Commit 4f5e0a11 authored by Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar Vladislav Vaintroub


parents 5fefc234 ce7a3b43
......@@ -1040,6 +1040,27 @@ void set_zero_time(MYSQL_TIME *tm, enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type)
Helper function for datetime formatting.
Format number as string, left-padded with 0.
The reason to use own formatting rather than sprintf() is performance - in a
datetime benchmark it helped to reduced the datetime formatting overhead
from ~30% down to ~4%.
static char* fmt_number(uint val, char *out, uint digits)
uint i;
for(i= 0; i < digits; i++)
out[digits-i-1]= '0' + val%10;
return out + digits;
Functions to convert time/date/datetime value to a string,
using default format.
......@@ -1053,42 +1074,84 @@ void set_zero_time(MYSQL_TIME *tm, enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type time_type)
int my_time_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to, uint digits)
ulong day= (l_time->year || l_time->month) ? 0 : l_time->day;
uint day= (l_time->year || l_time->month) ? 0 : l_time->day;
uint hour= day * 24 + l_time->hour;
char*pos= to;
if (digits == AUTO_SEC_PART_DIGITS)
digits= l_time->second_part ? TIME_SECOND_PART_DIGITS : 0;
return sprintf(to,
digits ? "%s%02lu:%02u:%02u.%0*lu"
: "%s%02lu:%02u:%02u",
(l_time->neg ? "-" : ""),
day * 24L + l_time->hour, l_time->minute, l_time->second,
digits, (ulong)sec_part_shift(l_time->second_part, digits));
*pos++= '-';
if(hour > 99)
/* Need more than 2 digits for hours in string representation. */
pos= longlong10_to_str((longlong)hour, pos, 10);
pos= fmt_number(hour, pos, 2);
*pos++= ':';
pos= fmt_number(l_time->minute, pos, 2);
*pos++= ':';
pos= fmt_number(l_time->second, pos, 2);
if (digits)
*pos++= '.';
pos= fmt_number((uint)sec_part_shift(l_time->second_part, digits),
pos, digits);
*pos= 0;
return (int) (pos-to);
int my_date_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to)
return sprintf(to, "%04u-%02u-%02u",
char *pos=to;
pos= fmt_number(l_time->year, pos, 4);
pos= fmt_number(l_time->month, pos, 2);
pos= fmt_number(l_time->day, pos, 2);
*pos= 0;
return (int)(pos - to);
int my_datetime_to_str(const MYSQL_TIME *l_time, char *to, uint digits)
char *pos= to;
if (digits == AUTO_SEC_PART_DIGITS)
digits= l_time->second_part ? TIME_SECOND_PART_DIGITS : 0;
return sprintf(to,
digits ? "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u.%0*lu"
: "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u",
l_time->year, l_time->month, l_time->day,
l_time->hour, l_time->minute, l_time->second,
digits, (ulong)sec_part_shift(l_time->second_part, digits));
pos= fmt_number(l_time->year, pos, 4);
pos= fmt_number(l_time->month, pos, 2);
pos= fmt_number(l_time->day, pos, 2);
*pos++=' ';
pos= fmt_number(l_time->hour, pos, 2);
*pos++= ':';
pos= fmt_number(l_time->minute, pos, 2);
*pos++= ':';
pos= fmt_number(l_time->second, pos, 2);
if (digits)
pos= fmt_number((uint) sec_part_shift(l_time->second_part, digits), pos,
*pos= 0;
return (int)(pos - to);
......@@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ err:
bool Item::get_seconds(ulonglong *sec, ulong *sec_part)
if (result_type() == INT_RESULT)
if (decimals == 0)
{ // optimize for an important special case
longlong val= val_int();
bool neg= val < 0 && !unsigned_flag;
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