Commit c82a8af5 authored by Bradley C. Kuszmaul's avatar Bradley C. Kuszmaul

Merge the changes for #871 and #406 into the main line as

$ cd tokudb; svn merge -r 4179:4181
$ svn delete tokudb.871

Fixes #871.  Addresses #406.  (Possibly fixes both.)

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@4182 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 31144bf1
......@@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ void toku_brtnode_free (BRTNODE *nodep) {
static long brtnode_memory_size(BRTNODE node) {
if (node->height>0) {
return toku_serialize_brtnode_size(node);
#if 0
return toku_serialize_brtnode_size(node);
int n_children = node->u.n.n_children;
int fifo_sum=0;
int i;
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "toku_assert.h"
#include "brt-internal.h"
#include "log_header.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
......@@ -76,6 +77,13 @@ struct cachefile {
int toku_create_cachetable(CACHETABLE *result, long size_limit, LSN initial_lsn, TOKULOGGER logger) {
static int did_mallopt = 0;
if (!did_mallopt) {
mallopt(M_MMAP_THRESHOLD, 1024*64); // 64K and larger should be malloced with mmap().
did_mallopt = 1;
int i;
t->n_in_table = 0;
......@@ -373,6 +381,8 @@ again:
unsigned long rss __attribute__((__unused__)) = check_maxrss();
//printf("this-size=%.6fMB projected size = %.2fMB limit=%2.fMB rss=%2.fMB\n", size/(1024.0*1024.0), (size+t->size_current)/(1024.0*1024.0), t->size_limit/(1024.0*1024.0), rss/256.0);
//struct mallinfo m = mallinfo();
//printf(" arena=%d hblks=%d hblkhd=%d\n", m.arena, m.hblks, m.hblkhd);
/* Try to remove one. */
PAIR remove_me;
......@@ -7,9 +7,21 @@
#include "fifo.h"
#include "ybt.h"
struct fifo {
int n_items_in_fifo;
char *memory; // An array of bytes into which fifo_entries are embedded.
int memory_size; // How big is fifo_memory
int memory_start; // Where is the first used byte?
int memory_used; // How many bytes are in use?
const int fifo_initial_size = 4096;
static void fifo_init(struct fifo *fifo) {
fifo->head = fifo->tail = 0;
fifo->n = 0;
fifo->n_items_in_fifo = 0;
fifo->memory = 0;
fifo->memory_size = 0;
fifo->memory_start = 0;
fifo->memory_used = 0;
static int fifo_entry_size(struct fifo_entry *entry) {
......@@ -17,39 +29,12 @@ static int fifo_entry_size(struct fifo_entry *entry) {
static struct fifo_entry *fifo_peek(struct fifo *fifo) {
return fifo->head;
static void fifo_enq(struct fifo *fifo, struct fifo_entry *entry) {
entry->next = 0;
if (fifo->head == 0)
fifo->head = entry;
fifo->tail->next = entry;
fifo->tail = entry;
fifo->n += 1;
static struct fifo_entry *fifo_deq(struct fifo *fifo) {
struct fifo_entry *entry = fifo->head;
if (entry) {
fifo->head = entry->next;
if (fifo->head == 0)
fifo->tail = 0;
fifo->n -= 1;
assert(fifo->n >= 0);
return entry;
static void fifo_destroy(struct fifo *fifo) {
struct fifo_entry *entry;
while ((entry = fifo_deq(fifo)) != 0)
toku_free_n(entry, fifo_entry_size(entry));
if (fifo->n_items_in_fifo == 0) return NULL;
else return (struct fifo_entry *)(fifo->memory+fifo->memory_start);
int toku_fifo_create(FIFO *ptr) {
struct fifo *fifo = toku_malloc(sizeof (struct fifo));
struct fifo *MALLOC(fifo);
if (fifo == 0) return ENOMEM;
*ptr = fifo;
......@@ -57,25 +42,62 @@ int toku_fifo_create(FIFO *ptr) {
void toku_fifo_free(FIFO *ptr) {
struct fifo *fifo = *ptr; *ptr = 0;
toku_free_n(fifo, sizeof *fifo);
FIFO fifo = *ptr;
if (fifo->memory) toku_free(fifo->memory);
*ptr = 0;
int toku_fifo_n_entries(FIFO fifo) {
return fifo->n;
return fifo->n_items_in_fifo;
static int next_power_of_two (int n) {
int r = 4096;
while (r < n) {
return r;
int toku_fifo_enq(FIFO fifo, const void *key, unsigned int keylen, const void *data, unsigned int datalen, int type, TXNID xid) {
struct fifo_entry *entry = toku_malloc(sizeof (struct fifo_entry) + keylen + datalen);
if (entry == 0) return ENOMEM;
int need_space_here = sizeof(struct fifo_entry) + keylen + datalen;
int need_space_total = fifo->memory_used+need_space_here;
if (fifo->memory == NULL) {
fifo->memory_size = next_power_of_two(need_space_total);
fifo->memory = toku_malloc(fifo->memory_size);
if (fifo->memory_start+need_space_total > fifo->memory_size) {
// Out of memory at the end.
int next_2 = next_power_of_two(need_space_total);
if ((2*next_2 > fifo->memory_size)
|| (8*next_2 < fifo->memory_size)) {
// resize the fifo
char *newmem = toku_malloc(next_2);
char *oldmem = fifo->memory;
if (newmem==0) return ENOMEM;
memcpy(newmem, oldmem+fifo->memory_start, fifo->memory_used);
fifo->memory_size = next_2;
fifo->memory_start = 0;
fifo->memory = newmem;
} else {
// slide things over
memmove(fifo->memory, fifo->memory+fifo->memory_start, fifo->memory_used);
fifo->memory_start = 0;
struct fifo_entry *entry = (struct fifo_entry *)(fifo->memory + fifo->memory_start + fifo->memory_used);
entry->type = type;
entry->xid = xid;
entry->keylen = keylen;
memcpy(entry->key, key, keylen);
entry->vallen = datalen;
memcpy(entry->key + keylen, data, datalen);
fifo_enq(fifo, entry);
fifo->memory_used += need_space_here;
return 0;
......@@ -111,33 +133,33 @@ int toku_fifo_peek_cmdstruct (FIFO fifo, BRT_CMD cmd, DBT*key, DBT*data) {
return 0;
int toku_fifo_deq(FIFO fifo) {
struct fifo_entry *entry = fifo_deq(fifo);
if (entry == 0) return -1; // if entry is 0 then it was an empty fifo
toku_free_n(entry, fifo_entry_size(entry));
if (fifo->n_items_in_fifo==0) return -1;
struct fifo_entry * e = fifo_peek(fifo);
int used_here = fifo_entry_size(e);
fifo->memory_used -=used_here;
return 0;
// fill in the BRT_CMD, using the two DBTs for the DBT part.
//int toku_fifo_peek_deq_cmdstruct (FIFO fifo, BRT_CMD cmd, DBT*key, DBT*data) {
// int r = toku_fifo_peek_cmdstruct(fifo, cmd, key, data);
// if (r!=0) return r;
// return toku_fifo_deq(fifo);
//int toku_fifo_peek_deq (FIFO fifo, bytevec *key, ITEMLEN *keylen, bytevec *data, ITEMLEN *datalen, u_int32_t *type, TXNID *xid) {
// int r= toku_fifo_peek(fifo, key, keylen, data, datalen, type, xid);
// if (r==0) return toku_fifo_deq(fifo);
// else return r;
int toku_fifo_iterate_internal_start(FIFO fifo) { return fifo->memory_start; }
int toku_fifo_iterate_internal_has_more(FIFO fifo, int off) { return off < fifo->memory_start + fifo->memory_used; }
int toku_fifo_iterate_internal_next(FIFO fifo, int off) {
struct fifo_entry *e = (struct fifo_entry *)(fifo->memory + off);
return off + fifo_entry_size(e);
struct fifo_entry * toku_fifo_iterate_internal_get_entry(FIFO fifo, int off) {
return (struct fifo_entry *)(fifo->memory + off);
void toku_fifo_iterate (FIFO fifo, void(*f)(bytevec key,ITEMLEN keylen,bytevec data,ITEMLEN datalen,int type, TXNID xid, void*), void *arg) {
struct fifo_entry *entry;
for (entry = fifo_peek(fifo); entry; entry = entry->next)
f(entry->key, entry->keylen, entry->key + entry->keylen, entry->vallen, entry->type, entry->xid, arg);
key, keylen, data, datalen, type, xid,
f(key,keylen,data,datalen,type,xid, arg));
unsigned long toku_fifo_memory_size(FIFO fifo) {
return sizeof(*fifo)+fifo->memory_size;
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include "brttypes.h"
struct fifo_entry {
struct fifo_entry *next;
unsigned int keylen;
unsigned int vallen;
unsigned char type;
......@@ -11,11 +10,6 @@ struct fifo_entry {
unsigned char key[];
struct fifo {
struct fifo_entry *head, *tail;
int n;
typedef struct fifo *FIFO;
int toku_fifo_create(FIFO *);
......@@ -26,22 +20,34 @@ int toku_fifo_enq (FIFO, const void *key, ITEMLEN keylen, const void *data, ITEM
int toku_fifo_peek (FIFO, bytevec *key, ITEMLEN *keylen, bytevec *data, ITEMLEN *datalen, u_int32_t *type, TXNID *xid);
int toku_fifo_peek_cmdstruct (FIFO, BRT_CMD, DBT*, DBT*); // fill in the BRT_CMD, using the two DBTs for the DBT part.
int toku_fifo_deq(FIFO);
unsigned long toku_fifo_memory_size(FIFO); // return how much memory the fifo uses.
//These two are problematic, since I don't want to malloc() the bytevecs, but dequeueing the fifo frees the memory.
//int toku_fifo_peek_deq (FIFO, bytevec *key, ITEMLEN *keylen, bytevec *data, ITEMLEN *datalen, u_int32_t *type, TXNID *xid);
//int toku_fifo_peek_deq_cmdstruct (FIFO, BRT_CMD, DBT*, DBT*); // fill in the BRT_CMD, using the two DBTs for the DBT part.
void toku_fifo_iterate (FIFO, void(*f)(bytevec key,ITEMLEN keylen,bytevec data,ITEMLEN datalen,int type, TXNID xid, void*), void*);
#define FIFO_ITERATE(fifo,keyvar,keylenvar,datavar,datalenvar,typevar,xidvar,body) ({ \
struct fifo_entry *entry; \
for (entry = fifo->head; entry; entry = entry->next) { \
unsigned int keylenvar = entry->keylen; \
void *keyvar = entry->key; \
unsigned int datalenvar = entry->vallen; \
void *datavar = entry->key + entry->keylen; \
enum brt_cmd_type typevar = entry->type; \
TXNID xidvar = entry->xid; \
body; \
} \
#define FIFO_ITERATE(fifo,keyvar,keylenvar,datavar,datalenvar,typevar,xidvar,body) ({ \
int fifo_iterate_off; \
for (fifo_iterate_off = toku_fifo_iterate_internal_start(fifo); \
toku_fifo_iterate_internal_has_more(fifo, fifo_iterate_off); \
fifo_iterate_off = toku_fifo_iterate_internal_next(fifo, fifo_iterate_off)) { \
struct fifo_entry *e = toku_fifo_iterate_internal_get_entry(fifo, fifo_iterate_off); \
bytevec keyvar = e->key; \
ITEMLEN keylenvar = e->keylen; \
bytevec datavar = e->key + e->keylen; \
ITEMLEN datalenvar = e->vallen; \
int typevar = e->type; \
TXNID xidvar = e->xid; \
body; \
} })
// Internal functions for the iterator.
int toku_fifo_iterate_internal_start(FIFO fifo);
int toku_fifo_iterate_internal_has_more(FIFO fifo, int off);
int toku_fifo_iterate_internal_next(FIFO fifo, int off);
struct fifo_entry * toku_fifo_iterate_internal_get_entry(FIFO fifo, int off);
......@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
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