit of 100 waiters
# (in mysys/thr_lock.c), so use three different tables to insert into.
CREATE TABLE events_test.fill_it1(test_name varchar(20), occur datetime);
CREATE TABLE events_test.fill_it2(test_name varchar(20), occur datetime);
CREATE TABLE events_test.fill_it3(test_name varchar(20), occur datetime);
CREATE USER event_user2@localhost;
CREATE DATABASE events_conn2_db;
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO event_user2@localhost;
......@@ -16,7 +20,7 @@ connect (conn2,localhost,event_user2,,events_conn2_db);
let $1= 50;
while ($1)
eval CREATE EVENT conn2_ev$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it VALUES("conn2_ev$1", NOW());
eval CREATE EVENT conn2_ev$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it1 VALUES("conn2_ev$1", NOW());
dec $1;
......@@ -26,7 +30,7 @@ connect (conn3,localhost,event_user3,,events_conn3_db);
let $1= 50;
while ($1)
eval CREATE EVENT conn3_ev$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it VALUES("conn3_ev$1", NOW());
eval CREATE EVENT conn3_ev$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it1 VALUES("conn3_ev$1", NOW());
dec $1;
......@@ -48,7 +52,7 @@ USE events_conn1_test2;
let $1= 50;
while ($1)
eval CREATE EVENT conn1_round1_ev$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it VALUES("conn1_round1_ev$1", NOW());
eval CREATE EVENT conn1_round1_ev$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it2 VALUES("conn1_round1_ev$1", NOW());
dec $1;
......@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ USE events_conn1_test3;
let $1= 50;
while ($1)
eval CREATE EVENT conn1_round2_ev$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it VALUES("conn1_round2_ev$1", NOW());
eval CREATE EVENT conn1_round2_ev$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it2 VALUES("conn1_round2_ev$1", NOW());
dec $1;
......@@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ USE events_conn1_test4;
let $1= 50;
while ($1)
eval CREATE EVENT conn1_round3_ev$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it VALUES("conn1_round3_ev$1", NOW());
eval CREATE EVENT conn1_round3_ev$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it3 VALUES("conn1_round3_ev$1", NOW());
dec $1;
......@@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ USE events_conn1_test2;
let $1= 50;
while ($1)
eval CREATE EVENT ev_round4_drop$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it VALUES("conn1_round4_ev$1", NOW());
eval CREATE EVENT ev_round4_drop$1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 SECOND DO INSERT INTO events_test.fill_it3 VALUES("conn1_round4_ev$1", NOW());
dec $1;
......@@ -115,7 +119,9 @@ reap;
disconnect conn3;
connection default;
USE events_test;
DROP TABLE fill_it;
DROP TABLE fill_it1;
DROP TABLE fill_it2;
DROP TABLE fill_it3;
DROP USER event_user2@localhost;
DROP USER event_user3@localhost;
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