Commit a92924be authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Merge pilot:mysql/mysql-5.1-rpl

into  shellback.(none):/home/msvensson/mysql/mysql-5.1-new-rpl
parents d5c90e35 13279bcc
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
show global variables where Variable_name != 'timestamp';
# Dump all databases, there should be none
# except mysql, test and information_schema
# except those that was created during bootstrap
show databases;
# The test database should not contain any tables
# Write file to make expect crash and restart
--exec echo "restart" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect
--exec $MYSQLADMIN --defaults-file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/my.cnf shutdown
# Call script that will poll the server waiting for it to be gone
--source include/
# Turn on reconnect
# Call script that will poll the server waiting for it to be back online again
--source include/
# Include this script to wait until the connection to the
# server has been dropped
let $counter= 500;
let $mysql_errno= 9999;
while (!$mysql_errno)
--error 0,2002,2006
show status;
dec $counter;
if (!$counter)
--die Server failed to dissapear
--sleep 0.1
......@@ -736,3 +736,4 @@ select name from mysql.event where name = 'p' and sql_mode = @full_mode;
drop event e1;
DROP DATABASE events_test;
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler= 'ON';
set global event_scheduler=off;
drop database if exists events_test;
create database events_test;
use events_test;
create table execution_log(name char(10));
create event abc1 on schedule every 1 second do
insert into execution_log value('abc1');
create event abc2 on schedule every 1 second do
insert into execution_log value('abc2');
create event abc3 on schedule every 1 second do
insert into execution_log value('abc3');
create table event_like like mysql.event;
insert into event_like select * from mysql.event;
alter table mysql.event
change column body body longtext character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
"Now we restart the server"
use events_test;
select @@event_scheduler;
......@@ -40,3 +56,9 @@ Restore the original mysql.event table
drop table mysql.event;
rename table event_like to mysql.event;
Now let's restart the server again
use events_test;
select @@event_scheduler;
drop table execution_log;
drop database events_test;
set global event_scheduler=off;
drop database if exists events_test;
create database events_test;
use events_test;
create table execution_log(name char(10));
create event abc1 on schedule every 1 second do
insert into execution_log value('abc1');
create event abc2 on schedule every 1 second do
insert into execution_log value('abc2');
create event abc3 on schedule every 1 second do
insert into execution_log value('abc3');
create table event_like like mysql.event;
insert into event_like select * from mysql.event;
alter table mysql.event
change column body body longtext character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
"Now we restart the server"
use events_test;
select @@event_scheduler;
drop table execution_log;
drop database events_test;
......@@ -971,4 +971,7 @@ let $wait_condition=
DROP DATABASE events_test;
# Restore event_schedulre setting to how it was when test started
SET GLOBAL event_scheduler= 'ON';
# THIS MUST BE THE LAST LINE in this file.
# Can't test with embedded server that doesn't support grants
-- source include/
# Test that when the server is restarted, it checks mysql.event table,
# and disables the scheduler if it's not up to date.
......@@ -41,3 +42,65 @@ insert into event_like select * from mysql.event;
alter table mysql.event
change column body body longtext character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
--echo "Now we restart the server"
--source include/
use events_test;
# Event scheduler should be disabled: the system tables are damaged
select @@event_scheduler;
# Try various Event Scheduler operation and check the output.
show events;
select event_name from;
show create event intact_check;
drop event no_such_event;
create event intact_check_1 on schedule every 5 hour do select 5;
alter event intact_check_1 on schedule every 8 hour do select 8;
alter event intact_check_1 rename to intact_check_2;
drop event intact_check_1;
drop event intact_check_2;
drop event intact_check;
set global event_scheduler=on;
set global event_scheduler=off;
show variables like 'event_scheduler';
--echo Make sure that we still can create and drop databases,
--echo and no warnings are produced.
drop database if exists mysqltest_database_not_exists;
create database mysqltest_db1;
drop database mysqltest_db1;
--echo Restore the original mysql.event table
drop table mysql.event;
rename table event_like to mysql.event;
--echo Now let's restart the server again
--source include/
# We need this file primarily to make sure that the scheduler is restarted
# and enabled after we have restored mysql.event table.
# This is the final step of the "cleanup".
# Make sure also that events are executed OK after restart, just in case.
use events_test;
# Make sure the scheduler was started successfully
select @@event_scheduler;
let $wait_condition=select count(distinct name)=3 from execution_log;
--source include/
drop table execution_log;
# Will drop all events
drop database events_test;
let $wait_condition=
select count(*) = 0 from information_schema.processlist
where db='events_test' and command = 'Connect' and user=current_user();
--source include/
# Can't test with embedded server that doesn't support grants
-- source include/
use events_test;
# Event scheduler should be disabled: the system tables are damaged
select @@event_scheduler;
# Try various Event Scheduler operation and check the output.
show events;
select event_name from;
show create event intact_check;
drop event no_such_event;
create event intact_check_1 on schedule every 5 hour do select 5;
alter event intact_check_1 on schedule every 8 hour do select 8;
alter event intact_check_1 rename to intact_check_2;
drop event intact_check_1;
drop event intact_check_2;
drop event intact_check;
set global event_scheduler=on;
set global event_scheduler=off;
show variables like 'event_scheduler';
--echo Make sure that we still can create and drop databases,
--echo and no warnings are produced.
drop database if exists mysqltest_database_not_exists;
create database mysqltest_db1;
drop database mysqltest_db1;
--echo Restore the original mysql.event table
drop table mysql.event;
rename table event_like to mysql.event;
--echo Now let's restart the server again
# Can't test with embedded server that doesn't support grants
-- source include/
# We need this file primarily to make sure that the scheduler is restarted
# and enabled after we have restored mysql.event table.
# This is the final step of the "cleanup".
# Make sure also that events are executed OK after restart, just in case.
use events_test;
# Make sure the scheduler was started successfully
select @@event_scheduler;
let $wait_condition=select count(distinct name)=3 from execution_log;
--source include/
drop table execution_log;
# Will drop all events
drop database events_test;
let $wait_condition=
select count(*) = 0 from information_schema.processlist
where db='events_test' and command = 'Connect' and user=current_user();
--source include/
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