Commit 4e62c189 authored by Tor Didriksen's avatar Tor Didriksen


For rpad() and lpad(): verify that the padding string is well-formed.
parent 61a79e5e
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......@@ -5143,6 +5143,18 @@ enum_field_types Item::field_type() const
Verifies that the input string is well-formed according to its character set.
@param send_error If true, call my_error if string is not well-formed.
Will truncate input string if it is not well-formed.
If well-formed: input string.
If not well-formed:
if strict mode: NULL pointer and we set this Item's value to NULL
if not strict mode: input string truncated up to last good character
String *Item::check_well_formed_result(String *str, bool send_error)
/* Check whether we got a well-formed string */
......@@ -2814,6 +2814,16 @@ String *Item_func_rpad::val_str(String *str)
#ifdef USE_MB
if (use_mb(rpad->charset()))
// This will chop off any trailing illegal characters from rpad.
String *well_formed_pad= args[2]->check_well_formed_result(rpad, false);
if (!well_formed_pad)
goto err;
if (count <= (res_char_length= res->numchars()))
{ // String to pad is big enough
res->length(res->charpos((int) count)); // Shorten result if longer
......@@ -2917,6 +2927,16 @@ String *Item_func_lpad::val_str(String *str)
#ifdef USE_MB
if (use_mb(pad->charset()))
// This will chop off any trailing illegal characters from pad.
String *well_formed_pad= args[2]->check_well_formed_result(pad, false);
if (!well_formed_pad)
goto err;
res_char_length= res->numchars();
if (count <= res_char_length)
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