Commit 49ffda09 authored by Marko Mäkelä's avatar Marko Mäkelä

Merge mysql-5.1 to mysql-5.5.

parents 60e1a532 31809607
Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
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......@@ -128,11 +128,10 @@ row_undo_mod_clust_low(
Removes a clustered index record after undo if possible.
Purges a clustered index record after undo if possible.
This is attempted when the record was inserted by updating a
delete-marked record and there no longer exist transactions
that would see the delete-marked record. In other words, we
roll back the insert by purging the record.
that would see the delete-marked record.
@return DB_SUCCESS, DB_FAIL, or error code: we may run out of file space */
......@@ -140,11 +139,12 @@ row_undo_mod_remove_clust_low(
undo_node_t* node, /*!< in: row undo node */
que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in: mtr */
mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */
ulint mode) /*!< in: BTR_MODIFY_LEAF or BTR_MODIFY_TREE */
btr_cur_t* btr_cur;
ulint err;
ulint trx_id_offset;
ut_ad(node->rec_type == TRX_UNDO_UPD_DEL_REC);
......@@ -159,6 +159,42 @@ row_undo_mod_remove_clust_low(
btr_cur = btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(&node->pcur);
trx_id_offset = btr_cur_get_index(btr_cur)->trx_id_offset;
if (!trx_id_offset) {
mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
ulint trx_id_col;
ulint* offsets;
ulint len;
trx_id_col = dict_index_get_sys_col_pos(
btr_cur_get_index(btr_cur), DATA_TRX_ID);
ut_ad(trx_id_col > 0);
ut_ad(trx_id_col != ULINT_UNDEFINED);
offsets = rec_get_offsets(
btr_cur_get_rec(btr_cur), btr_cur_get_index(btr_cur),
NULL, trx_id_col + 1, &heap);
trx_id_offset = rec_get_nth_field_offs(
offsets, trx_id_col, &len);
ut_ad(len == DATA_TRX_ID_LEN);
if (trx_read_trx_id(btr_cur_get_rec(btr_cur) + trx_id_offset)
!= node->new_trx_id) {
/* The record must have been purged and then replaced
with a different one. */
/* We are about to remove an old, delete-marked version of the
record that may have been delete-marked by a different transaction
than the rolling-back one. */
if (mode == BTR_MODIFY_LEAF) {
err = btr_cur_optimistic_delete(btr_cur, mtr)
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