Commit b3e0a955 authored by Guilhem Bichot's avatar Guilhem Bichot


parents 7eb35a81 6ab4238f
......@@ -161,3 +161,30 @@ SELECT @a, @b;
1 1
DROP TABLE t2, t1;
End of 5.0 tests
Trigger fired multiple times leads to gaps in auto_increment sequence
create table t1 (a int, val char(1)) engine=InnoDB;
create table t2 (b int auto_increment primary key,
val char(1)) engine=InnoDB;
create trigger t1_after_insert after
insert on t1 for each row insert into t2 set val=NEW.val;
insert into t1 values ( 123, 'a'), ( 123, 'b'), ( 123, 'c'),
(123, 'd'), (123, 'e'), (123, 'f'), (123, 'g');
insert into t1 values ( 654, 'a'), ( 654, 'b'), ( 654, 'c'),
(654, 'd'), (654, 'e'), (654, 'f'), (654, 'g');
select * from t2 order by b;
b val
1 a
2 b
3 c
4 d
5 e
6 f
7 g
8 a
9 b
10 c
11 d
12 e
13 f
14 g
......@@ -162,3 +162,16 @@ DROP TABLE t2, t1;
--echo End of 5.0 tests
--echo BUG#31612
--echo Trigger fired multiple times leads to gaps in auto_increment sequence
create table t1 (a int, val char(1)) engine=InnoDB;
create table t2 (b int auto_increment primary key,
val char(1)) engine=InnoDB;
create trigger t1_after_insert after
insert on t1 for each row insert into t2 set val=NEW.val;
insert into t1 values ( 123, 'a'), ( 123, 'b'), ( 123, 'c'),
(123, 'd'), (123, 'e'), (123, 'f'), (123, 'g');
insert into t1 values ( 654, 'a'), ( 654, 'b'), ( 654, 'c'),
(654, 'd'), (654, 'e'), (654, 'f'), (654, 'g');
select * from t2 order by b;
......@@ -2165,7 +2165,12 @@ prev_insert_id(ulonglong nr, struct system_variables *variables)
- In both cases, the reserved intervals are remembered in
thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog if statement-based
binlogging; the last reserved interval is remembered in
auto_inc_interval_for_cur_row. The number of reserved intervals is
remembered in auto_inc_intervals_count. It differs from the number of
elements in thd->auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog() because the
latter list is cumulative over all statements forming one binlog event
(when stored functions and triggers are used), and collapses two
contiguous intervals in one (see its append() method).
The idea is that generated auto_increment values are predictable and
independent of the column values in the table. This is needed to be
......@@ -2249,8 +2254,6 @@ int handler::update_auto_increment()
handler::estimation_rows_to_insert was set by
handler::ha_start_bulk_insert(); if 0 it means "unknown".
uint nb_already_reserved_intervals=
ulonglong nb_desired_values;
If an estimation was given to the engine:
......@@ -2262,17 +2265,17 @@ int handler::update_auto_increment()
start, starting from AUTO_INC_DEFAULT_NB_ROWS.
Don't go beyond a max to not reserve "way too much" (because
reservation means potentially losing unused values).
Note that in prelocked mode no estimation is given.
if (nb_already_reserved_intervals == 0 &&
(estimation_rows_to_insert > 0))
if ((auto_inc_intervals_count == 0) && (estimation_rows_to_insert > 0))
nb_desired_values= estimation_rows_to_insert;
else /* go with the increasing defaults */
/* avoid overflow in formula, with this if() */
if (nb_already_reserved_intervals <= AUTO_INC_DEFAULT_NB_MAX_BITS)
if (auto_inc_intervals_count <= AUTO_INC_DEFAULT_NB_MAX_BITS)
nb_desired_values= AUTO_INC_DEFAULT_NB_ROWS *
(1 << nb_already_reserved_intervals);
nb_desired_values= AUTO_INC_DEFAULT_NB_ROWS *
(1 << auto_inc_intervals_count);
set_if_smaller(nb_desired_values, AUTO_INC_DEFAULT_NB_MAX);
......@@ -2285,7 +2288,7 @@ int handler::update_auto_increment()
if (nr == ~(ulonglong) 0)
That rounding below should not be needed when all engines actually
respect offset and increment in get_auto_increment(). But they don't
......@@ -2296,7 +2299,7 @@ int handler::update_auto_increment()
nr= compute_next_insert_id(nr-1, variables);
if (table->s->next_number_keypart == 0)
/* We must defer the appending until "nr" has been possibly truncated */
......@@ -2340,8 +2343,9 @@ int handler::update_auto_increment()
auto_inc_interval_for_cur_row.replace(nr, nb_reserved_values,
/* Row-based replication does not need to store intervals in binlog */
if (!thd->current_stmt_binlog_row_based)
if (mysql_bin_log.is_open() && !thd->current_stmt_binlog_row_based)
......@@ -2461,6 +2465,7 @@ void handler::ha_release_auto_increment()
insert_id_for_cur_row= 0;
auto_inc_interval_for_cur_row.replace(0, 0, 0);
auto_inc_intervals_count= 0;
if (next_insert_id > 0)
next_insert_id= 0;
......@@ -1129,6 +1129,13 @@ public:
Discrete_interval auto_inc_interval_for_cur_row;
Number of reserved auto-increment intervals. Serves as a heuristic
when we have no estimation of how many records the statement will insert:
the more intervals we have reserved, the bigger the next one. Reset in
uint auto_inc_intervals_count;
handler(handlerton *ht_arg, TABLE_SHARE *share_arg)
:table_share(share_arg), table(0),
......@@ -1137,7 +1144,8 @@ public:
ft_handler(0), inited(NONE),
locked(FALSE), implicit_emptied(0),
pushed_cond(0), next_insert_id(0), insert_id_for_cur_row(0)
pushed_cond(0), next_insert_id(0), insert_id_for_cur_row(0),
virtual ~handler(void)
......@@ -4011,11 +4011,6 @@ bool MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write(Log_event *event_info)
DBUG_PRINT("info",("number of auto_inc intervals: %u",
If the auto_increment was second in a table's index (possible with
MyISAM or BDB) (table->next_number_keypart != 0), such event is
in fact not necessary. We could avoid logging it.
Intvar_log_event e(thd, (uchar) INSERT_ID_EVENT,
......@@ -1524,6 +1524,9 @@ public:
then the latter INSERT will insert no rows
(first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt == 0), but storing "INSERT_ID=3"
in the binlog is still needed; the list's minimum will contain 3.
This variable is cumulative: if several statements are written to binlog
as one (stored functions or triggers are used) this list is the
concatenation of all intervals reserved by all statements.
Discrete_intervals_list auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog;
/* Used by replication and SET INSERT_ID */
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