Commit c2a369b2 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Fixed bug #27532: wrong results with ORDER/GROUP BY queries containing

IN/BETWEEN predicates in sorting expressions.
Wrong results may occur when the select list contains an expression
with IN/BETWEEN predicate that differs from a sorting expression by
an additional NOT only.
Added the method Item_func_opt_neg::eq to compare correctly expressions
containing [NOT] IN/BETWEEN.
The eq method inherited from the Item_func returns TRUE when comparing
'a IN (1,2)' with 'a NOT IN (1,2)' that is not, of course, correct.  

  Added a test case for bug #27532.
  Added a test case for bug #27532.
  Fixed bug #27532.
  Added the method Item_func_opt_neg::eq to compare correctly expressions
  containing [NOT] IN/BETWEEN.
  The eq method inherited from the Item_func returns TRUE when comparing
  'a IN (1,2)' with 'a NOT IN (1,2)' that is not, of course, correct.
  Added the method Item_func_opt_neg::eq to compare correctly expressions
  containing [NOT] IN/BETWEEN.
  The eq method inherited from the Item_func returns TRUE when comparing
  'a IN (1,2)' with 'a NOT IN (1,2)' that is not, of course, correct.
parent 2e04ad21
......@@ -879,3 +879,62 @@ ERROR 23000: Column 'val' in order clause is ambiguous
SELECT p.a AS val, q.a AS val FROM t1 p, t1 q ORDER BY val > 1;
ERROR 23000: Column 'val' in order clause is ambiguous
CREATE TABLE t1 (a int);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3), (2), (4), (1);
SELECT a, IF(a IN (2,3), a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a IN (2,3), a, a+10);
a IF(a IN (2,3), a, a+10)
2 2
3 3
1 11
4 14
SELECT a, IF(a NOT IN (2,3), a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a NOT IN (2,3), a, a+10);
a IF(a NOT IN (2,3), a, a+10)
1 1
4 4
2 12
3 13
SELECT a, IF(a IN (2,3), a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a NOT IN (2,3), a, a+10);
a IF(a IN (2,3), a, a+10)
1 11
4 14
2 2
3 3
SELECT a, IF(a BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10);
a IF(a BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10)
2 2
3 3
1 11
4 14
SELECT a, IF(a NOT BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a NOT BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10);
a IF(a NOT BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10)
1 1
4 4
2 12
3 13
SELECT a, IF(a BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a NOT BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10);
a IF(a BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10)
1 11
4 14
2 2
3 3
SELECT IF(a IN (1,2), a, '') as x1, IF(a NOT IN (1,2), a, '') as x2
FROM t1 GROUP BY x1, x2;
x1 x2
SELECT IF(a IN (1,2), a, '') as x1, IF(a NOT IN (1,2), a, '') as x2
FROM t1 GROUP BY x1, IF(a NOT IN (1,2), a, '');
x1 x2
......@@ -617,6 +617,35 @@ SELECT p.a AS val, q.a AS val FROM t1 p, t1 q ORDER BY val;
--error 1052
SELECT p.a AS val, q.a AS val FROM t1 p, t1 q ORDER BY val > 1;
# Bug #27532: ORDER/GROUP BY expressions with IN/BETWEEN and NOT IN/BETWEEN
CREATE TABLE t1 (a int);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3), (2), (4), (1);
SELECT a, IF(a IN (2,3), a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a IN (2,3), a, a+10);
SELECT a, IF(a NOT IN (2,3), a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a NOT IN (2,3), a, a+10);
SELECT a, IF(a IN (2,3), a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a NOT IN (2,3), a, a+10);
SELECT a, IF(a BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10);
SELECT a, IF(a NOT BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a NOT BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10);
SELECT a, IF(a BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10) FROM t1
ORDER BY IF(a NOT BETWEEN 2 AND 3, a, a+10);
SELECT IF(a IN (1,2), a, '') as x1, IF(a NOT IN (1,2), a, '') as x2
FROM t1 GROUP BY x1, x2;
SELECT IF(a IN (1,2), a, '') as x1, IF(a NOT IN (1,2), a, '') as x2
FROM t1 GROUP BY x1, IF(a NOT IN (1,2), a, '');
# End of 4.1 tests
......@@ -838,6 +838,26 @@ longlong Item_func_strcmp::val_int()
bool Item_func_opt_neg::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const
/* Assume we don't have rtti */
if (this == item)
return 1;
if (item->type() != FUNC_ITEM)
return 0;
Item_func *item_func=(Item_func*) item;
if (arg_count != item_func->arg_count ||
functype() != item_func->functype())
return 0;
if (negated != ((Item_func_opt_neg *) item_func)->negated)
return 0;
for (uint i=0; i < arg_count ; i++)
if (!args[i]->eq(item_func->arguments()[i], binary_cmp))
return 0;
return 1;
void Item_func_interval::fix_length_and_dec()
if (row->cols() > 8)
......@@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ public:
negated= !negated;
return this;
bool eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const;
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