Commit dbabf926 authored by unknown's avatar unknown
Browse files

Critical fixes after review:

- mutex was unlocked before the end of the critical sesion,
- Portability issue: It's better to use (*alloc)(x) instead of alloc(x),
  if alloc is a function passed as an argument.
- Use {} around if() block, to avoid possible problems with some Windows compilers.
parent 29908640
......@@ -469,7 +469,6 @@ static CHARSET_INFO *get_internal_charset(uint cs_number, myf flags)
cs= (cs->state & MY_CS_AVAILABLE) ? cs : NULL;
if (cs && !(cs->state & MY_CS_READY))
if ((cs->cset->init && cs->cset->init(cs, cs_alloc)) ||
......@@ -478,6 +477,7 @@ static CHARSET_INFO *get_internal_charset(uint cs_number, myf flags)
cs->state|= MY_CS_READY;
return cs;
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ bool String::copy(const char *str, uint32 arg_length,
bool String::set_ascii(const char *str, uint32 arg_length)
if (!(str_charset->mbminlen > 1))
if (str_charset->mbminlen == 1)
set(str, arg_length, str_charset);
return 0;
......@@ -7549,8 +7549,8 @@ typedef struct my_coll_rule_item_st
0 - OK
1 - ERROR, e.g. too many items.
A positive number means the number of rules loaded.
-1 means ERROR, e.g. too many items, syntax error, etc.
static int my_coll_rule_parse(MY_COLL_RULE *rule, size_t mitems,
......@@ -7706,11 +7706,11 @@ static my_bool create_tailoring(CHARSET_INFO *cs, void *(*alloc)(uint))
return 1;
if (!(newweights= (uint16**) alloc(256*sizeof(uint16*))))
if (!(newweights= (uint16**) (*alloc)(256*sizeof(uint16*))))
return 1;
bzero(newweights, 256*sizeof(uint16*));
if (!(newlengths= (uchar*) alloc(256)))
if (!(newlengths= (uchar*) (*alloc)(256)))
return 1;
memcpy(newlengths, deflengths, 256);
......@@ -7747,7 +7747,7 @@ static my_bool create_tailoring(CHARSET_INFO *cs, void *(*alloc)(uint))
/* Alloc new page and copy the default UCA weights */
uint size= 256*newlengths[pagec]*sizeof(uint16);
if (!(newweights[pagec]= (uint16*) alloc(size)))
if (!(newweights[pagec]= (uint16*) (*alloc)(size)))
return 1;
bzero((void*) newweights[pagec], size);
......@@ -7774,8 +7774,10 @@ static my_bool create_tailoring(CHARSET_INFO *cs, void *(*alloc)(uint))
/* Copy non-overwritten pages from the default UCA weights */
for (i= 0; i < 256 ; i++)
if (!newweights[i])
newweights[i]= defweights[i];
cs->sort_order= newlengths;
cs->sort_order_big= newweights;
......@@ -7785,7 +7787,7 @@ static my_bool create_tailoring(CHARSET_INFO *cs, void *(*alloc)(uint))
if (ncontractions)
uint size= 0x40*0x40*sizeof(uint16); /* 8K, for basic latin letter only */
if (!(cs->contractions= (uint16*) alloc(size)))
if (!(cs->contractions= (uint16*) (*alloc)(size)))
return 1;
bzero((void*)cs->contractions, size);
for (i=0; i < rc; i++)
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