Commit 3eae482d authored by Andrew McDonnell's avatar Andrew McDonnell

Disable ALTER for oqgraph. Fixes crash.

parent 0096c3e6
......@@ -38,14 +38,17 @@ SELECT * from graph;
SELECT * FROM graph WHERE destid=2 and origid=1;
# We cant do this anyway because of read onlyness of table.... 1036 == read only
--error 1036
# In any case I changed the flags to make alter unsupported; later we can try and work out why the core doesnt help us clean up properly
# --error 1036
--error 1031
alter table graph ORIGID = 'another_id';
# But we need that to hold even in an invalid situation!
# -- bug was: the following alter table would crash, instead of returning error 1296
# -- currently following may not crash, but does with the previous error 1036 causing statement present
# 'attribute not set to a valid column of 'xxx' - note currently truncating to graph_b instead of graph_base for some reason...
--error 1296
#--error 1296
--error 1031
alter table graph ORIGID = 'something_else';
DELETE FROM graph_base;
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