Commit a3f64241 authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

MDEV-6128:[PATCH] mysqlcheck wrongly escapes '.' in table names

a correct fix:
* store properly quoted table names in tables4repair/etc lists
* tell handle_request_for_tables whether the name is aalready properly quoted
* test cases for all uses of fix_table_name()
parent 2a54a530
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ static int process_selected_tables(char *db, char **table_names, int tables);
static int process_all_tables_in_db(char *database);
static int process_one_db(char *database);
static int use_db(char *database);
static int handle_request_for_tables(char *tables, size_t length, my_bool view);
static int handle_request_for_tables(char *, size_t, my_bool, my_bool);
static int dbConnect(char *host, char *user,char *passwd);
static void dbDisconnect(char *host);
static void DBerror(MYSQL *mysql, const char *when);
......@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ static int process_selected_tables(char *db, char **table_names, int tables)
*--end = 0;
handle_request_for_tables(table_names_comma_sep + 1, tot_length - 1,
opt_do_views != 0);
opt_do_views != 0, opt_all_in_1);
......@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ static int process_selected_tables(char *db, char **table_names, int tables)
view= is_view(table);
if (view < 0)
handle_request_for_tables(table, table_len, (view == 1));
handle_request_for_tables(table, table_len, view == 1, opt_all_in_1);
} /* process_selected_tables */
......@@ -605,13 +605,9 @@ static char *fix_table_name(char *dest, char *src)
*dest++= '`';
for (; *src; src++)
switch (*src) {
case '`': /* escape backtick character */
if (*src == '`')
*dest++= '`';
/* fall through */
*dest++= *src;
*dest++= *src;
*dest++= '`';
......@@ -700,9 +696,9 @@ static int process_all_tables_in_db(char *database)
*--end = 0;
*--views_end = 0;
if (tot_length)
handle_request_for_tables(tables + 1, tot_length - 1, FALSE);
handle_request_for_tables(tables + 1, tot_length - 1, FALSE, opt_all_in_1);
if (tot_views_length)
handle_request_for_tables(views + 1, tot_views_length - 1, TRUE);
handle_request_for_tables(views + 1, tot_views_length - 1, TRUE, opt_all_in_1);
......@@ -728,7 +724,7 @@ static int process_all_tables_in_db(char *database)
!strcmp(row[0], "slow_log")))
continue; /* Skip logging tables */
handle_request_for_tables(row[0], fixed_name_length(row[0]), view);
handle_request_for_tables(row[0], fixed_name_length(row[0]), view, opt_all_in_1);
......@@ -787,13 +783,11 @@ static int rebuild_table(char *name)
int rc= 0;
query= (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char) * (12 + fixed_name_length(name) + 6 + 1),
query= (char*)my_malloc(sizeof(char) * (12 + strlen(name) + 6 + 1),
if (!query)
ptr= strmov(query, "ALTER TABLE ");
ptr= fix_table_name(ptr, name);
ptr= strxmov(ptr, " FORCE", NullS);
ptr= strxmov(query, "ALTER TABLE ", name, " FORCE", NullS);
if (mysql_real_query(sock, query, (ulong)(ptr - query)))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to %s\n", query);
......@@ -849,7 +843,8 @@ static int disable_binlog()
return run_query(stmt);
static int handle_request_for_tables(char *tables, size_t length, my_bool view)
static int handle_request_for_tables(char *tables, size_t length,
my_bool view, my_bool dont_quote)
char *query, *end, options[100], message[100];
char table_name_buff[NAME_CHAR_LEN*2*2+1], *table_name;
......@@ -907,7 +902,7 @@ static int handle_request_for_tables(char *tables, size_t length, my_bool view)
if (!(query =(char *) my_malloc(query_size, MYF(MY_WME))))
if (opt_all_in_1)
if (dont_quote)
DBUG_ASSERT(strlen(op)+strlen(tables)+strlen(options)+8+1 <= query_size);
......@@ -950,6 +945,13 @@ static int handle_request_for_tables(char *tables, size_t length, my_bool view)
static void insert_table_name(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *arr, char *in, size_t dblen)
char buf[NAME_LEN*2+2];
in[dblen]= 0;
my_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%`s.%`s", in, in + dblen + 1);
insert_dynamic(arr, (uchar*) buf);
static void print_result()
......@@ -957,16 +959,13 @@ static void print_result()
char prev[(NAME_LEN+9)*3+2];
char prev_alter[MAX_ALTER_STR_SIZE];
char *db_name;
uint length_of_db;
size_t length_of_db= strlen(sock->db);
uint i;
my_bool found_error=0, table_rebuild=0;
DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array4repair= &tables4repair;
res = mysql_use_result(sock);
db_name= sock->db;
length_of_db= strlen(db_name);
prev[0] = '\0';
prev_alter[0]= 0;
......@@ -990,16 +989,10 @@ static void print_result()
if (prev_alter[0])
insert_dynamic(&alter_table_cmds, (uchar*) prev_alter);
char *table_name= prev + (length_of_db+1);
insert_dynamic(&tables4rebuild, (uchar*) table_name);
insert_table_name(&tables4rebuild, prev, length_of_db);
char *table_name= prev + (length_of_db+1);
insert_dynamic(array4repair, (uchar*) table_name);
insert_table_name(array4repair, prev, length_of_db);
array4repair= &tables4repair;
......@@ -1066,16 +1059,10 @@ static void print_result()
if (prev_alter[0])
insert_dynamic(&alter_table_cmds, (uchar*) prev_alter);
char *table_name= prev + (length_of_db+1);
insert_dynamic(&tables4rebuild, (uchar*) table_name);
insert_table_name(&tables4rebuild, prev, length_of_db);
char *table_name= prev + (length_of_db+1);
insert_dynamic(array4repair, (uchar*) table_name);
insert_table_name(array4repair, prev, length_of_db);
......@@ -1209,7 +1196,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
for (i = 0; i < tables4repair.elements ; i++)
char *name= (char*) dynamic_array_ptr(&tables4repair, i);
handle_request_for_tables(name, fixed_name_length(name), FALSE);
handle_request_for_tables(name, fixed_name_length(name), FALSE, TRUE);
for (i = 0; i < tables4rebuild.elements ; i++)
rebuild_table((char*) dynamic_array_ptr(&tables4rebuild, i));
......@@ -1220,7 +1207,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
for (i = 0; i < views4repair.elements ; i++)
char *name= (char*) dynamic_array_ptr(&views4repair, i);
handle_request_for_tables(name, fixed_name_length(name), TRUE);
handle_request_for_tables(name, fixed_name_length(name), TRUE, TRUE);
ret= test(first_error);
......@@ -312,10 +312,37 @@ DROP TABLE bug47205;
#MDEV-6128:[PATCH] mysqlcheck wrongly escapes '.' in table names
CREATE TABLE test.`t.1` (id int);
create table `t.1` (id int);
create view `v.1` as select 1;
mysqlcheck test t.1
test.t.1 OK
drop table test.`t.1`;
mysqlcheck --all-in-1 test t.1
test.t.1 OK
mysqlcheck --all-in-1 --databases --process-views test
test.t.1 OK
test.v.1 OK
create table `t.2`(a varchar(20) primary key) default character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci engine=innodb;
flush table `t.2`;
mysqlcheck --check-upgrade --auto-repair test
test.t.1 OK
error : Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `t.2` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!
test.t.3 Needs upgrade
Repairing tables
test.t.3 OK
check table `t.1`, `t.2`, `t.3`;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t.1 check status OK
test.t.2 check status OK
test.t.3 check status OK
check table `t.1`, `t.2`, `t.3` for upgrade;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t.1 check status OK
test.t.2 check status OK
test.t.3 check status OK
drop view `v.1`;
drop table test.`t.1`, `t.2`, `t.3`;
create view v1 as select 1;
mysqlcheck --process-views test
test.v1 OK
......@@ -344,3 +371,48 @@ show tables;
drop table `t1``1`;
call mtr.add_suppression("ha_myisam");
call mtr.add_suppression("Checking table");
create database mysqltest1;
create table mysqltest1.t1 (a int) engine=myisam;
create table t2 (a int);
check table mysqltest1.t1;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
mysqltest1.t1 check warning Size of datafile is: 4 Should be: 0
mysqltest1.t1 check error got error: 0 when reading datafile at record: 0
mysqltest1.t1 check error Corrupt
mtr.global_suppressions Table is already up to date
mtr.test_suppressions Table is already up to date
mysql.columns_priv Table is already up to date
mysql.db Table is already up to date
mysql.event Table is already up to date
mysql.func Table is already up to date
mysql.help_category Table is already up to date
mysql.help_keyword Table is already up to date
mysql.help_relation Table is already up to date
mysql.help_topic Table is already up to date Table is already up to date
mysql.ndb_binlog_index Table is already up to date
mysql.plugin Table is already up to date
mysql.proc Table is already up to date
mysql.procs_priv Table is already up to date
mysql.proxies_priv Table is already up to date
mysql.servers Table is already up to date
mysql.tables_priv Table is already up to date
mysql.time_zone Table is already up to date
mysql.time_zone_leap_second Table is already up to date
mysql.time_zone_name Table is already up to date
mysql.time_zone_transition Table is already up to date
mysql.time_zone_transition_type Table is already up to date
mysql.user Table is already up to date
warning : Table is marked as crashed
warning : Size of datafile is: 4 Should be: 0
error : got error: 0 when reading datafile at record: 0
error : Corrupt
test.t2 Table is already up to date
Repairing tables
mysqltest1.t1 OK
drop table t2;
drop database mysqltest1;
......@@ -310,15 +310,36 @@ CHECK TABLE bug47205 FOR UPGRADE;
DROP TABLE bug47205;
--echo #
--echo #MDEV-6128:[PATCH] mysqlcheck wrongly escapes '.' in table names
--echo #
CREATE TABLE test.`t.1` (id int);
create table `t.1` (id int);
create view `v.1` as select 1;
--echo mysqlcheck test t.1
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK test t.1
--echo mysqlcheck --all-in-1 test t.1
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --all-in-1 test t.1
--echo mysqlcheck --all-in-1 --databases --process-views test
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --all-in-1 --databases --process-views test
create table `t.2`(a varchar(20) primary key) default character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci engine=innodb;
flush table `t.2`;
--remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t@002e2.frm
--copy_file std_data/bug47205.frm $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t@002e2.frm
--copy_file std_data/bug36055.frm $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t@002e3.frm
--copy_file std_data/bug36055.MYD $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t@002e3.MYD
--copy_file std_data/bug36055.MYI $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/t@002e3.MYI
drop table test.`t.1`;
--echo mysqlcheck --check-upgrade --auto-repair test
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --check-upgrade --auto-repair test
check table `t.1`, `t.2`, `t.3`;
check table `t.1`, `t.2`, `t.3` for upgrade;
drop view `v.1`;
drop table test.`t.1`, `t.2`, `t.3`;
# MDEV-8123 mysqlcheck: new --process-views option conflicts with --quick, --extended and such
......@@ -355,3 +376,25 @@ create table `#mysql50#t1``1` (a int) engine=myisam;
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK --fix-table-names --databases test
show tables;
drop table `t1``1`;
# MDEV-9440 mysqlcheck -A --auto-repair selects wrong database when trying to repair broken table
call mtr.add_suppression("ha_myisam");
call mtr.add_suppression("Checking table");
create database mysqltest1;
create table mysqltest1.t1 (a int) engine=myisam;
create table t2 (a int);
let $datadir= `select @@datadir`;
remove_file $datadir/mysqltest1/t1.MYD;
write_file $datadir/mysqltest1/t1.MYD;
check table mysqltest1.t1;
--exec $MYSQL_CHECK -A --auto-repair --fast
drop table t2;
drop database mysqltest1;
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