will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 4e3dd4cc authored by unknown's avatar unknown


into  zippy.(none):/home/cmiller/work/mysql/mysql-5.1-new__bug17667
parents fa993423 7b5575bf
......@@ -601,6 +601,11 @@ extern char *_my_strndup(const byte *from, uint length,
const char *sFile, uint uLine,
myf MyFlag);
/* implemented in my_memmem.c */
extern void *my_memmem(const void *haystack, size_t haystacklen,
const void *needle, size_t needlelen);
#ifdef __WIN__
extern int my_access(const char *path, int amode);
extern File my_sopen(const char *path, int oflag, int shflag, int pmode);
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ libmysys_a_SOURCES = my_init.c my_getwd.c mf_getdate.c my_mmap.c \
charset.c charset-def.c my_bitmap.c my_bit.c md5.c \
my_gethostbyname.c rijndael.c my_aes.c sha1.c \
my_handler.c my_netware.c my_largepage.c \
my_memmem.c \
my_windac.c my_access.c base64.c
EXTRA_DIST = thr_alarm.c thr_lock.c my_pthread.c my_thr_init.c \
thr_mutex.c thr_rwlock.c \
......@@ -252,37 +252,89 @@ uint my_b_printf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, ...)
uint my_b_vprintf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, va_list args)
uint out_length=0;
uint minimum_width; /* as yet unimplemented */
uint minimum_width_sign;
uint precision; /* as yet unimplemented for anything but %b */
for (; *fmt ; fmt++)
Store the location of the beginning of a format directive, for the
case where we learn we shouldn't have been parsing a format string
at all, and we don't want to lose the flag/precision/width/size
const char* backtrack;
for (; *fmt != '\0'; fmt++)
if (*fmt++ != '%')
/* Copy everything until '%' or end of string */
const char *start=fmt;
uint length;
for (; (*fmt != '\0') && (*fmt != '%'); fmt++) ;
length= (uint) (fmt - start);
if (my_b_write(info, start, length))
goto err;
if (*fmt == '\0') /* End of format */
/* Copy everything until '%' or end of string */
const char *start=fmt-1;
uint length;
for (; *fmt && *fmt != '%' ; fmt++ ) ;
length= (uint) (fmt - start);
if (my_b_write(info, start, length))
goto err;
if (!*fmt) /* End of format */
return out_length;
/* Found one '%' */
return out_length;
By this point, *fmt must be a percent; Keep track of this location and
skip over the percent character.
DBUG_ASSERT(*fmt == '%');
backtrack= fmt;
minimum_width= 0;
precision= 0;
minimum_width_sign= 1;
/* Skip if max size is used (to be compatible with printf) */
while (my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *fmt) || *fmt == '.' || *fmt == '-')
while (*fmt == '-') { fmt++; minimum_width_sign= -1; }
if (*fmt == '*') {
precision= (int) va_arg(args, int);
} else {
while (my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *fmt)) {
minimum_width=(minimum_width * 10) + (*fmt - '0');
minimum_width*= minimum_width_sign;
if (*fmt == '.') {
if (*fmt == '*') {
precision= (int) va_arg(args, int);
} else {
while (my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *fmt)) {
precision=(precision * 10) + (*fmt - '0');
if (*fmt == 's') /* String parameter */
reg2 char *par = va_arg(args, char *);
uint length = (uint) strlen(par);
/* TODO: implement minimum width and precision */
if (my_b_write(info, par, length))
goto err;
else if (*fmt == 'b') /* Sized buffer parameter, only precision makes sense */
char *par = va_arg(args, char *);
out_length+= precision;
if (my_b_write(info, par, precision))
goto err;
else if (*fmt == 'd' || *fmt == 'u') /* Integer parameter */
register int iarg;
......@@ -317,9 +369,9 @@ uint my_b_vprintf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, va_list args)
/* %% or unknown code */
if (my_b_write(info, "%", 1))
goto err;
if (my_b_write(info, backtrack, fmt-backtrack))
goto err;
out_length+= fmt-backtrack;
return out_length;
#include "my_base.h"
my_memmem, port of a GNU extension.
Returns a pointer to the beginning of the substring, needle, or NULL if the
substring is not found in haystack.
void *my_memmem(const void *haystack, size_t haystacklen,
const void *needle, size_t needlelen)
const void *cursor;
const void *last_possible_needle_location = haystack + haystacklen - needlelen;
/* Easy answers */
if (needlelen > haystacklen) return(NULL);
if (needle == NULL) return(NULL);
if (haystack == NULL) return(NULL);
if (needlelen == 0) return(NULL);
if (haystacklen == 0) return(NULL);
for (cursor = haystack; cursor <= last_possible_needle_location; cursor++) {
if (memcmp(needle, cursor, needlelen) == 0) {
return((void *) cursor);
#ifdef MAIN
#include <assert.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char haystack[10], needle[3];
memmove(haystack, "0123456789", 10);
memmove(needle, "no", 2);
assert(my_memmem(haystack, 10, needle, 2) == NULL);
memmove(needle, "345", 3);
assert(my_memmem(haystack, 10, needle, 3) != NULL);
memmove(needle, "789", 3);
assert(my_memmem(haystack, 10, needle, 3) != NULL);
assert(my_memmem(haystack, 9, needle, 3) == NULL);
memmove(needle, "012", 3);
assert(my_memmem(haystack, 10, needle, 3) != NULL);
assert(my_memmem(NULL, 10, needle, 3) == NULL);
assert(my_memmem(NULL, 10, needle, 3) == NULL);
assert(my_memmem(haystack, 0, needle, 3) == NULL);
assert(my_memmem(haystack, 10, NULL, 3) == NULL);
assert(my_memmem(haystack, 10, needle, 0) == NULL);
assert(my_memmem(haystack, 1, needle, 3) == NULL);
......@@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@ bool dispatch_command(enum enum_server_command command, THD *thd,
if (alloc_query(thd, packet, packet_length))
break; // fatal error is set
char *packet_end= thd->query + thd->query_length;
general_log_print(thd, command, "%s", thd->query);
general_log_print(thd, command, "%.*b", thd->query_length, thd->query);
if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR))
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
%#.#b Local format; note first # is ignored and second is REQUIRED
%#.#s Note first # is ignored
......@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ int my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap)
for (; *fmt ; fmt++)
if (fmt[0] != '%')
if (*fmt != '%')
if (to == end) /* End of buffer */
......@@ -95,6 +96,16 @@ int my_vsnprintf(char *to, size_t n, const char* fmt, va_list ap)
else if (*fmt == 'b') /* Buffer parameter */
char *par = va_arg(ap, char *);
DBUG_ASSERT(to <= end);
if (to + abs(width) + 1 > end)
width= end - to - 1; /* sign doesn't matter */
memmove(to, par, abs(width));
to+= width;
else if (*fmt == 'd' || *fmt == 'u'|| *fmt== 'x') /* Integer parameter */
register long larg;
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ INCLUDES = -I$(top_builddir)/include -I$(top_srcdir)/include \
mysql_client_test_LDADD= $(LDADD) $(CXXLDFLAGS)
mysql_client_test_LDADD= $(LDADD) $(CXXLDFLAGS) -lmysys -L../mysys
mysql_client_test_SOURCES= mysql_client_test.c $(yassl_dummy_link_fix)
insert_test_SOURCES= insert_test.c $(yassl_dummy_link_fix)
select_test_SOURCES= select_test.c $(yassl_dummy_link_fix)
......@@ -14839,6 +14839,72 @@ static void test_bug15613()
Bug#17667: An attacker has the opportunity to bypass query logging.
static void test_bug17667()
int rc;
struct buffer_and_length {
const char *buffer;
const uint length;
} statements[]= {
{ "drop table if exists bug17667", 29 },
{ "create table bug17667 (c varchar(20))", 37 },
{ "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('regular') /* NUL=\0 with comment */", 68 },
{ "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('NUL=\0 in value')", 50 },
{ "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('5 NULs=\0\0\0\0\0')", 48 },
{ "/* NUL=\0 with comment */ insert into bug17667 (c) values ('encore')", 67 },
{ "drop table bug17667", 19 },
{ NULL, 0 } };
struct buffer_and_length *statement_cursor;
FILE *log_file;
for (statement_cursor= statements; statement_cursor->buffer != NULL;
statement_cursor++) {
rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, statement_cursor->buffer,
sleep(1); /* The server may need time to flush the data to the log. */
log_file= fopen("var/log/master.log", "r");
if (log_file != NULL) {
for (statement_cursor= statements; statement_cursor->buffer != NULL;
statement_cursor++) {
char line_buffer[MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2];
/* more than enough room for the query and some marginalia. */
do {
memset(line_buffer, '/', MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2);
DIE_UNLESS(fgets(line_buffer, MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2, log_file) !=
/* If we reach EOF before finishing the statement list, then we failed. */
} while (my_memmem(line_buffer, MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2,
statement_cursor->buffer, statement_cursor->length) == NULL);
printf("success. All queries found intact in the log.\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not find the log file, var/log/master.log, so "
"test_bug17667 is \ninconclusive. Run test from the "
"mysql-test/mysql-test-run* program \nto set up the correct "
"environment for this test.\n\n");
if (log_file != NULL)
Bug#14169: type of group_concat() result changed to blob if tmp_table was used
......@@ -15139,6 +15205,7 @@ static struct my_tests_st my_tests[]= {
{ "test_bug16144", test_bug16144 },
{ "test_bug15613", test_bug15613 },
{ "test_bug14169", test_bug14169 },
{ "test_bug17667", test_bug17667 },
{ 0, 0 }
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