Commit 65d1eda8 authored by Michael Widenius's avatar Michael Widenius

mysqltest: Write command to be executed to the log BEFORE executing the command.

Fixed race condition in event that could cause hang when stopping event scheduler with SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=OFF 

  Write command to be executed to the log BEFORE executing the command.
  This makes it easier to debug crashes as the log will contain the fatal command.
  Updated results (we now get more things logged)
  Fixed race condition in event that could cause hang when stopping event scheduler with SET GLOBAL event_scheduler=OFF.
  The reason was that a kill signal could be sent between last check of thd->killed and before thd->enter_cond() in which case the signal
  would be missed and we would be stuck in Event_scheduler::stop() forever.
parent 54bcb971
......@@ -601,6 +601,10 @@ public:
DBUG_PRINT("QQ", ("str: %*s", (int) ds->length, ds->str));
if (fwrite(ds->str, 1, ds->length, m_file) != ds->length)
die("Failed to write %lu bytes to '%s', errno: %d",
(unsigned long)ds->length, m_file_name, errno);
......@@ -1288,6 +1292,7 @@ void die(const char *fmt, ...)
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("start_lineno: %d", start_lineno));
/* Print the error message */
fprintf(stderr, "mysqltest: ");
if (cur_file && cur_file != file_stack)
......@@ -1374,6 +1379,7 @@ void verbose_msg(const char *fmt, ...)
if (!verbose)
va_start(args, fmt);
fprintf(stderr, "mysqltest: ");
if (cur_file && cur_file != file_stack)
......@@ -1384,6 +1390,7 @@ void verbose_msg(const char *fmt, ...)
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
......@@ -1468,6 +1475,8 @@ static int run_command(char* cmd,
char buf[512]= {0};
FILE *res_file;
int error;
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("cmd: %s", cmd));
if (!(res_file= popen(cmd, "r")))
die("popen(\"%s\", \"r\") failed", cmd);
......@@ -1488,7 +1497,7 @@ static int run_command(char* cmd,
error= pclose(res_file);
return WEXITSTATUS(error);
......@@ -7545,6 +7554,15 @@ void run_query(struct st_connection *cn, struct st_command *command, int flags)
dynstr_append_mem(ds, "\n", 1);
Write the command to the result file before we execute the query
This is needed to be able to analyse the log if something goes
dynstr_set(&ds_res, 0);
if (view_protocol_enabled &&
complete_query &&
match_re(&view_re, query))
......@@ -8,16 +8,19 @@ otto
select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
mysqltest: At line 1: query 'select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1' failed: 1054: Unknown column 'friedrich' in 'field list'
select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'friedrich' in 'field list'
select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
mysqltest: At line 1: query 'select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1' succeeded - should have failed with sqlstate 42S22...
mysqltest: At line 1: expecting a SQL-state (00000) from query 'remove_file MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/test_nonexistent.tmp' which cannot produce one...
select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'friedrich' in 'field list'
select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
mysqltest: At line 1: query 'select friedrich from (select 1 as otto) as t1' failed with wrong sqlstate 42S22: 'Unknown column 'friedrich' in 'field list'', instead of 00000...
select otto from (select 1 as otto) as t1;
......@@ -135,6 +138,7 @@ ERROR 42S02: Table 'test.t1' doesn't exist
select 1146 as "after_!errno_masked_error" ;
select 3 from t1;
mysqltest: At line 1: query 'select 3 from t1' failed with wrong errno 1146: 'Table 'test.t1' doesn't exist', instead of 1000...
garbage ;
ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'garbage' at line 1
......@@ -143,6 +147,7 @@ after_--enable_abort_on_error
select 3 from t1 ;
ERROR 42S02: Table 'test.t1' doesn't exist
select 3 from t1;
mysqltest: At line 1: query 'select 3 from t1' failed with wrong errno 1146: 'Table 'test.t1' doesn't exist', instead of 1064...
......@@ -336,6 +341,7 @@ included from MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/recursive.sql at line 1:
included from MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/recursive.sql at line 1:
included from MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/recursive.sql at line 1:
At line 1: Source directives are nesting too deep
garbage ;
mysqltest: In included file "MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/error.sql":
included from MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/error.sql at line 1:
At line 1: query 'garbage ' failed: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'garbage' at line 1
......@@ -440,6 +446,7 @@ mysqltest: At line 1: missing ')' in while
mysqltest: At line 1: Missing '{' after while. Found "dec $i"
mysqltest: At line 1: Stray '}' - end of block before beginning
mysqltest: At line 1: Stray 'end' command - end of block before beginning
mysqltest: At line 1: query '{' failed: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '{' at line 1
mysqltest: At line 1: Missing '{' after while. Found "echo hej"
mysqltest: At line 3: Missing end of block
......@@ -533,6 +540,10 @@ this will be executed
this will be executed
mysqltest: The test didn't produce any output
Failing multi statement query
create table t1 (a int primary key);
insert into t1 values (1);
select 'select-me';
insertz 'error query'||||
mysqltest: At line 3: query 'create table t1 (a int primary key);
insert into t1 values (1);
select 'select-me';
......@@ -603,8 +614,8 @@ Abcd
select * from t1;;
mysqltest: At line 2: Cannot run query on connection between send and reap
select * from t1;;
mysqltest: At line 2: Cannot run query on connection between send and reap
drop table t1;
mysqltest: At line 1: Missing required argument 'filename' to command 'remove_file'
mysqltest: At line 1: Missing required argument 'directory' to command 'remove_files_wildcard'
......@@ -734,12 +734,14 @@ Event_queue::cond_wait(THD *thd, struct timespec *abstime, const char* msg,
thd->enter_cond(&COND_queue_state, &LOCK_event_queue, msg);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("pthread_cond_%swait", abstime? "timed":""));
if (!thd->killed)
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("pthread_cond_%swait", abstime ? "timed" : ""));
if (!abstime)
pthread_cond_wait(&COND_queue_state, &LOCK_event_queue);
pthread_cond_timedwait(&COND_queue_state, &LOCK_event_queue, abstime);
mutex_last_locked_in_func= func;
mutex_last_locked_at_line= line;
mutex_queue_data_locked= TRUE;
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