Cleanup mtr_timer

Add verbose printouts making it possible to see what happens.
Make it an error if trying to stop a non existing timer
Print warning if fork fails.
parent cfd442b6
......@@ -4,23 +4,22 @@
# and is part of the translation of the Bourne shell script with the
# same name.
use Carp qw(cluck);
use Socket;
use Errno;
use strict;
#use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
sub mtr_init_timers ();
sub mtr_timer_start($$$);
sub mtr_timer_stop($$);
sub mtr_timer_stop_all($);
sub mtr_timer_waitpid($$$);
# Initiate a structure shared by all timers
# Initiate the structure shared by all timers
......@@ -35,17 +34,19 @@ sub mtr_init_timers () {
# Start, stop and poll a timer
# As alarm() isn't portable to Windows, we use separate processes to
# implement timers. That is why there is a mtr_timer_waitpid(), as this
# is where we catch a timeout.
# implement timers.
sub mtr_timer_start($$$) {
my ($timers,$name,$duration)= @_;
mtr_verbose("mtr_timer_start: $name, $duration");
if ( exists $timers->{'timers'}->{$name} )
# We have an old running timer, kill it
mtr_verbose("There is an old timer running");
......@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ sub mtr_timer_start($$$) {
if ( $! == $!{EAGAIN} ) # See "perldoc Errno"
mtr_debug("Got EAGAIN from fork(), sleep 1 second and redo");
mtr_warning("Got EAGAIN from fork(), sleep 1 second and redo");
redo FORK;
......@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ sub mtr_timer_start($$$) {
if ( $tpid )
# Parent, record the information
mtr_verbose("timer parent, record info($name, $tpid, $duration)");
$timers->{'timers'}->{$name}->{'pid'}= $tpid;
$timers->{'timers'}->{$name}->{'duration'}= $duration;
$timers->{'pids'}->{$tpid}= $name;
......@@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ sub mtr_timer_start($$$) {
$0= "mtr_timer(timers,$name,$duration)";
mtr_verbose("timer child $name, sleep $duration");
......@@ -95,9 +98,12 @@ sub mtr_timer_start($$$) {
sub mtr_timer_stop ($$) {
my ($timers,$name)= @_;
mtr_verbose("mtr_timer_stop: $name");
if ( exists $timers->{'timers'}->{$name} )
my $tpid= $timers->{'timers'}->{$name}->{'pid'};
mtr_verbose("Stopping timer with pid $tpid");
# FIXME as Cygwin reuses pids fast, maybe check that is
# the expected process somehow?!
......@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ sub mtr_timer_stop ($$) {
mtr_debug("Asked to stop timer \"$name\" not started");
mtr_error("Asked to stop timer \"$name\" not started");
return 0;
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