Commit 3305a68b authored by Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar Vladislav Vaintroub

Bug #20430 mysqld.exe windows service stuck in "SERVICE_STOP_PENDING"


The problem appears to be a race condition, when service is being
stopped right after startup. We set the service status to SERVICE_RUNNING
way too early it cannot yet handle stop requests -  initialization has
not finished and  hEventShutdown  that signals server to stop is not yet
created. If somebody issues "net stop MySQL" at this time, MySQL is not
informed about the stop and continues to run as usual, while
NTService::ServiceMain() stucks forever waiting for mysql's "main" thread
to finish.

Solution is to remain in SERVICE_START_PENDING status until after server
initialization  is fully complete and only then change the status to
SERVICE_RUNNING. In  SERVICE_START_PENDING we do not accept service control
requests, i.e it is not possible to stop service in that time.

  Set service status to running after all initialization is complete
  New method SetRunning() to be called  by application
  to set service status to SERVICE_RUNNING when apllication
  has finished initialization.
  New method SetRunning() to be called  by application
  when initialization completes
parent 8ec89d3b
......@@ -3840,6 +3840,9 @@ we force server id to 2, but this MySQL server will not act as a slave.");
: mysqld_unix_port),
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY)
#if defined(__NT__) || defined(HAVE_SMEM)
......@@ -245,10 +245,6 @@ void NTService::ServiceMain(DWORD argc, LPTSTR *argv)
if (!pService->StartService())
goto error;
// Check that the service is now running.
if (!pService->SetStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING,NO_ERROR, 0, 0, 0))
goto error;
// wait for exit event
WaitForSingleObject (pService->hExitEvent, INFINITE);
......@@ -264,6 +260,14 @@ error:
void NTService::SetRunning()
if (pService)
pService->SetStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING,NO_ERROR, 0, 0, 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
StartService() - starts the appliaction thread
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
......@@ -56,7 +56,19 @@ class NTService
BOOL IsService(LPCSTR ServiceName);
BOOL got_service_option(char **argv, char *service_option);
BOOL is_super_user();
void Stop(void); //to be called from app. to stop service
SetRunning() is to be called by the application
when initialization completes and it can accept
stop request
void SetRunning(void);
Stop() is to be called by the application to stop
the service
void Stop(void);
LPSTR ServiceName;
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