create table tm (a int auto_increment primary key) engine=myisam;
create table ti (a int auto_increment primary key) engine=innodb;
set @@global.debug="+d,stop_slave_middle_group";
insert into ti set a=null;
insert into tm set a=null;
SELECT "NO" AS Last_SQL_Error, @check as `true`;
Last_SQL_Error true
NO 1
select count(*) as one from tm;
select count(*) as one from ti;
set @@global.debug="-d";
truncate table tm;
truncate table ti;
set @@global.debug="+d,stop_slave_middle_group";
set @@global.debug="+d,incomplete_group_in_relay_log";
insert into ti set a=null;
insert into tm set a=null;
SELECT "Fatal error: ... The slave SQL is stopped, leaving the current group of events unfinished with a non-transaction table changed. If the group consists solely of Row-based events, you can try restarting the slave with --slave-exec-mode=IDEMPOTENT, which ignores duplicate key, key not found, and similar errors (see documentation for details)." AS Last_SQL_Error, @check as `true`;
Last_SQL_Error true
Fatal error: ... The slave SQL is stopped, leaving the current group of events unfinished with a non-transaction table changed. If the group consists solely of Row-based events, you can try restarting the slave with --slave-exec-mode=IDEMPOTENT, which ignores duplicate key, key not found, and similar errors (see documentation for details). 1
select count(*) as one from tm;
select count(*) as zero from ti;
set @@global.debug="-d";
stop slave;
truncate table tm;
set @@global.debug="+d,stop_slave_middle_group";
set @@global.debug="+d,incomplete_group_in_relay_log";
update tm as t1, ti as t2 set t1.a=t1.a * 2, t2.a=t2.a * 2;
SELECT "Fatal error: ... The slave SQL is stopped, leaving the current group of events unfinished with a non-transaction table changed. If the group consists solely of Row-based events, you can try restarting the slave with --slave-exec-mode=IDEMPOTENT, which ignores duplicate key, key not found, and similar errors (see documentation for details)." AS Last_SQL_Error, @check as `true`;
Last_SQL_Error true
Fatal error: ... The slave SQL is stopped, leaving the current group of events unfinished with a non-transaction table changed. If the group consists solely of Row-based events, you can try restarting the slave with --slave-exec-mode=IDEMPOTENT, which ignores duplicate key, key not found, and similar errors (see documentation for details). 1