Commit 81a13dd1 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Patch for bugs in bitmap (endian issue)

parent db5c15f6
......@@ -84,15 +84,50 @@ extern void bitmap_lock_invert(MY_BITMAP *map);
#define no_bytes_in_map(map) (((map)->n_bits + 7)/8)
#define no_words_in_map(map) (((map)->n_bits + 31)/32)
#define bytes_word_aligned(bytes) (4*((bytes + 3)/4))
#define bitmap_set_bit(MAP, BIT) ((MAP)->bitmap[(BIT) / 32] |= (1 << ((BIT) & 31)))
#define bitmap_flip_bit(MAP, BIT) ((MAP)->bitmap[(BIT) / 32] ^= (1 << ((BIT) & 31)))
#define bitmap_clear_bit(MAP, BIT) ((MAP)->bitmap[(BIT) / 32] &= ~ (1 << ((BIT) & 31)))
#define bitmap_is_set(MAP, BIT) ((MAP)->bitmap[(BIT) / 32] & (1 << ((BIT) & 31)))
#define _bitmap_set_bit(MAP, BIT) (((uchar*)(MAP)->bitmap)[(BIT) / 8] \
|= (1 << ((BIT) & 7)))
#define _bitmap_flip_bit(MAP, BIT) (((uchar*)(MAP)->bitmap)[(BIT) / 8] \
^= (1 << ((BIT) & 7)))
#define _bitmap_clear_bit(MAP, BIT) (((uchar*)(MAP)->bitmap)[(BIT) / 8] \
&= ~ (1 << ((BIT) & 7)))
#define _bitmap_is_set(MAP, BIT) (((uchar*)(MAP)->bitmap)[(BIT) / 8] \
& (1 << ((BIT) & 7)))
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
inline uint32
bitmap_set_bit(MY_BITMAP *map,uint bit)
DBUG_ASSERT(bit < (map)->n_bits);
return _bitmap_set_bit(map,bit);
inline uint32
bitmap_flip_bit(MY_BITMAP *map,uint bit)
DBUG_ASSERT(bit < (map)->n_bits);
return _bitmap_flip_bit(map,bit);
inline uint32
bitmap_clear_bit(MY_BITMAP *map,uint bit)
DBUG_ASSERT(bit < (map)->n_bits);
return _bitmap_clear_bit(map,bit);
inline uint32
bitmap_is_set(const MY_BITMAP *map,uint bit)
DBUG_ASSERT(bit < (map)->n_bits);
return _bitmap_is_set(map,bit);
#define bitmap_set_bit(MAP, BIT) _bitmap_set_bit(MAP, BIT)
#define bitmap_flip_bit(MAP, BIT) _bitmap_flip_bit(MAP, BIT)
#define bitmap_clear_bit(MAP, BIT) _bitmap_clear_bit(MAP, BIT)
#define bitmap_is_set(MAP, BIT) _bitmap_is_set(MAP, BIT)
#define bitmap_cmp(MAP1, MAP2) \
(memcmp((MAP1)->bitmap, (MAP2)->bitmap, 4*no_words_in_map((MAP1)))==0)
#define bitmap_clear_all(MAP) \
memset((MAP)->bitmap, 0, 4*no_words_in_map((MAP))); \
*(MAP)->last_word_ptr|= (MAP)->last_word_mask
{ memset((MAP)->bitmap, 0, 4*no_words_in_map((MAP))); \
*(MAP)->last_word_ptr|= (MAP)->last_word_mask; }
#define bitmap_set_all(MAP) \
(memset((MAP)->bitmap, 0xFF, 4*no_words_in_map((MAP))))
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