Commit a6627fb0 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

MDEV-26: Global Transaction ID.

Move a bunch of GTID specific code into new file Make libmysqld build.
parent 86405b6a
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ SET(SQL_EMBEDDED_SOURCES libmysqld.c
../sql/ ../sql/my_apc.h
......@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ SET (SQL_SOURCE
../sql-common/mysql_async.c my_apc.h
......@@ -2737,6 +2737,11 @@ void Item_func_binlog_gtid_pos::fix_length_and_dec()
String *Item_func_binlog_gtid_pos::val_str(String *str)
DBUG_ASSERT(fixed == 1);
null_value= 0;
str->copy("", 0, system_charset_info);
return str;
String name_str, *name;
longlong pos;
......@@ -2757,6 +2762,7 @@ String *Item_func_binlog_gtid_pos::val_str(String *str)
null_value= 1;
return NULL;
#endif /* !HAVE_REPLICATION */
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
#include "sql_class.h" /* THD */
#include "rpl_gtid.h"
/* Forward declarations */
class String;
......@@ -2947,149 +2949,6 @@ public:
struct rpl_gtid
uint32 domain_id;
uint32 server_id;
uint64 seq_no;
Replication slave state.
For every independent replication stream (identified by domain_id), this
remembers the last gtid applied on the slave within this domain.
Since events are always committed in-order within a single domain, this is
sufficient to maintain the state of the replication slave.
struct rpl_slave_state
/* Elements in the list of GTIDs kept for each domain_id. */
struct list_element
struct list_element *next;
uint64 sub_id;
uint64 seq_no;
uint32 server_id;
/* Elements in the HASH that hold the state for one domain_id. */
struct element
struct list_element *list;
uint64 last_sub_id;
uint32 domain_id;
list_element *grab_list() { list_element *l= list; list= NULL; return l; }
void add(list_element *l)
l->next= list;
list= l;
if (last_sub_id < l->sub_id)
last_sub_id= l->sub_id;
/* Mapping from domain_id to its element. */
HASH hash;
/* Mutex protecting access to the state. */
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_slave_state;
bool inited;
bool loaded;
void init();
void deinit();
void truncate_hash();
ulong count() const { return hash.records; }
int update(uint32 domain_id, uint32 server_id, uint64 sub_id, uint64 seq_no);
int truncate_state_table(THD *thd);
int record_gtid(THD *thd, const rpl_gtid *gtid, uint64 sub_id,
bool in_transaction);
uint64 next_subid(uint32 domain_id);
int tostring(String *dest, rpl_gtid *extra_gtids, uint32 num_extra);
int load(THD *thd, char *state_from_master, size_t len, bool reset);
bool is_empty();
void lock() { DBUG_ASSERT(inited); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_slave_state); }
void unlock() { DBUG_ASSERT(inited); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_slave_state); }
element *get_element(uint32 domain_id);
void update_state_hash(uint64 sub_id, rpl_gtid *gtid);
int record_and_update_gtid(THD *thd, Relay_log_info *rli);
Binlog state.
This keeps the last GTID written to the binlog for every distinct
(domain_id, server_id) pair.
This will be logged at the start of the next binlog file as a
Gtid_list_log_event; this way, it is easy to find the binlog file
containing a gigen GTID, by simply scanning backwards from the newest
one until a lower seq_no is found in the Gtid_list_log_event at the
start of a binlog for the given domain_id and server_id.
We also remember the last logged GTID for every domain_id. This is used
to know where to start when a master is changed to a slave. As a side
effect, it also allows to skip a hash lookup in the very common case of
logging a new GTID with same server id as last GTID.
struct rpl_binlog_state
struct element {
uint32 domain_id;
HASH hash; /* Containing all server_id for one domain_id */
/* The most recent entry in the hash. */
rpl_gtid *last_gtid;
/* Mapping from domain_id to collection of elements. */
HASH hash;
/* Mutex protecting access to the state. */
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_binlog_state;
void reset();
int update(const struct rpl_gtid *gtid);
uint32 seq_no_from_state();
int write_to_iocache(IO_CACHE *dest);
int read_from_iocache(IO_CACHE *src);
uint32 count();
int get_gtid_list(rpl_gtid *gtid_list, uint32 list_size);
int get_most_recent_gtid_list(rpl_gtid **list, uint32 *size);
Represent the GTID state that a slave connection to a master requests
the master to start sending binlog events from.
struct slave_connection_state
/* Mapping from domain_id to the GTID requested for that domain. */
HASH hash;
int load(char *slave_request, size_t len);
int load(const rpl_gtid *gtid_list, uint32 count);
rpl_gtid *find(uint32 domain_id);
int update(const rpl_gtid *in_gtid);
void remove(const rpl_gtid *gtid);
ulong count() const { return hash.records; }
int to_string(String *out_str);
@class Gtid_log_event
This diff is collapsed.
/* Copyright (c) 2013, Kristian Nielsen and MariaDB Services Ab.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#ifndef RPL_GTID_H
#define RPL_GTID_H
/* Definitions for MariaDB global transaction ID (GTID). */
class String;
struct rpl_gtid
uint32 domain_id;
uint32 server_id;
uint64 seq_no;
Replication slave state.
For every independent replication stream (identified by domain_id), this
remembers the last gtid applied on the slave within this domain.
Since events are always committed in-order within a single domain, this is
sufficient to maintain the state of the replication slave.
struct rpl_slave_state
/* Elements in the list of GTIDs kept for each domain_id. */
struct list_element
struct list_element *next;
uint64 sub_id;
uint64 seq_no;
uint32 server_id;
/* Elements in the HASH that hold the state for one domain_id. */
struct element
struct list_element *list;
uint64 last_sub_id;
uint32 domain_id;
list_element *grab_list() { list_element *l= list; list= NULL; return l; }
void add(list_element *l)
l->next= list;
list= l;
if (last_sub_id < l->sub_id)
last_sub_id= l->sub_id;
/* Mapping from domain_id to its element. */
HASH hash;
/* Mutex protecting access to the state. */
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_slave_state;
bool inited;
bool loaded;
void init();
void deinit();
void truncate_hash();
ulong count() const { return hash.records; }
int update(uint32 domain_id, uint32 server_id, uint64 sub_id, uint64 seq_no);
int truncate_state_table(THD *thd);
int record_gtid(THD *thd, const rpl_gtid *gtid, uint64 sub_id,
bool in_transaction);
uint64 next_subid(uint32 domain_id);
int tostring(String *dest, rpl_gtid *extra_gtids, uint32 num_extra);
int load(THD *thd, char *state_from_master, size_t len, bool reset);
bool is_empty();
void lock() { DBUG_ASSERT(inited); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_slave_state); }
void unlock() { DBUG_ASSERT(inited); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_slave_state); }
element *get_element(uint32 domain_id);
void update_state_hash(uint64 sub_id, rpl_gtid *gtid);
int record_and_update_gtid(THD *thd, Relay_log_info *rli);
Binlog state.
This keeps the last GTID written to the binlog for every distinct
(domain_id, server_id) pair.
This will be logged at the start of the next binlog file as a
Gtid_list_log_event; this way, it is easy to find the binlog file
containing a gigen GTID, by simply scanning backwards from the newest
one until a lower seq_no is found in the Gtid_list_log_event at the
start of a binlog for the given domain_id and server_id.
We also remember the last logged GTID for every domain_id. This is used
to know where to start when a master is changed to a slave. As a side
effect, it also allows to skip a hash lookup in the very common case of
logging a new GTID with same server id as last GTID.
struct rpl_binlog_state
struct element {
uint32 domain_id;
HASH hash; /* Containing all server_id for one domain_id */
/* The most recent entry in the hash. */
rpl_gtid *last_gtid;
/* Mapping from domain_id to collection of elements. */
HASH hash;
/* Mutex protecting access to the state. */
mysql_mutex_t LOCK_binlog_state;
void reset();
int update(const struct rpl_gtid *gtid);
uint32 seq_no_from_state();
int write_to_iocache(IO_CACHE *dest);
int read_from_iocache(IO_CACHE *src);
uint32 count();
int get_gtid_list(rpl_gtid *gtid_list, uint32 list_size);
int get_most_recent_gtid_list(rpl_gtid **list, uint32 *size);
Represent the GTID state that a slave connection to a master requests
the master to start sending binlog events from.
struct slave_connection_state
/* Mapping from domain_id to the GTID requested for that domain. */
HASH hash;
int load(char *slave_request, size_t len);
int load(const rpl_gtid *gtid_list, uint32 count);
rpl_gtid *find(uint32 domain_id);
int update(const rpl_gtid *in_gtid);
void remove(const rpl_gtid *gtid);
ulong count() const { return hash.records; }
int to_string(String *out_str);
extern bool rpl_slave_state_tostring_helper(String *dest, const rpl_gtid *gtid,
bool *first);
extern const LEX_STRING rpl_gtid_slave_state_table_name;
#endif /* RPL_GTID_H */
......@@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ static int count_relay_log_space(Relay_log_info* rli);
rpl_slave_state rpl_global_gtid_slave_state;
const LEX_STRING rpl_gtid_slave_state_table_name=
{ STRING_WITH_LEN("rpl_slave_state") };
// Defined in
int init_intvar_from_file(int* var, IO_CACHE* f, int default_val);
......@@ -592,7 +592,6 @@ private:
int init_relay_log_info(Relay_log_info* rli, const char* info_fname);
extern const LEX_STRING rpl_gtid_slave_state_table_name;
extern struct rpl_slave_state rpl_global_gtid_slave_state;
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