Commit 8a75e15c authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

correct truncation in my_vsnprintf %M format

(because of a width or a short buffer)
parent f55a5c18
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ static const char *check_longlong(const char *fmt, uint *have_longlong)
position in buffer which points on the end of escaped string
static char *backtick_string(CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, char *end,
static char *backtick_string(CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, const char *end,
char *par, size_t par_len, char quote_char)
uint char_len;
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ err:
Prints string argument
static char *process_str_arg(CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, char *end,
static char *process_str_arg(CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, const char *end,
size_t width, char *par, uint print_type)
int well_formed_error;
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ static char *process_dbl_arg(char *to, char *end, size_t width,
Prints integer argument
static char *process_int_arg(char *to, char *end, size_t length,
static char *process_int_arg(char *to, const char *end, size_t length,
longlong par, char arg_type, uint print_type)
size_t res_length, to_length;
......@@ -482,24 +482,26 @@ start:
case 'M':
longlong larg;
char *org_to= to;
char errmsg_buff[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE];
const char *real_end;
length= (print_arr[i].flags & WIDTH_ARG)
width= (print_arr[i].flags & WIDTH_ARG)
? (size_t)args_arr[print_arr[i].width].longlong_arg
: print_arr[i].width;
real_end= MY_MIN(to + width, end);
larg = args_arr[print_arr[i].arg_idx].longlong_arg;
to= process_int_arg(to, end, 0, larg, 'd', print_arr[i].flags);
width-= (to - org_to);
if (width <= 4)
*to++= ' ';
*to++= '"';
my_strerror(errmsg_buff, sizeof(errmsg_buff), (int) larg);
to= process_str_arg(cs, to, end, width-3, errmsg_buff,
*to++= '"';
to= process_int_arg(to, real_end, 0, larg, 'd', print_arr[i].flags);
if (real_end - to >= 3)
char errmsg_buff[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE];
*to++= ' ';
*to++= '"';
my_strerror(errmsg_buff, sizeof(errmsg_buff), larg);
to= process_str_arg(cs, to, real_end, width, errmsg_buff,
if (real_end > to) *to++= '"';
......@@ -666,18 +668,18 @@ size_t my_vsnprintf_ex(CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *to, size_t n,
else if (*fmt == 'M')
const char *org_to= to;
int larg= va_arg(ap, int);
to= process_int_arg(to, end, 0, larg, 'd', print_type);
width-= (to - org_to);
if ((end - to) >= 4 && (int) width >= 4)
const char *real_end= MY_MIN(to + width, end);
to= process_int_arg(to, real_end, 0, larg, 'd', print_type);
if (real_end - to >= 3)
char errmsg_buff[MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE];
*to++= ' ';
*to++= '"';
my_strerror(errmsg_buff, sizeof(errmsg_buff), larg);
to= process_str_arg(cs, to, end, width-3, errmsg_buff, print_type);
*to++= '"';
to= process_str_arg(cs, to, real_end, width, errmsg_buff, print_type);
if (real_end > to) *to++= '"';
......@@ -19,6 +19,16 @@
char buf[1024]; /* let's hope that's enough */
static void test_w_len(const char *res, size_t buflen, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
size_t len;
len= my_vsnprintf(buf, buflen, fmt, args);
ok(strlen(res) == len && strcmp(buf, res) == 0, "\"%s\"", buf);
static void test1(const char *res, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
......@@ -51,7 +61,7 @@ static void test_many(const char **res, const char *fmt, ...)
int main(void)
test1("Constant string",
"Constant string");
......@@ -141,62 +151,6 @@ int main(void)
test1("G with a width (ignored) and precision: <12.35>",
"G with a width (ignored) and precision: <%10.5g>", 12.3456789);
test1("Hello int, 1",
"Hello int, %d", 1);
test1("Hello int, -1",
"Hello int, %d", -1);
test1("Hello int, 1",
"Hello int, %i", 1);
test1("Hello int, -1",
"Hello int, %i", -1);
test1("Hello string 'I am a string'",
"Hello string '%s'", "I am a string");
test1("Hello hack hack hack hack hack hack hack 1",
"Hello hack hack hack hack hack hack hack %d", 1);
test1("Hello 1 hack 4",
"Hello %d hack %d", 1, 4);
test1("Hello 1 hack hack hack hack hack 4",
"Hello %d hack hack hack hack hack %d", 1, 4);
test1("Hello 'hack' hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh",
"Hello '%s' hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", "hack");
test1("Hello hhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1 sssssssssssssss",
"Hello hhhhhhhhhhhhhh %d sssssssssssssss", 1);
test1("Hello 1",
"Hello %u", 1);
test1("Hello 4294967295",
"Hello %u", -1);
test1("Hex: 20 ' 41'",
"Hex: %lx '%6lx'", 32, 65);
test1("conn 1 to: '(null)' user: '(null)' host: '(null)' ((null))",
"conn %ld to: '%-.64s' user: '%-.32s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)",
test1("Hello string `I am a string`",
"Hello string %`s", "I am a string");
test1("Hello TEST",
"Hello %05s", "TEST");
test1("My `Q` test",
"My %1$`-.1s test", "QQQQ");
test1("My AAAA test done DDDD",
"My %2$s test done %1$s", "DDDD", "AAAA");
test1("My DDDD test CCCC, DDD",
"My %1$s test %2$s, %1$-.3s", "DDDD", "CCCC");
test1("My QQQQ test",
"My %1$`-.4b test", "QQQQ");
test1("My X test",
"My %1$c test", 'X');
test1("My <0000000010> test1 < a> test2 < A>",
"My <%010d> test1 <%4x> test2 <%4X>", 10, 10, 10);
test1("My <0000000010> test1 < a> test2 < a>",
"My <%1$010d> test1 <%2$4x> test2 <%2$4x>", 10, 10);
test1("My 00010 test",
"My %1$*02$d test", 10, 5);
test1("My `DDDD` test CCCC, `DDD`",
"My %1$`s test %2$s, %1$`-.3s", "DDDD", "CCCC");
/* Test that %M works */
const char *results[]=
......@@ -208,6 +162,22 @@ int main(void)
test_many(results, "Error %M", 1);
test1("M with 0 error code: 0 \"Internal error/check (Not system error)\"",
"M with 0 error code: %M", 0);
test1("M with positional: 0 \"Internal error/check (Not system error)\"",
"M with positional: %1$M", 0);
test1("M with width: 0 \"Internal error/ch",
"M with width: %.20M", 0);
test1("M with width positional: 0 \"Internal error/ch",
"M with width positional: %2$.*1$M", 20, 0);
test_w_len("M small buf: 0 \"In",
19, "M small buf: %M", 0);
test_w_len("M small buf positional: 0 \"In",
30, "M small buf positional: %1$M", 0);
return exit_status();
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