Commit 309cbc54 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

This is the final commit for Worklog tasks:

   * A more dynamic binlog format which allows small changes (1064)
   * Log session variables in Query_log_event (1063)
It contains a few bugfixes (which I made when running the testsuite).
I carefully updated the results of the testsuite (i.e. I checked for every one,
if the difference between .reject and .result could be explained).
Apparently mysql-test-run --manager is broken in 4.1 and 5.0 currently,
so I could neither run the few tests which require --manager, nor check
that they pass nor modify their .result. But for builds, we don't run
with --manager.
Apart from --manager, the full testsuite passes, with Valgrind too (no errors).
I'm going to push in the next minutes. Remains: update the manual.
Note: by chance I saw that (in 4.1, in 5.0) rpl_get_lock fails when run alone;
this is normal at it makes assumptions on thread ids. I will fix this one day
in 4.1.

  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  result update
  need to wait 2 events, because now we receive a Format_desc on top of the Rotate,
  when replication starts.
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  position update
  position update
  position update
  position update
  position update
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  better options for this test
  using max() is better for debugging (it shows at which place the slave
  SQL thread resumed)
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  100 because password() is longer than 10 chars
  relay log information is not repeatable in general (if a reconnection
  happens because --sleep=10 for example), so we hide these columns.
  position update
  position update
  Ensure that the Format_desc propagated on next relay logs does not trigger
  undue actions (like incrementing some positions or clearing some files).
  * When the slave SQL thread finds a Rotate/Format_desc/Stop in the middle of
  a transaction (then these were written by the slave itself to its relay log),
  it should not increment rli->group* variables, but only rli->event* ones.
  * When the slave SQL thread finds a Format_desc not to be ignored (not
  the same server id as the slave's), if it has log_pos==0 it must not trigger
  "unfinished transaction in master's binlog" (log_pos==0 is always a marker
  in the relay log to mean "this event was not at this place in the master's
  binlog": it's for fake Rotate events, and for Format_description events which the master had
  to send us for replication to start).
  * In the Query_log_event on disk, catalog is now terminated by '\0'.
  * thd->catalog must be set to 0 when some exec_event() terminate (otherwise
  double free).
  * Fixes for a few bugs when ignoring events in the slave SQL thread:
    - do not decrement rli->slave_skip_counter if the event is an event
    related to the binlog or relay log itself (FORMAT_DESCRIPTION,
    ROTATE, STOP) because these events should never be skipped (or the slave
    will be confused). Usually the user wants to skip a query, not a Rotate... 
    - when we (re)connect to the master, we must free description_event_for_queue
    (otherwise memory leak when we reconnect). 
  * Changed a bit the code where we change description_event_for_queue,
  to make it look "safer".
  * Moved 'created=0' to where it is safer.
  * When the slave SQL thread finds a Rotate/Format_desc/Stop in the middle of
  a transaction (then these were written by the slave itself to its relay log),
  it should not increment rli->group* variables, but only rli->event* ones.
  a warning comment
  A mistake: I had passed a char* instead of char**
parent 7a163af0
reset master;
show master status;
File Position Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB
master-bin.000001 79
master-bin.000001 95
reset slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
change master to master_host='';
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# test MASTER_PORT 7 4 slave-relay-bin.000001 4 No No 0 0 0 4 None 0 No #
# test MASTER_PORT 7 4 # # No No 0 0 0 # None 0 No #
change master to master_host='',master_user='root',
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 7 4 slave-relay-bin.000001 4 No No 0 0 0 4 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 7 4 # # No No 0 0 0 # None 0 No #
start slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 7 master-bin.000001 79 slave-relay-bin.000001 123 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 79 123 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 7 master-bin.000001 95 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 95 # None 0 No #
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (n int);
insert into t1 values (10),(45),(90);
......@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ n
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 273 slave-relay-bin.000002 258 master-bin.000001 No No 0 0 214 317 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 355 # # master-bin.000001 No No 0 0 274 # None 0 No #
change master to master_user='root';
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 214 slave-relay-bin.000001 4 master-bin.000001 No No 0 0 214 4 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 274 # # master-bin.000001 No No 0 0 274 # None 0 No #
select release_lock("a");
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ insert into t1 values (1),(1);
ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 213 slave-relay-bin.000002 257 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes test.t1 0 0 213 257 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 273 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes test.t1 0 0 273 # None 0 No #
show tables like 't1';
Tables_in_test (t1)
drop table t1;
......@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ start slave;
flush logs;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root SLAVE_PORT 60 slave-bin.000001 79 relay-log.000002 4 slave-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 79 4 None 0 No #
# root SLAVE_PORT 60 slave-bin.000001 95 # # slave-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 95 # None 0 No #
......@@ -13,28 +13,28 @@ insert into t4 select * from t3;
rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1;
flush no_write_to_binlog tables;
show binlog events;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Start 1 4 Server ver: SERVER_VERSION, Binlog ver: 3
master-bin.000001 79 Query 1 79 use `test`; create table t1 (a int)
master-bin.000001 137 Query 1 137 use `test`; insert into t1 values (10)
master-bin.000001 198 Query 1 198 use `test`; create table t2 (a int)
master-bin.000001 256 Query 1 256 use `test`; create table t3 (a int) engine=merge union(t1)
master-bin.000001 337 Query 1 337 use `test`; create table t4 (a int)
master-bin.000001 395 Query 1 395 use `test`; insert into t4 select * from t3
master-bin.000001 461 Query 1 461 use `test`; rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 1 95 Server ver: SERVER_VERSION, Binlog ver: 4
master-bin.000001 95 Query 1 175 use `test`; create table t1 (a int)
master-bin.000001 175 Query 1 258 use `test`; insert into t1 values (10)
master-bin.000001 258 Query 1 338 use `test`; create table t2 (a int)
master-bin.000001 338 Query 1 441 use `test`; create table t3 (a int) engine=merge union(t1)
master-bin.000001 441 Query 1 521 use `test`; create table t4 (a int)
master-bin.000001 521 Query 1 609 use `test`; insert into t4 select * from t3
master-bin.000001 609 Query 1 697 use `test`; rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1
select * from t3;
flush tables;
show binlog events;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Start 1 4 Server ver: SERVER_VERSION, Binlog ver: 3
master-bin.000001 79 Query 1 79 use `test`; create table t1 (a int)
master-bin.000001 137 Query 1 137 use `test`; insert into t1 values (10)
master-bin.000001 198 Query 1 198 use `test`; create table t2 (a int)
master-bin.000001 256 Query 1 256 use `test`; create table t3 (a int) engine=merge union(t1)
master-bin.000001 337 Query 1 337 use `test`; create table t4 (a int)
master-bin.000001 395 Query 1 395 use `test`; insert into t4 select * from t3
master-bin.000001 461 Query 1 461 use `test`; rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1
master-bin.000001 527 Query 1 527 use `test`; flush tables
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 1 95 Server ver: SERVER_VERSION, Binlog ver: 4
master-bin.000001 95 Query 1 175 use `test`; create table t1 (a int)
master-bin.000001 175 Query 1 258 use `test`; insert into t1 values (10)
master-bin.000001 258 Query 1 338 use `test`; create table t2 (a int)
master-bin.000001 338 Query 1 441 use `test`; create table t3 (a int) engine=merge union(t1)
master-bin.000001 441 Query 1 521 use `test`; create table t4 (a int)
master-bin.000001 521 Query 1 609 use `test`; insert into t4 select * from t3
master-bin.000001 609 Query 1 697 use `test`; rename table t1 to t5, t2 to t1
master-bin.000001 697 Query 1 766 use `test`; flush tables
select * from t3;
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ day id category name
2003-03-22 2416 a bbbbb
show master status;
File Position Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB
slave-bin.000001 964
slave-bin.000001 1068
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
drop table t3;
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ set global sql_slave_skip_counter=1;
start slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 1311 slave-relay-bin.000002 1355 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 1311 1355 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 1503 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 1503 # None 0 No #
set sql_log_bin=0;
delete from t1;
set sql_log_bin=1;
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ change master to master_user='test';
change master to master_user='root';
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 1419 slave-relay-bin.000001 4 master-bin.000001 No No 0 0 1419 4 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 1611 # # master-bin.000001 No No 0 0 1611 # None 0 No #
set global sql_slave_skip_counter=1;
start slave;
set sql_log_bin=0;
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ stop slave;
reset slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 4 slave-relay-bin.000001 4 No No 0 0 0 4 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 4 # # No No 0 0 0 # None 0 No #
reset master;
create table t2 (day date,id int(9),category enum('a','b','c'),name varchar(60),
......@@ -64,5 +64,5 @@ terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '%' escaped by '@' lines terminated by
ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '2003-03-22' for key 1
show master status;
File Position Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB
master-bin.000001 491
master-bin.000001 529
drop table t2;
......@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ create database mysqltest;
create table t1(a int, b int, unique(b));
use mysqltest;
load data infile '../../std_data/rpl_loaddata.dat' into table test.t1;
show binlog events from 79;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
show binlog events from 95;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
drop database mysqltest;
......@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ load data infile '../../std_data/rpl_loaddata.dat' into table test.t1;
select count(*) from t1;
show binlog events from 79;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
show binlog events from 95;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
......@@ -18,26 +18,26 @@ count(*)
drop table t1;
show binlog events;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Start 1 4 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 3
master-bin.000001 79 Query 1 79 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
master-bin.000001 172 Intvar 1 172 INSERT_ID=1
master-bin.000001 200 Query 1 200 use `test`; insert into t1 values (NULL)
master-bin.000001 263 Query 1 263 use `test`; drop table t1
master-bin.000001 311 Query 1 311 use `test`; create table t1 (word char(20) not null)
master-bin.000001 386 Create_file 1 386 db=test;table=t1;file_id=1;block_len=581
master-bin.000001 1056 Exec_load 1 1056 ;file_id=1
master-bin.000001 1079 Query 1 1079 use `test`; drop table t1
show binlog events from 79 limit 1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 79 Query 1 79 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
show binlog events from 79 limit 2;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 79 Query 1 79 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
master-bin.000001 172 Intvar 1 172 INSERT_ID=1
show binlog events from 79 limit 2,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 200 Query 1 200 use `test`; insert into t1 values (NULL)
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 1 95 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 4
master-bin.000001 95 Query 1 210 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
master-bin.000001 210 Intvar 1 238 INSERT_ID=1
master-bin.000001 238 Query 1 323 use `test`; insert into t1 values (NULL)
master-bin.000001 323 Query 1 393 use `test`; drop table t1
master-bin.000001 393 Query 1 490 use `test`; create table t1 (word char(20) not null)
master-bin.000001 490 Create_file 1 1160 db=test;table=t1;file_id=1;block_len=581
master-bin.000001 1160 Exec_load 1 1183 ;file_id=1
master-bin.000001 1183 Query 1 1253 use `test`; drop table t1
show binlog events from 95 limit 1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 95 Query 1 210 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
show binlog events from 95 limit 2;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 95 Query 1 210 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
master-bin.000001 210 Intvar 1 238 INSERT_ID=1
show binlog events from 95 limit 2,1;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 238 Query 1 323 use `test`; insert into t1 values (NULL)
flush logs;
create table t5 (a int);
drop table t5;
......@@ -48,24 +48,25 @@ create table t1 (n int);
insert into t1 values (1);
drop table t1;
show binlog events;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Start 1 4 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 3
master-bin.000001 79 Query 1 79 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
master-bin.000001 172 Intvar 1 172 INSERT_ID=1
master-bin.000001 200 Query 1 200 use `test`; insert into t1 values (NULL)
master-bin.000001 263 Query 1 263 use `test`; drop table t1
master-bin.000001 311 Query 1 311 use `test`; create table t1 (word char(20) not null)
master-bin.000001 386 Create_file 1 386 db=test;table=t1;file_id=1;block_len=581
master-bin.000001 1056 Exec_load 1 1056 ;file_id=1
master-bin.000001 1079 Query 1 1079 use `test`; drop table t1
master-bin.000001 1127 Rotate 1 1127 master-bin.000002;pos=4
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 1 95 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 4
master-bin.000001 95 Query 1 210 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
master-bin.000001 210 Intvar 1 238 INSERT_ID=1
master-bin.000001 238 Query 1 323 use `test`; insert into t1 values (NULL)
master-bin.000001 323 Query 1 393 use `test`; drop table t1
master-bin.000001 393 Query 1 490 use `test`; create table t1 (word char(20) not null)
master-bin.000001 490 Create_file 1 1160 db=test;table=t1;file_id=1;block_len=581
master-bin.000001 1160 Exec_load 1 1183 ;file_id=1
master-bin.000001 1183 Query 1 1253 use `test`; drop table t1
master-bin.000001 1253 Rotate 1 1297 master-bin.000002;pos=4
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000002';
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
master-bin.000002 4 Query 1 4 use `test`; create table t5 (a int)
master-bin.000002 62 Query 1 62 use `test`; drop table t5
master-bin.000002 110 Query 1 110 use `test`; create table t1 (n int)
master-bin.000002 168 Query 1 168 use `test`; insert into t1 values (1)
master-bin.000002 228 Query 1 228 use `test`; drop table t1
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000002 4 Format_desc 1 95 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 4
master-bin.000002 95 Query 1 175 use `test`; create table t5 (a int)
master-bin.000002 175 Query 1 245 use `test`; drop table t5
master-bin.000002 245 Query 1 325 use `test`; create table t1 (n int)
master-bin.000002 325 Query 1 407 use `test`; insert into t1 values (1)
master-bin.000002 407 Query 1 477 use `test`; drop table t1
show binary logs;
......@@ -76,26 +77,27 @@ Log_name
show binlog events in 'slave-bin.000001' from 4;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
slave-bin.000001 4 Start 2 4 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 3
slave-bin.000001 79 Query 1 79 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
slave-bin.000001 172 Intvar 1 172 INSERT_ID=1
slave-bin.000001 200 Query 1 200 use `test`; insert into t1 values (NULL)
slave-bin.000001 263 Query 1 263 use `test`; drop table t1
slave-bin.000001 311 Query 1 311 use `test`; create table t1 (word char(20) not null)
slave-bin.000001 386 Create_file 1 386 db=test;table=t1;file_id=1;block_len=581
slave-bin.000001 1065 Exec_load 1 1065 ;file_id=1
slave-bin.000001 1088 Query 1 1088 use `test`; drop table t1
slave-bin.000001 1136 Query 1 1136 use `test`; create table t5 (a int)
slave-bin.000001 1194 Query 1 1194 use `test`; drop table t5
slave-bin.000001 1242 Rotate 2 1242 slave-bin.000002;pos=4
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
slave-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 2 95 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 4
slave-bin.000001 95 Query 1 210 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
slave-bin.000001 210 Intvar 1 238 INSERT_ID=1
slave-bin.000001 238 Query 1 323 use `test`; insert into t1 values (NULL)
slave-bin.000001 323 Query 1 393 use `test`; drop table t1
slave-bin.000001 393 Query 1 490 use `test`; create table t1 (word char(20) not null)
slave-bin.000001 490 Create_file 1 1169 db=test;table=t1;file_id=1;block_len=581
slave-bin.000001 1169 Exec_load 1 1192 ;file_id=1
slave-bin.000001 1192 Query 1 1262 use `test`; drop table t1
slave-bin.000001 1262 Query 1 1342 use `test`; create table t5 (a int)
slave-bin.000001 1342 Query 1 1412 use `test`; drop table t5
slave-bin.000001 1412 Rotate 2 1455 slave-bin.000002;pos=4
show binlog events in 'slave-bin.000002' from 4;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
slave-bin.000002 4 Query 1 4 use `test`; create table t1 (n int)
slave-bin.000002 62 Query 1 62 use `test`; insert into t1 values (1)
slave-bin.000002 122 Query 1 122 use `test`; drop table t1
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
slave-bin.000002 4 Format_desc 2 95 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 4
slave-bin.000002 95 Query 1 175 use `test`; create table t1 (n int)
slave-bin.000002 175 Query 1 257 use `test`; insert into t1 values (1)
slave-bin.000002 257 Query 1 327 use `test`; drop table t1
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000002 276 slave-relay-bin.000003 214 master-bin.000002 Yes Yes 0 0 276 214 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000002 477 # # master-bin.000002 Yes Yes 0 0 477 # None 0 No #
show binlog events in 'slave-bin.000005' from 4;
ERROR HY000: Error when executing command SHOW BINLOG EVENTS: Could not find target log
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
start slave;
show master status;
File Position Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB
master-bin.000001 79
master-bin.000001 95
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 79 slave-relay-bin.000002 123 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 79 123 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 95 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 95 # None 0 No #
stop slave;
change master to master_log_pos=73;
start slave;
......@@ -17,26 +17,26 @@ stop slave;
change master to master_log_pos=73;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 73 slave-relay-bin.000001 4 master-bin.000001 No No 0 0 73 4 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 73 # # master-bin.000001 No No 0 0 73 # None 0 No #
start slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 73 slave-relay-bin.000001 48 master-bin.000001 No Yes 0 0 73 48 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 73 # # master-bin.000001 No Yes 0 0 73 # None 0 No #
stop slave;
change master to master_log_pos=173;
start slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 173 slave-relay-bin.000001 4 master-bin.000001 No Yes 0 0 173 4 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 173 # # master-bin.000001 No Yes 0 0 173 # None 0 No #
show master status;
File Position Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB
master-bin.000001 79
master-bin.000001 95
create table if not exists t1 (n int);
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (n int);
insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3);
stop slave;
change master to master_log_pos=79;
change master to master_log_pos=95;
start slave;
select * from t1;
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ select @@global.max_relay_log_size;
start slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 50477 slave-relay-bin.000014 1221 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 50477 1221 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 68137 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 68137 # None 0 No #
stop slave;
reset slave;
set global max_relay_log_size=(5*4096);
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ select @@global.max_relay_log_size;
start slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 50477 slave-relay-bin.000004 9457 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 50477 9457 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 68137 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 68137 # None 0 No #
stop slave;
reset slave;
set global max_relay_log_size=0;
......@@ -36,26 +36,26 @@ select @@global.max_relay_log_size;
start slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 50477 slave-relay-bin.000008 1283 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 50477 1283 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 68137 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 68137 # None 0 No #
stop slave;
reset slave;
flush logs;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 4 slave-relay-bin.000001 4 No No 0 0 0 4 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 4 # # No No 0 0 0 # None 0 No #
reset slave;
start slave;
flush logs;
create table t1 (a int);
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 50535 slave-relay-bin.000009 62 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 50535 62 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 68217 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 68217 # None 0 No #
flush logs;
drop table t1;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 50583 slave-relay-bin.000010 52 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 50583 52 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 68287 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 68287 # None 0 No #
flush logs;
show master status;
File Position Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB
master-bin.000002 4
master-bin.000002 95
......@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ start slave;
select master_pos_wait('master-bin.001',3000)>=0;
select * from t1 where a=8000;
select max(a) from t1;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root 9306 1 master-bin.000001 687207 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 687207 # None 0 No #
drop table t1;
......@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ ERROR 42S02: Table 'test.t11' doesn't exist
drop table if exists t1,t2,t11;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 1281 slave-relay-bin.000002 1325 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes test.t1 0 0 1281 1325 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 1473 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes test.t1 0 0 1473 # None 0 No #
......@@ -6,20 +6,20 @@ drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
start slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 79 slave-relay-bin.000002 123 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 79 123 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 95 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 95 # None 0 No #
stop slave;
change master to master_user='test';
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# test MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 79 slave-relay-bin.000001 4 master-bin.000001 No No 0 0 79 4 None 0 No #
# test MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 95 # # master-bin.000001 No No 0 0 95 # None 0 No #
reset slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 4 slave-relay-bin.000001 4 No No 0 0 0 4 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 4 # # No No 0 0 0 # None 0 No #
start slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 79 slave-relay-bin.000002 123 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 79 123 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 95 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 95 # None 0 No #
stop slave;
reset slave;
start slave;
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ create table t1 (s text);
insert into t1 values('Could not break slave'),('Tried hard');
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 60 master-bin.000001 417 slave-relay-bin.000001 461 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 417 461 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 60 master-bin.000001 521 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 521 # None 0 No #
select * from t1;
Could not break slave
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ master-bin.000003
insert into t2 values (65);
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 60 master-bin.000003 290 slave-relay-bin.000001 1088 master-bin.000003 Yes Yes 0 0 290 1088 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 60 master-bin.000003 469 # # master-bin.000003 Yes Yes 0 0 469 # None 0 No #
select * from t2;
......@@ -73,15 +73,16 @@ show binary logs;
show master status;
File Position Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB
master-bin.000004 2886
master-bin.000005 1387
select * from t4;
testing temporary tables part 2
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 60 master-bin.000004 2886 slave-relay-bin.000001 7891 master-bin.000004 Yes Yes 0 0 2886 7891 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 60 master-bin.000005 1387 # # master-bin.000005 Yes Yes 0 0 1387 # None 0 No #
lock tables t3 read;
select count(*) from t3 where n >= 4;
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ start slave;
drop table if exists t1;
Note 1051 Unknown table 't1'
create table t1(a varchar(10),b int);
create table t1(a varchar(100),b int);
set @@session.sql_mode=pipes_as_concat;
insert into t1 values('My'||'SQL', 1);
set @@session.sql_mode=default;
......@@ -24,19 +24,19 @@ f
show binlog events;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Start 1 4 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 3
master-bin.000001 79 Query 1 79 use `test`; create table t1(f int)
master-bin.000001 136 Query 1 136 use `test`; create table t2(f int)
master-bin.000001 193 Query 1 193 use `test`; insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10)
master-bin.000001 290 Query 1 290 use `test`; create temporary table t3(f int)
master-bin.000001 357 Query 1 357 use `test`; insert into t3 select * from t1 where f<6
master-bin.000001 433 Query 1 433 use `test`; create temporary table t3(f int)
master-bin.000001 500 Query 1 500 use `test`; insert into t2 select count(*) from t3
master-bin.000001 573 Query 1 573 use `test`; insert into t3 select * from t1 where f>=4
master-bin.000001 650 Query 1 650 use `test`; drop temporary table t3
master-bin.000001 708 Query 1 708 use `test`; insert into t2 select count(*) from t3
master-bin.000001 781 Query 1 781 use `test`; drop temporary table t3
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 1 95 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 4
master-bin.000001 95 Query 1 174 use `test`; create table t1(f int)
master-bin.000001 174 Query 1 253 use `test`; create table t2(f int)
master-bin.000001 253 Query 1 372 use `test`; insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10)
master-bin.000001 372 Query 1 461 use `test`; create temporary table t3(f int)
master-bin.000001 461 Query 1 559 use `test`; insert into t3 select * from t1 where f<6
master-bin.000001 559 Query 1 648 use `test`; create temporary table t3(f int)
master-bin.000001 648 Query 1 743 use `test`; insert into t2 select count(*) from t3
master-bin.000001 743 Query 1 842 use `test`; insert into t3 select * from t1 where f>=4
master-bin.000001 842 Query 1 922 use `test`; drop temporary table t3
master-bin.000001 922 Query 1 1017 use `test`; insert into t2 select count(*) from t3
master-bin.000001 1017 Query 1 1097 use `test`; drop temporary table t3
drop table t1, t2;
use test;
SET TIMESTAMP=1040323920;
......@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ reset slave;
start slave;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000002 4 slave-relay-bin.000002 123 master-bin.000001 Yes No 0 Rolling back unfinished transaction (no COMMIT or ROLLBACK) from relay log. Probably cause is that the master died while writing the transaction to it's binary log. 0 79 326 None 0 No #
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000002 4 # # master-bin.000001 Yes No 0 Rolling back unfinished transaction (no COMMIT or ROLLBACK) from relay log. Probably cause is that the master died while writing the transaction to it's binary log. 0 79 # None 0 No #
......@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ insert into t2 values (1),(2);
insert into t2 values (3),(4);
drop table t2;
show binlog events;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Start 1 4 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 3
master-bin.000001 79 Query 1 79 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
master-bin.000001 172 Query 1 172 use `test`; insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4)
master-bin.000001 244 Query 1 244 use `test`; drop table t1
master-bin.000001 292 Query 1 292 use `test`; create table t2(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
master-bin.000001 385 Query 1 385 use `test`; insert into t2 values (1),(2)
master-bin.000001 449 Query 1 449 use `test`; insert into t2 values (3),(4)
master-bin.000001 513 Query 1 513 use `test`; drop table t2
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=244;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
master-bin.000001 4 Format_desc 1 95 Server ver: VERSION, Binlog ver: 4
master-bin.000001 95 Query 1 210 use `test`; create table t1(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
master-bin.000001 210 Query 1 304 use `test`; insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4)
master-bin.000001 304 Query 1 374 use `test`; drop table t1
master-bin.000001 374 Query 1 489 use `test`; create table t2(n int not null auto_increment primary key)
master-bin.000001 489 Query 1 575 use `test`; insert into t2 values (1),(2)
master-bin.000001 575 Query 1 661 use `test`; insert into t2 values (3),(4)
master-bin.000001 661 Query 1 731 use `test`; drop table t2
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=304;
select * from t1;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ n
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 561 slave-relay-bin.000002 332 master-bin.000001 Yes No 0 0 244 649 Master master-bin.000001 244 No #
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 731 slave-relay-bin.000004 439 master-bin.000001 Yes No 0 0 304 866 Master master-bin.000001 304 No #
start slave until master_log_file='master-no-such-bin.000001', master_log_pos=291;
select * from t1;
......@@ -41,21 +41,21 @@ n
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 561 slave-relay-bin.000002 # master-bin.000001 Yes No 0 0 244 # Master master-no-such-bin.000001 291 No #
start slave until relay_log_file='slave-relay-bin.000002', relay_log_pos=537;
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 731 slave-relay-bin.000004 # master-bin.000001 Yes No 0 0 304 # Master master-no-such-bin.000001 291 No #
start slave until relay_log_file='slave-relay-bin.000004', relay_log_pos=710;
select * from t2;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 561 slave-relay-bin.000002 # master-bin.000001 Yes No 0 0 449 # Relay slave-relay-bin.000002 537 No #
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 731 slave-relay-bin.000004 # master-bin.000001 Yes No 0 0 575 # Relay slave-relay-bin.000004 710 No #
start slave;
stop slave;
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=561;
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=710;
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 561 slave-relay-bin.000002 # master-bin.000001 Yes No 0 0 561 # Master master-bin.000001 561 No #
# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 731 slave-relay-bin.000004 # master-bin.000001 Yes No 0 0 731 # Master master-bin.000001 710 No #
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin', master_log_pos=561;
ERROR HY000: Wrong parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTIL
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=561, relay_log_pos=12;
......@@ -67,6 +67,6 @@ ERROR HY000: Wrong parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTIL
start slave until relay_log_file='slave-relay-bin.000002', master_log_pos=561;
ERROR HY000: Wrong parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTIL
start slave sql_thread;
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=561;
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=710;
Note 1253 Slave is already running
......@@ -76,34 +76,34 @@ abcn1n2
show binlog events from 141;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id Orig_log_pos Info
slave-bin.000001 141 User var 2 141 @i1=12345678901234
slave-bin.000001 184 User var 2 184 @i2=-12345678901234
slave-bin.000001 227 User var 2 227 @i3=0
slave-bin.000001 270 User var 2 270 @i4=-1
slave-bin.000001 313 Query 1 313 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@i1), (@i2), (@i3), (@i4)
slave-bin.000001 396 User var 2 396 @r1=12.5
slave-bin.000001 439 User var 2 439 @r2=-12.5
slave-bin.000001 482 Query 1 482 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@r1), (@r2)
slave-bin.000001 551 User var 2 551 @s1='This is a test'
slave-bin.000001 600 User var 2 600 @s2=''
slave-bin.000001 635 User var 2 635 @s3='abc'def'
slave-bin.000001 677 User var 2 677 @s4='abc\def'
slave-bin.000001 719 User var 2 719 @s5='abc'def'
slave-bin.000001 761 Query 1 761 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@s1), (@s2), (@s3), (@s4), (@s5)
slave-bin.000001 851 User var 2 851 @n1=NULL
slave-bin.000001 877 Query 1 877 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@n1)
slave-bin.000001 939 User var 2 939 @n2=NULL
slave-bin.000001 965 Query 1 965 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@n2)
slave-bin.000001 1027 Query 1 1027 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@a:=0), (@a:=@a+1), (@a:=@a+1)
slave-bin.000001 1115 User var 2 1115 @a=2
slave-bin.000001 1157 Query 1 1157 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@a+(@b:=@a+1))
slave-bin.000001 1229 User var 2 1229 @q='abc'
slave-bin.000001 1266 Query 1 1266 use `test`; insert t1 values (@q), (@q:=concat(@q, 'n1')), (@q:=concat(@q, 'n2'))
slave-bin.000001 1370 User var 2 1370 @a=5
slave-bin.000001 1412 Query 1 1412 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@a),(@a)
slave-bin.000001 1478 User var 2 1478 @a=NULL
slave-bin.000001 1503 Query 1 1503 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@a),(@a),(@a*5)
show binlog events from 179;
Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info
slave-bin.000001 179 User var 2 222 @i1=12345678901234
slave-bin.000001 222 User var 2 265 @i2=-12345678901234
slave-bin.000001 265 User var 2 308 @i3=0
slave-bin.000001 308 User var 2 351 @i4=-1
slave-bin.000001 351 Query 1 456 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@i1), (@i2), (@i3), (@i4)
slave-bin.000001 456 User var 2 499 @r1=12.5
slave-bin.000001 499 User var 2 542 @r2=-12.5
slave-bin.000001 542 Query 1 633 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@r1), (@r2)
slave-bin.000001 633 User var 2 682 @s1='This is a test'
slave-bin.000001 682 User var 2 717 @s2=''
slave-bin.000001 717 User var 2 759 @s3='abc'def'
slave-bin.000001 759 User var 2 801 @s4='abc\def'
slave-bin.000001 801 User var 2 843 @s5='abc'def'
slave-bin.000001 843 Query 1 955 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@s1), (@s2), (@s3), (@s4), (@s5)
slave-bin.000001 955 User var 2 981 @n1=NULL
slave-bin.000001 981 Query 1 1065 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@n1)
slave-bin.000001 1065 User var 2 1091 @n2=NULL
slave-bin.000001 1091 Query 1 1175 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@n2)
slave-bin.000001 1175 Query 1 1285 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@a:=0), (@a:=@a+1), (@a:=@a+1)
slave-bin.000001 1285 User var 2 1327 @a=2
slave-bin.000001 1327 Query 1 1421 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@a+(@b:=@a+1))
slave-bin.000001 1421 User var 2 1458 @q='abc'
slave-bin.000001 1458 Query 1 1584 use `test`; insert t1 values (@q), (@q:=concat(@q, 'n1')), (@q:=concat(@q, 'n2'))
slave-bin.000001 1584 User var 2 1626 @a=5
slave-bin.000001 1626 Query 1 1714 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@a),(@a)
slave-bin.000001 1714 User var 2 1739 @a=NULL
slave-bin.000001 1739 Query 1 1834 use `test`; insert into t1 values (@a),(@a),(@a*5)
drop table t1;
stop slave;
......@@ -7,24 +7,24 @@ save_master_pos;
connection slave;
reset slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
change master to master_host='';
# The following needs to be cleaned up when change master is fixed
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
eval change master to master_host='',master_user='root',
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
start slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
connection master;
......@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ connection slave;
stop slave;
select * from t1;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
change master to master_user='root';
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# Will restart from after the values(2), which is bug
select release_lock("a");
source include/;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ sync_with_master;
# The port number is different when doing the release build with
# Do-compile, hence we have to replace the port number here accordingly
--replace_result 3306 MASTER_PORT 9306 MASTER_PORT 3334 MASTER_PORT 3336 MASTER_PORT
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# check that the table has been ignored, because otherwise the test is nonsense
show tables like 't1';
......@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ sleep 5;
flush logs;
sleep 5;
--replace_result $SLAVE_MYPORT SLAVE_PORT
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ select * from t3;
# restarted for this test, the file_id is uncertain (would cause test
# failures). So instead, we test if the binlog looks long enough to
# contain LOAD DATA. That is, I (Guilhem) have done SHOW BINLOG EVENTS on my
# machine, saw that the binlog is of size 964 when things go fine.
# machine, saw that the binlog is of size 1068 (in 5.0.0) when things go fine.
# If LOAD DATA was not logged, the binlog would be shorter.
show master status;
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ set global sql_slave_skip_counter=1;
start slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# Trigger error again to test CHANGE MASTER
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ stop slave;
change master to master_user='test';
change master to master_user='root';
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# Trigger error again to test RESET SLAVE
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ wait_for_slave_to_stop;
stop slave;
reset slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# Finally, see if logging is done ok on master for a failing LOAD DATA INFILE
......@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@ create database mysqltest;
create table t1(a int, b int, unique(b));
use mysqltest;
load data infile '../../std_data/rpl_loaddata.dat' into table test.t1;
show binlog events from 79; # should be nothing
show binlog events from 95; # should be nothing
drop database mysqltest;
......@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ save_master_pos;
connection slave;
select count(*) from t1; # check that LOAD was replicated
show binlog events from 79; # should be nothing
show binlog events from 95; # should be nothing
......@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ select count(*) from t1;
drop table t1;
--replace_result $VERSION VERSION
show binlog events;
show binlog events from 79 limit 1;
show binlog events from 79 limit 2;
show binlog events from 79 limit 2,1;
show binlog events from 95 limit 1;
show binlog events from 95 limit 2;
show binlog events from 95 limit 2,1;
flush logs;
# We need an extra update before doing save_master_pos.
......@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ insert into t1 values (1);
drop table t1;
--replace_result $VERSION VERSION
show binlog events;
--replace_result $VERSION VERSION
show binlog events in 'master-bin.000002';
show binary logs;
......@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ show binlog events in 'slave-bin.000001' from 4;
show binlog events in 'slave-bin.000002' from 4;
--replace_result 3306 MASTER_PORT 9306 MASTER_PORT 3334 MASTER_PORT 3336 MASTER_PORT
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# Need to recode the following
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ source include/;
show master status;
--replace_result 3306 MASTER_PORT 9306 MASTER_PORT 3334 MASTER_PORT 3336 MASTER_PORT
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
stop slave;
change master to master_log_pos=73;
......@@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ stop slave;
change master to master_log_pos=73;
--replace_result 3306 MASTER_PORT 9306 MASTER_PORT 3334 MASTER_PORT 3336 MASTER_PORT
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
start slave;
sleep 5;
--replace_result 3306 MASTER_PORT 9306 MASTER_PORT 3334 MASTER_PORT 3336 MASTER_PORT
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
stop slave;
change master to master_log_pos=173;
start slave;
sleep 2;
--replace_result 3306 MASTER_PORT 9306 MASTER_PORT 3334 MASTER_PORT 3336 MASTER_PORT
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
connection master;
show master status;
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3);
connection slave;
stop slave;
change master to master_log_pos=79;
change master to master_log_pos=95;
start slave;
select * from t1;
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ select @@global.max_relay_log_size;
start slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
stop slave;
reset slave;
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ select @@global.max_relay_log_size;
start slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
stop slave;
reset slave;
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ select @@global.max_relay_log_size;
start slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# Tests below are mainly to ensure that we have not coded with wrong assumptions
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ reset slave;
# (to make sure it does not crash).
flush logs;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
reset slave;
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ save_master_pos;
connection slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# one more rotation, to be sure Relay_Log_Space is correctly updated
flush logs;
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ save_master_pos;
connection slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
connection master;
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ select * from t1;
#checking show slave status
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
#checking if replication works without ssl also performing clean up
......@@ -58,5 +58,5 @@ save_master_pos;
connection slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ sync_with_master;
#discover slaves
connection master;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
--replace_result $SLAVE_MYPORT SLAVE_PORT
-O max_binlog_size=16384
-O max_relay_log_size=16384
......@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ start slave;
# reading, MASTER_POS_WAIT() will do it for sure
# (the only statement with position>=3000 is COMMIT).
select master_pos_wait('master-bin.001',3000)>=0;
select * from t1 where a=8000;
select max(a) from t1;
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# The following DROP is a very important cleaning task:
# imagine the next test is run with --skip-innodb: it will do
......@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ connection slave;
# show slave status, just to see of it prints replicate-do-table
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
......@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@ save_master_pos;
connection slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
stop slave;
change master to master_user='test';
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
reset slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
start slave;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# test of crash with temp tables & RESET SLAVE
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ create table t1 (s text);
insert into t1 values('Could not break slave'),('Tried hard');
--replace_result 3306 MASTER_PORT 9306 MASTER_PORT 3334 MASTER_PORT 3336 MASTER_PORT
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
select * from t1;
connection master;
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ show binary logs;
insert into t2 values (65);
--replace_result 3306 MASTER_PORT 9306 MASTER_PORT 3334 MASTER_PORT 3336 MASTER_PORT
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
select * from t2;
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ sync_with_master;
select * from t4;
--replace_result 3306 MASTER_PORT 9306 MASTER_PORT 3334 MASTER_PORT 3336 MASTER_PORT
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
# because of concurrent insert, the table may not be up to date
# if we do not lock
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
source include/;
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1(a varchar(10),b int);
create table t1(a varchar(100),b int);
set @@session.sql_mode=pipes_as_concat;
insert into t1 values('My'||'SQL', 1);
set @@session.sql_mode=default;
......@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ start slave;
# can't sync_with_master so we must sleep
sleep 3;
--replace_column 1 # 33 #
--replace_column 1 # 8 # 9 # 23 # 33 #
show slave status;
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ show binlog events;
# try to replicate all queries until drop of t1
connection slave;
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=244;
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=304;
sleep 2;
# here table should be still not deleted
select * from t1;
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ sleep 2;
show slave status;
# try replicate all until second insert to t2;
start slave until relay_log_file='slave-relay-bin.000002', relay_log_pos=537;
start slave until relay_log_file='slave-relay-bin.000004', relay_log_pos=710;
sleep 2;
select * from t2;
......@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ connection slave;
stop slave;
# this should stop immideately
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=561;
# this should stop immediately as we are already there
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=710;
sleep 2;
# here the sql slave thread should be stopped
......@@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ start slave until relay_log_file='slave-relay-bin.000002';
start slave until relay_log_file='slave-relay-bin.000002', master_log_pos=561;
start slave sql_thread;
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=561;
start slave until master_log_file='master-bin.000001', master_log_pos=710;
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ save_master_pos;
connection slave;
select * from t1;
show binlog events from 141;
show binlog events from 179;
connection master;
drop table t1;
......@@ -339,6 +339,15 @@ bool MYSQL_LOG::open(const char *log_name, enum_log_type log_type_arg,
but not the data written to the relay log (*conversion*), which is in
format 4 (slave's).
Set 'created' to 0, so that in next relay logs this event does not trigger
cleaning actions on the slave in
Set 'log_pos' to 0 to show that it's an artificial event.
description_event_for_queue->created= 0;
description_event_for_queue->log_pos= 0;
if (description_event_for_queue->write(&log_file))
goto err;
bytes_written+= description_event_for_queue->get_event_len();
......@@ -991,6 +991,21 @@ int Query_log_event::write_data(IO_CACHE* file)
*(start++)= catalog_len;
bmove(start, catalog, catalog_len);
start+= catalog_len;
We write a \0 at the end. As we also have written the length, it's
apparently useless; but in fact it enables us to just do
catalog= a_pointer_to_the_buffer_of_the_read_event
later in the slave SQL thread.
If we didn't have the \0, we would need to memdup to build the catalog in
the slave SQL thread.
And still the interest of having the length too is that in the slave SQL
thread we immediately know at which position the catalog ends (no need to
search for '\0'. In other words: length saves search, \0 saves mem alloc,
at the cost of 1 redundant byte on the disk.
Note that this is only a fix until we change 'catalog' to LEX_STRING
(then we won't need the \0).
*(start++)= '\0';
Here there could be code like
......@@ -1029,7 +1044,7 @@ Query_log_event::Query_log_event(THD* thd_arg, const char* query_arg,
exec_time = (ulong) (end_time - thd->start_time);
catalog_len = (catalog) ? (uint32) strlen(catalog) : 0;
status_vars_len= 1+4+1+8+1+1+catalog_len;
status_vars_len= 1+4+1+8+1+1+catalog_len+1;
db_len = (db) ? (uint32) strlen(db) : 0;
If we don't use flags2 for anything else than options contained in
......@@ -1145,7 +1160,7 @@ Query_log_event::Query_log_event(const char* buf, uint event_len,
if (start_dup==end)
start_dup= ++pos;
pos+= catalog_len;
pos+= catalog_len+1;
/* That's why you must write status vars in growing order of code */
......@@ -1435,8 +1450,17 @@ Default database: '%s'",
} /* End of if (db_ok(... */
thd->db= 0; // prevent db from being freed
thd->query= 0; // just to be sure
Probably we have set thd->query, thd->db, thd->catalog to point to places
in the data_buf of this event. Now the event is going to be deleted
probably, so data_buf will be freed, so the thd->... listed above will be
pointers to freed memory.
So we must set them to 0, so that those bad pointers values are not later
used. Note that "cleanup" queries (automatic DO RELEASE_LOCK() and DROP
TEMPORARY TABLE don't suffer from these assignments to 0 as DROP TEMPORARY
TABLE uses the db.table syntax).
thd->db= thd->query= thd->catalog =0;
// assume no convert for next query unless set explictly
......@@ -1581,8 +1605,12 @@ int Start_log_event_v3::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli)
cache to the binlog. As the write was started, the transaction had been
committed on the master, so we lack of information to replay this
transaction on the slave; all we can do is stop with error.
Note: this event could be sent by the master to inform us of the format
of its binlog; in other words maybe it is not at its original place when
it comes to us; we'll know this by checking log_pos ("artificial" events
have log_pos == 0).
if (thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN)
if (log_pos && (thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN))
slave_print_error(rli, 0, "\
Rolling back unfinished transaction (no COMMIT or ROLLBACK) from relay log. \
......@@ -1820,9 +1848,15 @@ int Format_description_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli)
the master. That is, just update the *relay log* coordinates; this is done
by passing log_pos=0 to inc_group_relay_log_pos, like we do in
If in a transaction, don't touch group_* coordinates.
if (thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN)
......@@ -2336,6 +2370,8 @@ int Load_log_event::exec_event(NET* net, struct st_relay_log_info* rli,
thd->query = 0; // Should not be needed
thd->query_error = 0;
/* Saved for InnoDB, see comment in Query_log_event::exec_event() */
rli->future_group_master_log_pos= log_pos;
We test replicate_*_db rules. Note that we have already prepared the file
to load, even if we are going to ignore and delete it now. So it is
......@@ -2453,7 +2489,8 @@ Slave: load data infile on table '%s' at log position %s in log \
thd->net.vio = 0;
thd->db= 0; // prevent db from being freed
/* Same reason as in Query_log_event::exec_event() */
thd->db= thd->catalog= 0;
if (thd->query_error)
......@@ -2610,6 +2647,8 @@ int Rotate_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli)
In that case, we don't want to touch the coordinates which correspond to
the beginning of the transaction.
Starting from 5.0.0, there also are some rotates from the slave itself, in
the relay log.
if (!(thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN))
......@@ -3242,8 +3281,13 @@ int Stop_log_event::exec_event(struct st_relay_log_info* rli)
could give false triggers in MASTER_POS_WAIT() that we have reached
the target position when in fact we have not.
if (thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN)
return 0;
#endif /* !MYSQL_CLIENT */
......@@ -1213,6 +1213,13 @@ static int init_intvar_from_file(int* var, IO_CACHE* f, int default_val)
static int get_master_version_and_clock(MYSQL* mysql, MASTER_INFO* mi)
const char* errmsg= 0;
Free old description_event_for_queue (that is needed if we are in
a reconnection).
delete mi->rli.relay_log.description_event_for_queue;
mi->rli.relay_log.description_event_for_queue= 0;
if (!my_isdigit(&my_charset_bin,*mysql->server_version))
errmsg = "Master reported unrecognized MySQL version";
......@@ -1263,7 +1270,14 @@ static int get_master_version_and_clock(MYSQL* mysql, MASTER_INFO* mi)
return 1;
/* as we are here, we tried to allocate the event */
if (!mi->rli.relay_log.description_event_for_queue)
sql_print_error("Slave I/O thread failed to create a default Format_description_log_event");
return 1;
MYSQL_RES *master_clock_res;
MYSQL_ROW master_clock_row;
time_t slave_clock;
......@@ -2897,12 +2911,17 @@ static int exec_relay_log_event(THD* thd, RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli)
type_code != START_EVENT_V3 && type_code!= FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT))
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("event skipped"));
rli->inc_group_relay_log_pos((type_code == ROTATE_EVENT ||
type_code == STOP_EVENT ||
LL(0) : ev->log_pos,
1/* skip lock*/);
if (thd->options & OPTION_BEGIN)
rli->inc_group_relay_log_pos((type_code == ROTATE_EVENT ||
type_code == STOP_EVENT ||
LL(0) : ev->log_pos,
1/* skip lock*/);
Protect against common user error of setting the counter to 1
......@@ -2913,7 +2932,19 @@ static int exec_relay_log_event(THD* thd, RELAY_LOG_INFO* rli)
!((type_code == INTVAR_EVENT ||
type_code == RAND_EVENT ||
type_code == USER_VAR_EVENT) &&
rli->slave_skip_counter == 1))
rli->slave_skip_counter == 1) &&
The events from ourselves which have something to do with the relay
log itself must be skipped, true, but they mustn't decrement
rli->slave_skip_counter, because the user is supposed to not see
these events (they are not in the master's binlog) and if we
decremented, START SLAVE would for example decrement when it sees
the Rotate, so the event which the user probably wanted to skip
would not be skipped.
!(ev->server_id == (uint32) ::server_id &&
(type_code == ROTATE_EVENT || type_code == STOP_EVENT ||
type_code == START_EVENT_V3 || type_code == FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT)))
delete ev;
......@@ -3420,7 +3451,12 @@ the slave SQL thread with \"SLAVE START\". We stopped at log \
thd->query = thd->db = 0; // extra safety
Some extra safety, which should not been needed (normally, event deletion
should already have done these assignments (each event which sets these
variables is supposed to set them to 0 before terminating)).
thd->query= thd->db= thd->catalog= 0;
thd->proc_info = "Waiting for slave mutex on exit";
......@@ -3888,22 +3924,17 @@ int queue_event(MASTER_INFO* mi,const char* buf, ulong event_len)
relay_log struct does not move (though some members of it can change), so
we needn't any lock (no rli->data_lock, no log lock).
Format_description_log_event* tmp= mi->rli.relay_log.description_event_for_queue;
Format_description_log_event* tmp;
const char* errmsg;
if (!(mi->rli.relay_log.description_event_for_queue= (Format_description_log_event*)
if (!(tmp= (Format_description_log_event*)
Log_event::read_log_event(buf, event_len, &errmsg,
delete tmp;
error= 2;
goto err;
delete tmp;
Set 'created' to 0, so that in next relay logs this event does not trigger
cleaning actions on the slave in Format_description_log_event::exec_event().
mi->rli.relay_log.description_event_for_queue->created= 0;
delete mi->rli.relay_log.description_event_for_queue;
mi->rli.relay_log.description_event_for_queue= tmp;
Though this does some conversion to the slave's format, this will
preserve the master's binlog format version, and number of event types.
......@@ -613,6 +613,13 @@ public:
db - currently selected database
catalog - currently selected catalog
ip - client IP
WARNING: some members of THD (currently 'db', 'catalog' and 'query') are
set and alloced by the slave SQL thread (for the THD of that thread); that
thread is (and must remain, for now) the only responsible for freeing these
3 members. If you add members here, and you add code to set them in
replication, don't forget to free_them_and_set_them_to_0 in replication
properly. For details see the 'err:' label of the pthread_handler_decl of
the slave SQL thread, in sql/
char *host,*user,*priv_user,*db,*catalog,*ip;
char priv_host[MAX_HOSTNAME];
......@@ -328,30 +328,30 @@ int purge_master_logs_before_date(THD* thd, time_t purge_time)
return purge_error_message(thd ,res);
int test_for_non_eof_log_read_errors(int error, const char *errmsg)
int test_for_non_eof_log_read_errors(int error, const char **errmsg)
if (error == LOG_READ_EOF)
return 0;
switch (error) {
errmsg = "bogus data in log event";
*errmsg = "bogus data in log event";
errmsg = "log event entry exceeded max_allowed_packet; \
*errmsg = "log event entry exceeded max_allowed_packet; \
Increase max_allowed_packet on master";
errmsg = "I/O error reading log event";
*errmsg = "I/O error reading log event";
errmsg = "memory allocation failed reading log event";
*errmsg = "memory allocation failed reading log event";
errmsg = "binlog truncated in the middle of event";
*errmsg = "binlog truncated in the middle of event";
errmsg = "unknown error reading log event on the master";
*errmsg = "unknown error reading log event on the master";
return error;
......@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ impossible position";
if (test_for_non_eof_log_read_errors(error, errmsg))
if (test_for_non_eof_log_read_errors(error, &errmsg))
goto err;
else: it's EOF, nothing to do, go on reading next events, the
......@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ impossible position";
in the-master-of-this-master's binlog.
if (test_for_non_eof_log_read_errors(error, errmsg))
if (test_for_non_eof_log_read_errors(error, &errmsg))
goto err;
if (!(flags & BINLOG_DUMP_NON_BLOCK) &&
......@@ -1349,7 +1349,10 @@ int show_binlog_events(THD* thd)
if (ev)
if (ev->get_type_code() == FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT)
delete description_event;
description_event= (Format_description_log_event*) ev;
delete ev;
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