# exceptions allow client libraries to be linked with most open source SW,
# not only GPL code.
License: Copyright (c) 2000, @MYSQL_COPYRIGHT_YEAR@, %{mysql_vendor}. All rights reserved. Under %{license_type} license as shown in the Description field.
URL: http://www.mysql.com/
Packager: MySQL Release Engineering <mysql-build@oss.oracle.com>
Vendor: %{mysql_vendor}
# Regression tests may take a long time, override the default to skip them
%{!?runselftest:%global runselftest 1}
# Upstream has a mirror redirector for downloads, so the URL is hard to
# represent statically. You can get the tarball by following a link from
# http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/
Source0: %{src_dir}.tar.gz
# The upstream tarball includes non-free documentation that only the
# copyright holder (MySQL -> Sun -> Oracle) may ship.
# To remove the non-free documentation, run this script after downloading
# the tarball into the current directory:
# ./generate-tarball.sh $VERSION
# Then, source name changes:
# Source0: mysql-%{version}-nodocs.tar.gz
%if %{commercial}
NoSource: 0
Source1: generate-tarball.sh
Source2: mysql.init
Source3: my.cnf
Source4: scriptstub.c
Source5: my_config.h
# The below is only needed for packages built outside MySQL -> Sun -> Oracle:
Source6: README.mysql-docs
Source9: mysql-embedded-check.c
# Working around perl dependency checking bug in rpm FTTB. Remove later.
Source999: filter-requires-mysql.sh
# Patch1: mysql-ssl-multilib.patch Not needed by MySQL (yaSSL), will not work in 5.5 (cmake)
Patch2: mysql-5.5-errno.patch
Patch4: mysql-5.5-testing.patch
Patch5: mysql-install-test.patch
Patch6: mysql-5.5-stack-guard.patch
# Patch7: mysql-disable-test.patch Already fixed in current 5.1
# Patch8: mysql-setschedparam.patch Will not work in 5.5 (cmake)
# Patch9: mysql-no-docs.patch Will not work in 5.5 (cmake)
Patch10: mysql-strmov.patch
# Not used by MySQL
# Patch12: mysql-cve-2008-7247.patch Already fixed in 5.5
Patch13: mysql-expired-certs.patch
# Will not be used by MySQL
# Patch14: mysql-missing-string-code.patch Undecided, will not work in 5.5 (cmake)
# Patch15: mysql-lowercase-bug.patch Fixed in MySQL 5.1.54 and 5.5.9