Commit c629cb29 authored by Rich Prohaska's avatar Rich Prohaska Committed by Yoni Fogel

recovery bind's to filenum's [t:1998]

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@14425 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 8e214a91
......@@ -188,8 +188,10 @@ struct brt {
unsigned int nodesize;
unsigned int flags;
unsigned int did_set_flags;
unsigned int did_set_descriptor;
BOOL did_set_flags;
BOOL did_set_descriptor;
BOOL did_set_filenum;
FILENUM filenum;
struct descriptor temp_descriptor;
toku_dbt_upgradef dbt_userformat_upgrade;
int (*compare_fun)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*);
......@@ -2943,7 +2943,6 @@ brtheader_note_brt_open(BRT live) {
int toku_brt_open(BRT t, const char *fname, const char *fname_in_env, int is_create, int only_create, CACHETABLE cachetable, TOKUTXN txn, DB *db) {
int r;
BOOL txn_created = FALSE;
......@@ -2965,7 +2964,7 @@ int toku_brt_open(BRT t, const char *fname, const char *fname_in_env, int is_cre
BOOL did_create = FALSE;
r = brt_open_file(t, fname, is_create, &fd, &did_create);
if (r != 0) goto died00;
r=toku_cachetable_openfd(&t->cf, cachetable, fd, fname_in_env);
r=toku_cachetable_openfd_with_filenum(&t->cf, cachetable, fd, fname_in_env, t->did_set_filenum, t->filenum);
if (r != 0) goto died00;
if (did_create) {
mode_t mode = S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO;
......@@ -3098,6 +3097,12 @@ int toku_brt_set_dup_compare(BRT brt, int (*dup_compare)(DB *, const DBT*, const
return 0;
int toku_brt_set_filenum(BRT brt, FILENUM filenum) {
brt->did_set_filenum = TRUE;
brt->filenum = filenum;
return 0;
int toku_brt_create_cachetable(CACHETABLE *ct, long cachesize, LSN initial_lsn, TOKULOGGER logger) {
if (cachesize == 0)
cachesize = 128*1024*1024;
......@@ -3302,8 +3307,9 @@ int toku_brt_create(BRT *brt_ptr) {
brt->flags = 0;
brt->did_set_flags = 0;
brt->did_set_descriptor = 0;
brt->did_set_flags = FALSE;
brt->did_set_descriptor = FALSE;
brt->did_set_filenum = FALSE;
brt->nodesize = BRT_DEFAULT_NODE_SIZE;
brt->compare_fun = toku_default_compare_fun;
brt->dup_compare = toku_default_compare_fun;
......@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ int toku_brt_get_nodesize(BRT, unsigned int *nodesize);
int toku_brt_set_bt_compare(BRT, brt_compare_func);
int toku_brt_set_dup_compare(BRT, brt_compare_func);
int toku_brt_set_filenum(BRT brt, FILENUM filenum);
int brt_set_cachetable(BRT, CACHETABLE);
int toku_brt_open(BRT, const char *fname, const char *fname_in_env, int is_create, int only_create, CACHETABLE ct, TOKUTXN txn, DB *db);
......@@ -54,28 +56,28 @@ int toku_brt_broadcast_commit_all (BRT brt);
int toku_brt_lookup (BRT brt, DBT *k, DBT *v, BRT_GET_CALLBACK_FUNCTION getf, void *getf_v);
// Effect: Insert a key and data pair into a brt
// Returns 0 if successfull
// Returns 0 if successful
int toku_brt_insert (BRT brt, DBT *k, DBT *v, TOKUTXN txn);
// Effect: Insert a key and data pair into a brt if the oplsn is newer than the brt lsn. This function is called during recovery.
// Returns 0 if successfull
// Returns 0 if successful
int toku_brt_maybe_insert (BRT brt, DBT *k, DBT *v, TOKUTXN txn, LSN oplsn);
// Effect: Delete a key from a brt
// Returns 0 if successfull
// Returns 0 if successful
int toku_brt_delete (BRT brt, DBT *k, TOKUTXN txn);
// Effect: Delete a key from a brt if the oplsn is newer than the brt lsn. This function is called during recovery.
// Returns 0 if successfull
// Returns 0 if successful
int toku_brt_maybe_delete (BRT brt, DBT *k, TOKUTXN txn, LSN oplsn);
// Effect: Delete a pair only if both k and v are equal according to the comparison function.
// Returns 0 if successfull
// Returns 0 if successful
int toku_brt_delete_both (BRT brt, DBT *k, DBT *v, TOKUTXN txn);
// Effect: Delete a pair only if both k and v are equal according to the comparison function and the
// oplsn is newer than the brt lsn. This function is called by recovery.
// Returns 0 if successfull
// Returns 0 if successful
int toku_brt_maybe_delete_both (BRT brt, DBT *k, DBT *v, TOKUTXN txn, LSN oplsn);
int toku_brt_db_delay_closed (BRT brt, DB* db, int (*close_db)(DB*, u_int32_t), u_int32_t close_flags);
......@@ -258,8 +258,7 @@ int toku_cachefile_of_filenum (CACHETABLE ct, FILENUM filenum, CACHEFILE *cf) {
static FILENUM next_filenum_to_use={0};
static void cachefile_init_filenum(CACHEFILE cf, int fd, const char *fname_relative_to_env, struct fileid fileid) \
static void cachefile_init_filenum(CACHEFILE cf, int fd, const char *fname_relative_to_env, struct fileid fileid) {
cf->fd = fd;
cf->fileid = fileid;
cf->fname_relative_to_env = fname_relative_to_env ? toku_strdup(fname_relative_to_env) : 0;
......@@ -275,6 +274,10 @@ cachefile_refup (CACHEFILE cf) {
// If something goes wrong, close the fd. After this, the caller shouldn't close the fd, but instead should close the cachefile.
int toku_cachetable_openfd (CACHEFILE *cfptr, CACHETABLE ct, int fd, const char *fname_relative_to_env) {
return toku_cachetable_openfd_with_filenum(cfptr, ct, fd, fname_relative_to_env, FALSE, next_filenum_to_use);
int toku_cachetable_openfd_with_filenum (CACHEFILE *cfptr, CACHETABLE ct, int fd, const char *fname_relative_to_env, BOOL with_filenum, FILENUM filenum) {
int r;
struct fileid fileid;
......@@ -305,19 +308,32 @@ int toku_cachetable_openfd (CACHEFILE *cfptr, CACHETABLE ct, int fd, const char
goto exit;
//File is not open. Make a new cachefile.
for (extant = ct->cachefiles; extant; extant=extant->next) {
if (next_filenum_to_use.fileid==extant->filenum.fileid) {
goto try_again;
if (with_filenum) {
// verify that filenum is not in use
for (extant = ct->cachefiles; extant; extant=extant->next) {
if (filenum.fileid == extant->filenum.fileid) {
goto exit;
} else {
// find an unused fileid and use it
for (extant = ct->cachefiles; extant; extant=extant->next) {
if (next_filenum_to_use.fileid==extant->filenum.fileid) {
goto try_again;
// create a new cachefile entry in the cachetable
newcf->cachetable = ct;
newcf->filenum.fileid = next_filenum_to_use.fileid++;
newcf->filenum.fileid = with_filenum ? filenum.fileid : next_filenum_to_use.fileid++;
cachefile_init_filenum(newcf, fd, fname_relative_to_env, fileid);
newcf->refcount = 1;
newcf->next = ct->cachefiles;
......@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
// Maintain a cache mapping from cachekeys to values (void*)
// Some of the keys can be pinned. Don't pin too many or for too long.
// If the cachetable is too full, it will call the flush_callback() function with the key, the value, and the otherargs
......@@ -32,6 +30,8 @@ extern int STRADDLE_HACK_INSIDE_CALLBACK;
// cachetable operations
int toku_create_cachetable(CACHETABLE */*result*/, long size_limit, LSN initial_lsn, TOKULOGGER);
// Create a new cachetable.
// Effects: a new cachetable is created and initialized.
......@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ int toku_cachefile_of_filenum (CACHETABLE t, FILENUM filenum, CACHEFILE *cf);
int toku_cachetable_begin_checkpoint (CACHETABLE ct, TOKULOGGER);
int toku_cachetable_end_checkpoint(CACHETABLE ct, TOKULOGGER logger, char **error_string, void (*testcallback_f)(void*), void * testextra);
// Does an fsync of a cachefile.
// Handles the case where cf points to /dev/null
int toku_cachefile_fsync(CACHEFILE cf);
// Shuts down checkpoint thread
// Requires no locks be held that are taken by the checkpoint function
void toku_cachetable_minicron_shutdown(CACHETABLE ct);
......@@ -67,13 +63,20 @@ int toku_cachetable_openf (CACHEFILE *,CACHETABLE, const char */*fname*/, const
// Bind a file to a new cachefile object.
int toku_cachetable_openfd (CACHEFILE *,CACHETABLE, int /*fd*/, const char *fname_relative_to_env /*(used for logging)*/);
int toku_cachetable_openfd_with_filenum (CACHEFILE *,CACHETABLE, int /*fd*/, const char *fname_relative_to_env, BOOL with_filenum, FILENUM filenum);
// Get access to the asynchronous work queue
// Returns: a pointer to the work queue
WORKQUEUE toku_cachetable_get_workqueue (CACHETABLE);
// cachefile operations
void toku_cachefile_get_workqueue_load (CACHEFILE, int *n_in_queue, int *n_threads);
// Does an fsync of a cachefile.
// Handles the case where cf points to /dev/null
int toku_cachefile_fsync(CACHEFILE cf);
// The flush callback is called when a key value pair is being written to storage and possibly removed from the cachetable.
// When write_me is true, the value should be written to storage.
// When keep_me is false, the value should be freed.
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